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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #15667

Bangladesh Review on November 25, 2014:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was on 24th of November 2014 at 10:30 am. I reached there early, around 9:30 am. Thanks to the Bangladesh VJ community for letting me the do's and don'ts before going there. I went prepared; no cellphones, no bags and a couple of bucks to buy something to eat in case I had to stay there longer. I was called in at the window well before my interview time to get my fingerprints and submitting the papers. The lady was a local, she was super business-like. After submitting the papers she asked me to submit, she requested me to wait till I am called again. So, I waited for another 2.5 hours.

The CO was very polite. He apologized for the waiting time, and had a friendly conversation with my rather than an interview. The gist of the conversation is as follows:

1. How long have you known your fiance?
2. How did you two meet?
3. What does he do for a living?
4. Will your parents be able to attend the wedding?
5. How do you communicate with each other?
6. When did he come to visit you?
7. How long did he stay here?
8. What kind of activities did you do together while he was here?

And then, the CO smiled and commented that the interview came to an end and he is going to approve my visa!!!

I was told that I will be notified when my visa will be ready to be collected and I am good to go!! He congratulated me and he said that we both have his blessings for our future ahead.

I came out with spring in my steps. Yay!!!

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