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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #4384

Montreal, Canada Review on May 15, 2009:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived at the embassy by 635-640am and we were 2nd in line, another couple was already there. It's sunny but cold and windy. Later, people arrived little by little. Doing small talks with the woman from the first couple, she told us that they will open the doors at 8 because she came the day before and checked with them. I'm freezing and I don't want to stay any longer outside. I was pretty sure they were going to open the doors at 730am, but who knows, that might have been the "winter" hours and now they were switching to the "summer" hours.

Anyway, 730ish, they opened the doors. I gave them my passport, interview letter and my fiance passport. The guard asked who he was so I replied that he is my US fiance. It's fine, we entered, get scanned, checked etc. They attached our passports, interview letter and the letter "B" together and told us to go downstairs and wait for the elevator that will come pick us up at 745am.

745am the elevator came down and we're going to the 19th floor. That is true, the view is really nice but I was more concentrating on what will happen next. They called the letter A and by 8am my name was called to the window 9 I think.
A very nice guy welcomed us and asked for some forms one by one. He only wanted one copy of each. He was nice and asked us how we met and if we had wedding plans yet. It was very easy. He told us to go pay at the cashier, then take a seat and that he'll call us when he is done working on our file.
Of course at the cashier there were tons of people that don't know what is going on so it took a bit of time. We paid, got our receipt, took a seat and waited again.

By 830-840am, the guy called us again to that same window, we gave him the receipt and he took my finger prints (the 10 fingers, not just the index like at the airport). Then he told us to go take a seat again and that we will be called again.

At 910ish, we are called to a different window, which is actually the "room that is as big as a closet" as people pictured it It is small indeed but I was expecting something smaller.
The lady welcomed us with a big smile and said "oh you brought your US fiance!!" She was so happy that was funny. She had some papers and made some notes but nothing too crazy. She asked us how we met, when did he propose and how. Since he proposed at an airport (small one) after I flew a plane (YES!!) and that he is a skydiver, they started talking about skydiving and if it was dangerous etc. She said "oh you have interesting lives!!". She asked him what he was doing (he is back to school), what does he study (political science and french and she replied "oh two things close to my heart), and asked him what he was doing before (green beret) so she thanked him for serving their country. She asked me what I was doing and if I planned to do the same thing in the US. But most of the time, she was actually talking with him...

Then she said "well everything is in order so I can tell you that you K1 visa is approved!" YES!
She told us some rules and gave us a paper but it was more like things we know already (6 months to enter, 90 days to get married etc...)
It was 915-920ish! DONE and happy.

It's not bad at all and I actually agree that is the easiest part of the process. Maybe also because you actually see the people who are handling your case and that they are nice!

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