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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #10960

Sweden Review on November 26, 2012:



Review Topic: F-2A Visa

I had my immigrant visa interview on November 13th, 2.5 years after my petition was submitted. I arrived at the embassy at 9am and had to wait outside for a couple of minutes before going through the security control. When I got inside there was one couple before me and one person at window G so I had to wait for about 15 minutes before I could go up to window G as instructed. Once there a woman looked through my file containing the documents previously submitted and she asked me a few questions such as:
How many times have your husband been married? Two
How many times have you been married? Just this time.
Do you have your husbands original divorce decrees? No.
That's alright you can send them to us later.
Why does it say "single" on your Swedish population register extract?
I just never bothered to have it changed.
Okay, you will need to do that.

She then asked me to write my address on an envelope and place the stamps on it.

Then she asked me to have a seat and my name would be called and someone would interview me. Once again I had to wait for about 15 minutes and was then called to window D where a woman asked me the following questions after taking my finger prints and asked me to raise my hand and swear to tell the truth:

How did you meet your husband?
How long has he been with his current employer?
How many times have you met after you married?
Was it the first time he came to Sweden last Christmas?
Have many times has he been married?
How many times have you been married?
Do you have any children?
What is the name of his second ex wife?
What is the name of his first ex wife?
For how long was he married to his first ex wife?

She then said that I will need to submit my husband's original divorce decrees or court certified copies and update my civil status on my population register extract and send them a new copy. If the documents are okay, the visa will be issued within ten days. Today, six working days later, the visa arrived in the mail!!! Everything took about an hour and was a good experience. I am sure that the decision had already been made but I guess it could have been reversed had they picked up some bad vibes during the interview.

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