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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #10581

Jamaica Review on October 10, 2012:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I actually submitted but it stayed on my timeline sorry

October 5, 2012

My Fiancé made it to the Kingston Embassy about 10 mins to 8, his appointment was for 9:30 am, but he is anal about time so the earlier the better. He arrived and went through the security check where he was asked for all DS forms and required Photos. He made mention that the person checking the documents stated that he was to have 4 photos but he was not sure why. He had 2 so they stapled the pictures to the ds form and was told to have them available. He moved on to the security scanning to get his number which was about 8:14 am, his number was A149. He mentioned he had to pass this courtyard before getting the number then he went to the right and sat in the waiting area for about an hour. His number was called at window 5 and the lady there asked for all the required documents, did the finger print, and then he was told to be seated to wait for one of the consular to call him. He waited for about 2 hours when a white man at window 7 called him up. He stated how nervous he was; he thought everyone could see it all over him. But the man just asked him to raise his right hand and tell the truth and began his questioning:
Who are you going to see in the states? He said my full name
How long has she been in the states? He told them since I was 2 (true)
Who brought her to the states? He said my dad which was not true cause he was not sure but he guessed it was my dad.
Do you have any wedding plans set up yet? He said if he is approved he hope to be married on the 29th of this month. But we haven’t set anything officially yet.
Who will be attending? He told them my mom and dad
Will you have a large or small ceremony? He said small as his parents or family is not in the states
Where in the states will you be living? He gave my address
Have you ever traveled before? He said no

Burt offered more proof of our relationship and the guy said no that is fine just hand me your passport. He took it flipped through the pages, took out a small sheet of paper then tore it in half wrote something down, took his passport to the file attached it to a file then came back and said ok go to DHL.

He called me at 10 mins to 1 (his to 12) and gave me the good news. Ok he was approved!!!!

Rating :


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