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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #10604

Jamaica Review on October 12, 2012:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Duane arrived around 6:30 for his 7:30 appt. the security came down the line asked to see paper work and passport. He was told to go to front of the line, gets inside and does his fingerprints and is given a paper to write his information on. He finally gets called to window and he states the guy was an older gentlemen who was nice.

He asked about 5-10 questions.
How you met?
How long have he known me?
Who i have in JA?
Where did i live before the US (BAHAMAS)
Who filed for me? (Mother)
Have he met my mother?
How many times she visted since we married?
Fif anyone come down from the US?
What she do for a living?
What company does she work for?
And did you know them before you got married?

And then he asked to see any proof of relationship Duane showed pictures and was asked to show him who came down from the US and he showed or Scotia Bank statement. And then he was told to go to the DHL to pay his fee and sign the Slective Service paper.

All in all, interview went smoothly. I would to thank Visa Journey for making this process easier than i expected.

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