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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #15536

Singapore Review on November 5, 2014:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had a very good experience at the US Consulate in Singapore. My appointment was at 9:45AM. I got there about a 1/2 hour earlier and brought a book along to read. My number was called and I presented the documents that the officer asked for. The following documents were presented:

1. Passport
2. Extract of birth certificate (I lost the original)
3. Former spouse's extract of death certificate
4. Fiance's certified copy of divorce decree
5. Police criminal background checks for all the countries I've lived in (this took many weeks to get done)
6. Fiance's affidavit of support and accompanying documents (I submitted his W2, his US Government employee record verifying number of years worked; and his bank statement which included the year when the bank account was opened)
7. In addition, I submitted my bank statement of funds available, prior three months
8. Four of my best photographs as evidence of our relationship (the officer was so sweet and kind and I think tired of seeing too many photographs from previous applicants, so he asked for "four of the best photos"!)

After presenting the documents, I sat down, read my book and waited to be called for my interview. I didn't wait long, I don't think, but the previous applicant was trying to start an argument with the interviewing officer. That applicant's behavior was not cool.

When it was my turn, the same interviewing officer was really nice and professional. He checked all the documents again and then proceeded to only ask me two questions:

1. How did your fiance and you meet?
2. Your fiance is a US Government employee. What does his job entail?

Everything was going to be just fine... but both officers did point out that they were going to reject the photocopy of my fiance's divorce decree. They were only going to accept the certified copy of the divorce decree from the County Clerk in California. So I had to get that and submit it to the Consulate via Aramex.

Overall, the interviewing process from start to end took about 3 hours. Apart from my fiance's terrible-ness with getting the right paperwork, everything went very well at the US Consulate in Singapore.

After submitting the last piece of required paperwork, I checked on the CEAC website and the visa status changed from "Administrative Processing" to "Issued" in two business days. Then on the same evening, I received an email notification. I can now proceed to pick up my passport at the Aramex office located at Bstone Travel in People's Park, Chinatown. Sure beats heading out to Aramex in Changi, near the Airport.

(updated on November 5, 2014)

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