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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #19246

West Palm Beach FL Review on April 4, 2016:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We went to our USCIS interview this morning. our appointment was at 8.15 am but we only got called into our interview at 9 am. So we waited for a while. Chilling in the waiting room, R cracking jokes so that I wouldn't feel nervous. Because I would have had some real bad bubble-guts if he hadn't done that.

Got in to the interview room, took an oath ("To tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help me God!") and was seated by an interviewer. Mr. S, was bald and dressed in a pale grey suit with a prominent American flag pinned to his lapel. We exchanged greetings, he asked for our drivers licences and passports. He asked us if we still live at the same addresses on our Drivers Licences. We both said yes and it went from there into a real conversation, about housing and real estate and prices, The interviewer had lived in the area for about a year and knew all of our regular restaurants and haunts. We talked about how we met, how long we had known each other. Our parents, go carts, gas prices, crime rates in palm beach, my J1 visa came up for a second we both handled it tactfully, we talked about the military (interviewer comes from a long line of war vets.), talked about the foods we liked and interesting things we had seen on the news this morning. The interview is mainly to see how we both interact with each other and to verify our identity. It didn't take long. There was no grilling. He didn't ask to see my awesome file that I had prepared! (Complete with photos, a scrapbook, letters, bank accounts, bills, gifts receipts, big ticket purchases(laptop, car), car insurance, taxes, visas, passports, birth certificates, hospital records, vaccinations... you get the idea!)

He stamped my papers, shook our hands, and said "Welcome to the United States of America, Young Lady!" He told us my Green Card will be in the mail in about 2 to 3 weeks. And I must file papers to remove conditions after 2 years on a certain date (May 30 2015) When we were leaving he said, "Thank you for making my job easy, this is why I do what I do, it's to see that loving couples like you can stay together." We left, high fiving the security personnel.

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