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Omaha NE USCIS Office Reviews

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Omaha NE USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
24 Review(s)
Omaha NE Review #2363 on January 18, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We left home around 8:30am this morning as it is a 2 hr drive from Norfolk, NE to the Omaha. Hoping to miss most of the heavy traffic, we decided to take a different route from the one Mapquest.com suggested, instead we heading for Bennington just outside North Omaha, and headed towards the Eppley Airfield Airport, about 5 mins drive from the Homeland Security Building. The roads were pretty slick, so it was just as well we left early.

We arrived at 10:50am, our interview wasnt until 11:30am and i handed in our appointment letter, we were only sitting in the waiting room for about 5 minutes or so when my name was called. We followed the the female IO to her office where we sworn in to tell the truth and all that good stuff, then we were asked to be seated.

The first thing she asked for was our DL's, my EAD and passport. She removed the I-94 from my passport and wrote cancelled on my visa. I had a Nebraska drivers license but my hubby still had his out-of-state North Carolina license. So, she asked me for utility bills while she was talking to my husband about why he still had his NC license. He had told her that because he works 7 days a week he hadnt had time to get a Nebraska license yet and especially with it being winter, he needs to work whenever he can. She accepted what he had told her and understood that, when you run your own business you just can't take time off when it suits you, no money to be made that way she said.

Next she asked for a copy of our marriage certificate, my divorce papers, my birth certificate and my hubby's birth certificate, she didnt want to see the originals. She was very happy that i had copies of everything i took with me, as she had mentioned to us that most of the people she interviews don't even bother doing it, saves her alot of time and gets through the interview quicker.

Next question kind of threw us a little, was about my husbands 2006 tax return, saying he didnt earn enough for that tax year, till i explained that my father-in-law was co-sponsor, for some reason his tax return wasnt in the right place in my file, so she had to dig for it, while she was looking for it i gave her the copy i had, when he noticed it was in my file, just misplaced LoL. So she asked for a copy of my father-in-law's birth certificate, just as well i had the original and copy with me.

She also mentioned that the CS hadnt signed off properly on my vaccinations on the I-693A, by luck i had my tb skin test done and took the results with me, which the CS had signed off properly!! she said this would have held up my approval, meaning i would have needed to go back and have the CS re-do the I-693A again!!!.

Next she turned her attention to the yes/no questions, until she asked about if i had ever applied for a visa before and been denied, well i had applied for a tourist visa back in November 2005 and i had explained the circumstances of this to her the reasons i applied for it, she told me it wasnt going to be a problem.

She was all but finished the interview and she hadnt even looked at the pictures we had brought, so i asked her if she wanted to look at them, so she did, she seemed rather interested in our pictures especially the ones taken in Scotland while Dane and I were at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo concert in August 2006, she didnt keep any though.

She was satisfied with what she was given and seen picture wise i guess because she got a little box our of her desk drawer and stamped my passport with the temp I-551, with IR6!! She told me i could keep my EAD as a souvenir but NOT to use it, as it is no longer valid. As my marriage is over 2 years old, its a 10 year greencard.

The IO was very pleasant and cheerful, she was even smiling and joking with us, all 3 of us were laughing at the end of the interview. If you had seen us, you really would have thought we were friends. We were in there for about 25 mins although the interview itself only lasted about 10 mins, the rest of the time she spent chatting with us, asking about Scotland, what its like over there and how she'd like to visit some day. She even asked about my tattoo and whether Dane got one to match LMAO, we said no, not yet but he will get one once he plucks up the courage to do so..... she just laughed. She shook our hands and wished us good luck, and said that it was a pleasure meeting us. We left, very happy that we were approved.

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Omaha NE Review #1562 on May 4, 2007:

Medical Moose

Medical Moose

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It all began on a hectic Thursday afternoon. I had a final exam for my mircobiology class in college at 8am, and then quickly rushed home to gather my prepared materials (and of course my wife) and we were off to Omaha! It is about a 2 hour drive from Norfolk, NE. We arrived 15 minutes early and were greeted by the extremely kind security guards. These same guards were there when we went for Biometrics, and still had the same great attitudes and smiles about their faces. One guard in particular had a tremendous interest for St. Petersburg, Russia (my wife's home city). He looked through my big red English-Russian dictionary in amazement and jokingly questioned the spelling of a large Russian word, LOL.

Our appointment was scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 1:30pm. We were greeted by an immigration officer at about 1:40pm and taken through the doors and back to his office. I attempted to make small talk immediately, as to lighten the atmosphere a little even as we walked with the man to his office. He seemed to be very professional at first glance and not necessarily in the mood for anything besides his normal work routine. How wrong was I? The guy was absolutely amazing and small talk improved the whole ordeal. He seemed to be very interested in what I had to say and he became very easy to speak with after he realized we weren't just another bunch of shy individuals. He was very impressed with my knowledge of the immigration process and that I knew all the forms and even the approval stamp "I-551" by heart (thanks to VisaJourney ). The officer really seemed to enjoy our company and appeared happy to talk about something other than the normal routine, I guess we just struck his good side. He even shared some marriage fraud stories with me, which were quite interesting to say the least. He was a very understanding gentleman and approved my wife with no trouble. We did have more than we needed though for required documents and evidence, which is always helpful.

I am absolutely impressed with the CIS office in Omaha, NE. Everyone was in a great mood both times we went, from the security guards to the interviewing officers and everyone in between. WAY TO GO CIS IN OMAHA, NE!!! KEEP UP THE OUTSTANDING WORK!!!

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Omaha NE Review #1192 on January 12, 2007:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We got it. The interview was approved and my wife was granted her permanent residence. Her Passport was stamped and we just need to submit some information and an immigration form ninety days before the second year of approval (Meaning today).

The officer was very polite and professional in Omaha (Joahn was her name).

Take a translator with you if the spouse doesn't speak English

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Omaha NE Review #1044 on November 21, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was a windy, blustery, snowy drive to Omaha! We arrived at the CIS office in Omaha about one half hour early to a packed room with other applicants. We were called for your interview approximately on time. The man who interviewed us was very professional and business-like. He looked through our file and documentation we had brought along. He took a sample of bank statements, approximately every six months, and copies of our birth certificates. After visiting with a supervisor, we were approved on the spot and told to expect conditional residence card in two weeks. He had us sign a document stating that we understood lifting of conditions must be filed 90 days in advance of the expiration of the conditional residence card. We shook hands and left, breathing a sigh of relief!

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