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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #4229

Portland OR Review on April 15, 2009:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment for Brian's Adjustment of Status hearing was yesterday morning. We came early, armed with a binder of original documentation as well as one full of copies of the documentation in the first binder. Brian was very nervous and I don't think he'd slept much the night before. Poor soul! So into the building we went, past the nice security guard and into the waiting room. Since we were early, we saw a number of agents calling folks. One agent was very cranky about her appointment being late. Brian was hoping we didn't get her and we did not. Our agent (last name Martin) was friendly and after questions about how we met, what did I do, what was his social security number, she told us we were approved! Yay! All in all a pretty positive experience.

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