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Chicago IL USCIS Office Reviews

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Chicago IL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
168 Review(s)
Chicago IL Review #814 on September 4, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was easy. Just asked for State ID's and Emma's passport. The FBI Name check was late so said we have to wait up to a month for the greencard but the interview was a success otherwise. Interview was nice, didn't look at anything we brought. Just what we had submitted in the orginal aos packet we sent. The Hilton is nice but $270 a night. We stayed one night only. The Hotel was in walking distance. Too worried to enjoy the city really. Took the Metra because I was worried about traffic. $10 each way for the both of us. Can't drive any cheeper and it was great. I live downstate and Chi traffic scares me smile.
Overall the process is easy. We had things well planned. Found the office the day before and just walked to our 7:45 interview time. We expect our greencard anytime. Emma just received her EDA last week, so she is looking for a job.

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Chicago IL Review #802 on August 29, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was 1230, and my son's was 1 pm. We arrived in Detroit immigration office at 1210, after almost an hour of waiting my name was called by a nice guy and I asked him if I will bring my son with me in the room, then he said yes.

We first took our oaths then he asked about my parents name, then he put checks on my application, then showed me the signature and asked if that was my signature.

He asked me the questions about felonies, conviction, arrests, etc and all answers were NO, While he was asking me those question, he made a joke to my son and asked him if he will be a terrorist?

He asked my husband if he is still working? He said that he has my husband's ITR for 2005 so he wants to see some recent pay stubs.

He asked us what documents i had with me to show our relationship, I said marriage certificate. Then he said, what else? So i handed him the following: (xerox and original copies)

Bank state... read complete review

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Chicago IL Review #692 on July 17, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview took total of 15 minutes from walk-in to walk-out. Luckily we had organized documents and there was very minimal questions asked. Just things like affiliation with any terrorist organizations or people, convection, etc...the ones that are filled in during the I-485 application. We received the green card with in three weeks of interview as told. It was a breeze and glad that majority of the work is done.

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Chicago IL Review #595 on May 24, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hi all-

Well, this morning Marina, Carina and I got up at the crack of dawn (about 5am) as they both had their AOS appts scheduled for downtown Chicago at 7:45am and 8:10am respectively.

We were on the road by 6am, and the traffic downtown wasn't too bad and we parked the car at about 6:40am. We stopped and had a cup of coffee and orange juice (well, I did...they said it was too early for anything and wanted to wait until we were done) and then took the short walk to the Federal Building and arrived about 7:15am. We tried to go upstairs to the 2nd floor as our letter stated, but security said we had to wait until 7:30am before we could go up. He then directed us to a small line of people waiting around the corner, and made sure we went to the back of the line.

About 7:30am security finally said we could go up, and we all got in line to get past the checkpoint. They don't ask for the letters there, it's much like going through airport or co... read complete review

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Chicago IL Review #423 on February 17, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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