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Denver CO USCIS Office Reviews

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Denver CO USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
83 Review(s)
Denver CO Review #7282 on March 18, 2011:

Brandi n Michael

Brandi n Michael

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Centennial CO (not really Denver)

Adjusting from K3:
Interviewers name Ray Yeo. Nice guy, very friendly but a tad weird. He kept comparing me to his son (I'm female lol)more interested in my education than any AoS stuff really.

Questions asked:
Is this a happy ever after?
directed to hubby - Is she still head over heals for you?
Where did you go to school?
What did you study?
What kind of Theology?
blah blah blah you get the point..many more of these type questions
So what joint info do you have?
Any questions?

Did not want to see joint mail, photos, trips or anything along those lines just joint assets.

end of interview we were told why he asked so many questions about my education and again it was about his son because I talk quickly and apparently that makes us smart people. lol Whatever!! Result was 'I'll review your file and you'll know something within 2-3 ... read complete review

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Denver CO Review #6802 on November 1, 2010:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Got to the CIS Office about 30 minutes early. Had about an hour long wait in a big lobby with lots of other immigration applicants. Everyone just sat and stared at everyone else while we waited. Eventually called back to the interviewers office and had a VERY short interview process. We presented lots of pictures, they only took one wedding photo and asked a few questions about where we were living, if we had any children and then the interviewer (a very abrupt man) told us everything looked good and that we would probably have a small wait because of administrative processing (husband is from Afghanistan).

We received Omar's 2-year Green Card in the mail less than 2 months later! javascript:emoticon('')

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Denver CO Review #6751 on October 21, 2010:

John and Sarah

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived 45 minutes early and got into the nearly empty, but huge, waiting room easily enough. We watched the news on TV while we waited, which ended up taking the full 45 minutes we got there early (appointment time was 12:30pm, so maybe they were having lunch?). Anyway, our IO gave us his name, swore us in, and then began asking for our paperwork. Initially he asked for our identification and immigration paperwork, though he didn't look at anything other than our passports. Never even looked at our birth certificates we brought (though he had them in his packet already) or our marriage license! Then he asked for any additional supporting information we wanted to show him to prove our relationship was legit. This is where things got a bit scary for us.

We had printed out our joint bank account statements, health insurance coverage, auto insurance joint coverage, and even a joint credit card statement. However, we had blacked out our bank account numbers and bal... read complete review

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Denver CO Review #6020 on May 5, 2010:


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Review Topic: Other Experience

DENVER CO. POE REVIEW: Truly a NON-EVENT. We arrived and went through the same CIS lines as everyone else. We waited about 10 seconds before we were called to the next window and gave our passports to the officer. He looked at them and saw that Elsie and Anthony were coming on K-1/K-2 Visas and asked us for the sealed envelopes that we received at the Embassy in San Jose. He set them to one side, stamped their passports and I-94 cards and said, "Welcome to the United States of America!" We were through with everything in less than one minute.

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Denver CO Review #5275 on November 20, 2009:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at 10:45, but we arrived 20 or so minutes early. Security was very easy and painless and both the guards working at the time were very kind and helpful. Unlike our Consulate experience, we were allowed to take in our cell phones or any other electronic items we had on us. After security we got into the elevator and went to the 2nd floor where they conduct all the immigrant interviews. The building was very nice and new, and the waiting room has a TV to watch with CNN playing to make the wait a little less painful. Although there were dozens of people waiting to be called, our name was called less than 10 minutes later, skipping us ahead of all the people waiting. I'm not to sure how they order their interviews.

The IO took us to a back room where his office was located, passing a dozen or so other offices on the way. He began by asking us to raise our right hand and asked us if we swear to tell the truth, to which we agreed. After we were seated he as... read complete review

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