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Los Angeles CA USCIS Office Reviews

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Los Angeles CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
169 Review(s)
Los Angeles CA Review #3750 on December 26, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was sometime in the early morning and we came in with all our documents. We waited about 1.5 hours, then were asked to come up to the counter where the adjudicator conducted the interview. He had a really thick file (mine) in front of him which included my petition from a previous marriage 8 years before which ended with abandonment (that's another story). I came prepared to answer questions in relation to that and interestingly, most of his questions were directed to that first petition.

After answering every single questin, he started asking us about our present marriage and then reviewed the copies we brought with us. He made some copies for his file and then said that because they were shorthanded that morning and he wasn't exactly the one who made the decisions (I think it was right after labor day weekend or something), I would receive the decision within 30 days. He gave me an Infopass just in case I wouldn't hear from then within 30 days, a... read complete review

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Los Angeles CA Review #3662 on December 3, 2008:

Dias Melhores

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview was great. The officer was friendly. We told our story on how we met, showed some documents with both of our names (bank accounts, property taxes/deed, medical insurance), and that was pretty much it! My wife got her Green Card in 15 days. The only negative part was that the officer would only let my wife take her first name and my last name; no middle name allowed on her Green Card. The only way to have a middle name would be for my wife to apply for US Citizenship.

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Los Angeles CA Review #3636 on November 26, 2008:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appt was at 8:45am. We arrived at 8:00am, but were not called in until about 9:30. Our interviewer was very nice and personable. She spoke to us like we were new friends getting to know each other and kept it very low stress. We were asked how we met, who cooks and if we had discussed children. She told me I was approved right then, took my EAD and gave me a paper saying welcome to america. I received my official welcome 3 days later in the maile.

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Los Angeles CA Review #3534 on October 31, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We just returned from our interview in Los Angeles. The verdict...(drum roll please) APPROVED!

We got there about an hour early and were told to return at our appointment time. We killed some time in the lobby and went back at 1pm. The guard took our interview letter and told us to sit. About an hour and a half later, they called our name.

We accompanied the interviewer to her office. She asked us for drivers licenses, passports, birth certificates, and marriage license. After checking all these documents she made some copies and went through the rest of our paperwork. She asked some of the same questions that are on the application such as "have you ever been arrested". We talked about our wedding and how we met. Then she asked us for any other documents and we gave her bank statements, insurance, etc. She took our photo albums and made some copies of those as well.

Then she came back and said we we were approved. Just like that!
... read complete review

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Los Angeles CA Review #3440 on October 10, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It all went very smooth, the interviewer was a very nice Asian young lady, at first, she went thorough the application and verified all the information I had already provide in it, such as current address, mailing address,parents' names, E V E R Y thing, she went one by one on each question, when it came to my personal information she asked him to answer, not me, she asked him my b-date, if I was married before, anything you might think about, she asked us.
I didn't take my husband's last name, she asked me why, I answered and she was pleased with my respond. The last part, she asked for pictures, common accounts, I gave her my 401K where he's the beneficiary, life Insurance, Credit Card, joint Bank Account with both of our payroll deposits.
Make sure you had done the vaccinations, we didn't and our application was put in hold, which we didn't mind, we had been marry for more than 2 years, he has all the documents to work and travel out of the country, so the delay will ... read complete review

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