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New York City NY USCIS Office Reviews

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New York City NY USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
205 Review(s)
New York City NY Review #7943 on July 17, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had a 7:45am interview at Federal Plaza building. There was line but thankfully the wait was not too long. We went up to the floor indicated on our letter (cant remember now) and waited for our names to be called. Must have waited 10-15 minutes when the African American female IO called our name. She took us to her office and made us take an oath and started with the yes/no questions.
After that she asked for evidence of our marriage which we had plenty so we started pouring those on her desk ... combine lease, joint tax, tons of picture which my wife went through with her quickly. Then we showed her our combine travel itineraries including the upcoming trip to Puerto Rico and she got interested all of a sudden. We had a bit of a chat on where we were planning to stay (Vieques), etc. She was satisfied over all and asked us to go back in the waiting room and wait for her. Waited 5 minutes and she came back with our passports and mine with I-551 stamp

Very easy interview compare to what we had in mind given we are interracial/interfaith couple.

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New York City NY Review #7922 on July 14, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was for 1:45pm, we got there at 1:05pm. The atmosphere was pretty intense and there weren't many smiles to go around...(The front desk woman was busy with personal business on the phone, and wasn't very helpful or pleasant, so I had check with the (sour)lady behind the counter to make sure we were being remembered/that an IO was given our file and notified that we were here.) We waited to be called for about 2 hrs. Talked politics/read some magazines we had bought in the meantime. There were on average 5 couples (most with at least one child) waiting with their attorneys speaking in hushed tones.

We eventually got called by a polite gentleman of South Asian descent. He was very stern until after he swore us in, then he was very warm. He first requested IDs and original birth certificates etc. Then, he asked very personal questions that indicated he wanted to get a better sense of who we were. For example, what qualities did we like about each other. What do we have in common and a few that were situation specific (regarding reasons for previous divorce and plans for the future.) It was very emotionally overwhelming to be able to gush about each other and our love to someone who genuinely seemed interested.

He asked for pictures. (I gave him a photo-book I had made of our journey together to be added to the file.) He liked that it showed and explained in captions each step of our courtship etc. through the wedding and beyond.

He asked for copies of our lease and bank statements which I gave him.

Interestingly, he then asked my husband where his ancestors were from. He wanted to know about our cultural compatibility. Additionally, he asked whether he was interested in, or helped with the cooking. We had insides jokes, so we burst out laughing and explained why to him.

He then told me that I was approved and if I would wait 10 mins he would get my passport stamped.

We went back to the waiting room and when he called me up he gave me my passport and told me to read the removal of conditions paper.

Unfortunately, the 2 couples who went in around the same time as us were clearly not as lucky.

We walked away feeling incredibly blessed.

Best of luck of all!

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New York City NY Review #7903 on July 10, 2011:


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Review Topic: Naturalization

I waited almost 5 hrs to be called. The officer was very nice though. He apologized for the lateness. I was more impatient than nervous.

(updated on July 10, 2011)

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New York City NY Review #7685 on May 31, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Despite the sign at the check-in window stating that the wait would be 2-3 hours, we waited only about 30 minutes. The interview was very easy, and the interviewer friendly. We sent a lot of evidence with the I-130, and were very well organized. The interviewer asked some general questions, such as where we worked, our address, how and when we met, and when we decided to get married. Very simple questions. My husband speaks Spanish and our interviewer conducted the interview in Spanish (I speak Spanish too). We were in and out in about 15 minutes. All that stress for nothing!

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New York City NY Review #7614 on May 18, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was not what I expected. It was the easiest and most pleasant interview experience ever. Approved on the spot. Passport got stamped.

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