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San Francisco CA USCIS Office Reviews

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San Francisco CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
123 Review(s)
San Francisco CA Review #823 on September 7, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hello All,

Had a successful interview in San Francisco today. We were scheduled for 10:30 and called in at about 11:15. The officer was bussinesslike, but nice. I was a bit surprised at what he wanted, also surprised that he looked at so little of the mounds of paperwork we brought with us. He first swore us in, then began to ask a few questions while making notations and markings in our file. When did you meet? Where did you meet? How did you meet? When were you married? Where were you married? Who was in attendance? He asked my wife where she had learned her English? Also asked her if she had worked in the last 5 yrs, which turned out to be quite humorous as my wife is Thai and uses the Buddhist calendar. So she told the officer she had been laid off of her last job in 2544, we chuckled, then I explained that if you subtract 543 from her figure of 2544, we would arrive at the appropriate (Gregorian?) year.

He took my employer letter, only my latest pay stub, and one photo of us. What did surprise me was his request for my (USC) original G-325A from our I-129F Fiance petition and also a copy of the original I-129F petition (1 page) itself , fortunately we brought it with us. He said that he needed to keep the entire file complete. I would have thought that the CSC would have forwarded those documents. But seeing as we never received our original approval notice from CSC, nothing surprises me anymore. Me thinks they were lost, perhaps by CSC

He didn't look at or ask for, joint bank account info, utilitiy bills, beneficiary info, insurance info, mail addressed to us, none of it. We walked in with 15 pounds of paperwork and walked out with it nearly intact. Towards the end of the interview he said he was going to approve our petition and asked if we were planning on travelling any time soon. This was my opening. We are not actually planning on travelling any time soon, but I took this question to mean that if I had said yes, he would perhaps put the I-551 stamp in my wife's passport. I replied, no, we are not planning on travelling, but my wife never received her EAD and has a job opportunity opening up very soon and we would also like to get her California ID card (both are true) as soon as possible and would he be willing to place the stamp in the passport. To which he replied, "Today is your lucky day" and stamped the passport with the I-551 The wait to be called was about an hour, but the interview itself was over in about 15-20 minutes.

Many thanks to all on this board for making this possible.

Peace, Evan and Meaw

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San Francisco CA Review #822 on September 7, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hello All,

Had a successful interview in San Francisco today. We were scheduled for 10:30 and called in at about 11:15. The officer was bussinesslike, but nice. I was a bit surprised at what he wanted, also surprised that he looked at so little of the mounds of paperwork we brought with us. He first swore us in, then began to ask a few questions while making notations and markings in our file. When did you meet? Where did you meet? How did you meet? When were you married? Where were you married? Who was in attendance? He asked my wife where she had learned her English? Also asked her if she had worked in the last 5 yrs, which turned out to be quite humorous as my wife is Thai and uses the Buddhist calendar. So she told the officer she had been laid off of her last job in 2544, we chuckled, then I explained that if you subtract 543 from her figure of 2544, we would arrive at the appropriate (Gregorian?) year.

He took my employer letter, only my latest pay stub, and one photo of us. What did surprise me was his request for my (USC) original G-325A from our I-129F Fiance petition and also a copy of the original I-129F petition (1 page) itself , fortunately we brought it with us. He said that he needed to keep the entire file complete. I would have thought that the CSC would have forwarded those documents. But seeing as we never received our original approval notice from CSC, nothing surprises me anymore. Me thinks they were lost, perhaps by CSC

He didn't look at or ask for, joint bank account info, utilitiy bills, beneficiary info, insurance info, mail addressed to us, none of it. We walked in with 15 pounds of paperwork and walked out with it nearly intact. Towards the end of the interview he said he was going to approve our petition and asked if we were planning on travelling any time soon. This was my opening. We are not actually planning on travelling any time soon, but I took this question to mean that if I had said yes, he would perhaps put the I-551 stamp in my wife's passport. I replied, no, we are not planning on travelling, but my wife never received her EAD and has a job opportunity opening up very soon and we would also like to get her California ID card (both are true) as soon as possible and would he be willing to place the stamp in the passport. To which he replied, "Today is your lucky day" and stamped the passport with the I-551 The wait to be called was about an hour, but the interview itself was over in about 15-20 minutes.

Many thanks to all on this board for making this possible.

Peace, Evan and Meaw

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San Francisco CA Review #821 on September 6, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

No waiting time, we were called as soon as we arrived.
Usual questions, thorough check of the evidence.
Approved, but no stamp. One month waiting for the GC.

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San Francisco CA Review #803 on August 29, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was scheduled for 8:30am - we arrived at 7:45am. After going through security (and cell phones are allowed as long as it is not a camera phone) we were told to take the elevator to the 2nd floor.

We checked in at the front desk (one side for Citizenship, one for AOS), we sat in section B and waited. There were a few couples (with their lawyers) and one family waiting. CNN was on the news *yawn* so we talked and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally we were called to be seen.

R. Nelson was our interviewer, and we were directed to his office. After raising our right hands and swearing to tell the truth, our interview began. He started with the general questions (confirming our address, phone number, names, no kids, wedding date), then went down the list (are you a terrorist, are you a Jamaican spy, etc - these questions were on the I-485). He asked me how and when I met my husband (confirming info from the K1 packet, and what we both did for a living. Once that was done he complimented me (he told me that he had reviewed all our paperwork and that I am very organized and more prepared than most lawyers he sees) and said that he feels we are a young couple going in the right direction. He took my husband's work permit, looked at his SS card, looked at some photos, complimented my mother in one of the photos, and made copies of our joint bank statement, joint photo gym membership cards, and a letter from our co-sponsor (my mother).

He then told us that the name check has already been cleared, and that we were approved. When we confirmed that we would not be travelling abroad within the next 30 days, he handed us a letter reminding to file for removal of conditions in two years. He said if we are as prepared as we have been in previous filings, we will probably get 10 year greencard in the mail. We were told to expect greencard in the mail within the next two weeks.

By the time we walked out of the building, it was 8:45am.

I cannot believe it was so easy. Our binder weighed over five pounds and he didn't look at a single thing (no tax info, marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.). I made sure to include three years tax info in our AOS packet (even though now only one is required) and sent more than was necessary and it paid off.

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San Francisco CA Review #381 on January 25, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was an absolute breeze and we were fortunate to have a very nice interviewer early in the morning (as opposed to late in the day). First thing was the oath, then we sat down and he opended the file containing all of those wonderful documents we have been submitting over the past year (I was almost nostalgic). He went through the I-485 very quickly with Gianna and explained at the end that he just needed to review it with her while she was under oath. He took a quick glance at our proof of relationship info, commenting only that he wanted to keep the most recent joint bank account statement (we had all kinds of stuff with us, including envelopes addressed to us, junk mail, etc., none of which he wanted or kept, although we are sure that having seen it in the packet of info he was satisfied) and a copy of our marriage certificate.

From that point on he multi-tasked...stamping her passport and explaining the next steps (the welcome letter in 2 weeks, the actual green card some shrot time after that and then the need for us to start filing new paperwork prior to the 2 year expiration).

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