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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #3779

Louisville KY Review on January 7, 2009:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hi Everyone
Me and Becca had our AOS interview yesterday in Louisville KY.

We got there half an hour early for a 2.30 appointment and were told to sit in the waiting room until called. There was another couple sitting opposite us chatting away with their lawyer, I guess in the same situation as us - looking just as nervous. We had decided not to use our lawyer for the interview as he'd been fairly inept throughout the process. When we were finally called by the immigration officer, he seemed surprised the lawyer wasn't there. I guess because he had prepared the I864 for us. Oh well. Becca (petitioner) was called in first and I had to sit patiently for about 20 minutes. I got more and more nervous and by the time the guy came out to usher me into the office with Becca - I was a wreck. I grabbed Becca's hand and held tight - she later told me I was shaking like a leaf and couldnt stop licking my lips through lack of saliva! Anyway the questions were really easy. I had to take him through how we'd met, the trips we took together whilst living apart, the family we'd met, all about the wedding itsefl, who was there, what we did after (I'd forgotten we went out to dinner afterwards - I said we just went to the bar with all our friends - oops, jab in the ribs from the missus for that one). All the time the officer was ticking off sections of a little essay he'd written from Becca's answers.
After all this he asked for some documentation - proof of our cohabitation. I gave him utility bills, bank statements, the check book, joint lease for the house, emails from the landlord, cell phone bills and a joint tax return from last year.
I then gave him some photos of our trips together, which he just leafed through casually.
Then he asked me and Becca if we'd ever been terrorists or arrested.
The whole thing took maybe 40 minutes - 20 minutes each. He seemed satisfied and asked us to go back to the waiting area whilst he did some things on his computer.
Nerve wracking sitting there. Waiting.
Finally he comes back out with a big smile on his face and congratulates me for becoming a permanent resident. HOORAY! Gives me a bit of paper outlining when I have to apply to remove conditions in 2 years.
And that was it. It was a bit gruelling, but we were prepared and had nothing to hide. As long as you have some documentary proof of your relationship (the more the better) and have a bona fide relationship, theres nothing to sweat about. Still didn't stop me pacing around the house the night before of course, but thats just me.

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