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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #5067

New Orleans LA Review on October 9, 2009:



Review Topic: General Review

We were both so nervous about that interview. A good thing the hotel is 1 minute away from the USCIS building...

Once arrived there, we still had almost one hour to wait cause our appointment was at 1.30pm, and of course you have to leave the hotel room by 11am.

Everyone was smiling and that helped us to relax. At the same time they were preparing everything for a ceremony. I think it was for those who had obtained their citizenship. So we ended up waiting in the hall

At 1.30 exactly a young man calls us. He makes us swear to tell the truth, only the truth, then we sit...
He's very friendly, no black glasses and no "Mister Anderson!"
He starts to ask me a couple of questions, my name, birth date, parents first name (easy) and he checks everything, just to be sure i didn't make any mistake when i filled the forms. Once again i have to answer that I'm not a terrorist, i don't sell drugs, etc.
Then he asks my wife (the US citizen) the same kind of questions.

After all that he asks my wife her birth certificate cause the one we sent was lost and to see our photos and other evidences. We made a nice wedding album.
Officer: Oh! that's very nice, you made it yourself?
My wife: No you can get one for $20 bucks at Walmart!


We had also joint account and AT&T family plan.
Well, he said, it's perfect, I only need one last paper and I approve the case. You should then receive your card within a few weeks.

He didn't ask anything about how we met, when, what, who or where. He didn't even ask for my birth certificate, nothing like that.
After 15 minutes we were out!

It was a great experience, far from what we thought.
Louisiana rules!

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