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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #3997

Louisville KY Review on February 24, 2009:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Louisville CIS office is very nice and helpful. I needed to adjust my interview date because my husband was gone on a small deployement. They talked to both my lawyer and I, then we all agreed to just have me going to the interview solo. I was very nervous, but they were so kind and they smile and told me it was OK (other than the front office clerk ... a little bitchy). The interview was for 10 minutes, asking about the Navy, how we met, how he purposed, how was the wedding.

We never submit any photo, so he asked if I had any on hand. My DH and I never take photo together but I had one photo in my waller from 3 years ago and I was 20 lighted and my DH still had hair then *laugh* ... the interviewer said "I need a photo of you and your husband" ... it took couple minutes for him to really believe that it was us :P Funny hah! Oh, I also showed him a bunch of photo on my cell phone....he said "oh well, that'll work".

Anyway, after we joke around, he told me I'm approved and I will get the green card in the mail within 2 weeks. I got it within like 4 days!

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