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Dallas TX USCIS Office Reviews

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Dallas TX USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
117 Review(s)
Dallas TX Review #5110 on October 21, 2009:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Appt was for Oct 20 2009 at 11:15am.

Called us back at 11:45. Asked for my wifes passport and a copy of our sons birth certificate. Ask my wife if that was her signature on the I-485, our address and where we met. Approved. Wanted to see not pictures, no originals, nothing else. That was it.

The young lady that helped us was really cool. Not a problem one. I took a ton of supporting docs and everything, but they wanted to see nothing.


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Dallas TX Review #4984 on September 18, 2009:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our interview today at the Dallas office in Irving and we got approved....Thank God.

I was really nervous about this whole thing but i tried to take as much evidence as i could find. Babe was so calm the whole time but i wasn't.
Anyways, this is how everything went down.
I couldn't sleep well so i was up by 6.00am. Our interview was scheduled for 9.00am and since we leave about 30min from the place, i figured leaving an hour earlier would be best. Not a good idea. The morning traffic on I-35 was insane, it was raining, so it took us a little over an hour to get there. I couldn't hold my nerves in the car....i kept going off for stupid reasons but like i said, babe was so calm.
We get there and the whole place is full of people. They have 2 lobbies, upstairs and downstairs so after the security check, we were sent upstairs. We turned in our interview letter and were handed one of those buzzers.
We waited for about 50 mins before our buzz... read complete review

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Dallas TX Review #4749 on July 19, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Dallas, TX
Our interview was scheduled for 7:00am we arrived at 6:45am, checked in looking for my attorney because he had all of our evidences .My wife (usc) start panicking since she is pregnant and the time was running close, So I had to go and talk to that Lady who receiving our appointment letter if it was okay to wait for my attorney without turn in my letter 715 he showed up. I went there and drop in my letter we were given a buzzer that would go off when it was our turn. We waited for over 15 minutes and finally it was our turn. The officer was and old guy and he did seem friendly but very professional. We were sworn in with our right hands raised and told to sit and the interview began. He asked for my passport and driver’s license, ead (my wife the usc) and he asked for only my wife license. He went through my passport and said you came in the country in 2000 with B-2 and never left I said yes sir. So he asked me if changed my visa since then I said yes sir He asked... read complete review

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Dallas TX Review #4682 on July 4, 2009:



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Review Topic: Lifting Conditions

Interview Experience in Irving Texas
I had my AOS interview on 16th June at the Dallas Field Office in Irving Texas. The interview was scheduled for 7am with my wife (USC) having to work overnight the day before. However her office is just two miles from the USCIS Field Office so I was able to pick her up from work and still get to the interview at 6.45 am giving us 15 minutes to spare.
We entered the USCIS building at 6.55am, went through security and were upstairs to by 7am. Our notice was taken and given a buzzer which would vibrate when our interviewer comes to get us. We buzzed at 7.15am and our interviewer who was an elderly man (approximately mid to late fifties) told us to follow him into his office. We had our baby with us and I was hoping she wouldn’t fuss from being in a car seat for the duration of the interview as she absolutely dislikes the car seat unless the car is in motion. She however went to sleep about a minute into the interview. Guess she found it... read complete review

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Dallas TX Review #4472 on May 29, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was scheduled for 7:30am we arrived at 7:10am, checked in and we were given a buzzer that would go off when it was our turn. We waited for over an hour and finally it was our turn. The officer was and old guy and he didn't seem too friendly at first but later he opened up and laughed with us.

He asked for my passport and and drivers licence(my husband is the USC) and he asked for only my husbands license. He went through my passport and commented that I was still legal. Then he confirmed everything on my application such as date of birth and my parents names. Then he asked if we live together and I said not completely because my job allows me to work on rotation 2wks on and 1wk off.So I go home during my days off. He seemed a bit put off but he understood. Then he asked for leases, joint accounts etc and then he said he would approve us! He told us that I could get a stamp on my passport so I can travel before I receive my gc in the mail! And we went to ge... read complete review

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