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Chicago IL USCIS Office Reviews

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Chicago IL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
168 Review(s)
Chicago IL Review #2444 on February 9, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Went for our interview on Feb 5th. Our appointment was at 11, but we got there around 10:15 and did not get called back until 12:15. The interview went ok (well, we got what we came for anyway!). They asked Ede where he was born, if he works anywhere, what he is majoring in at school, if he's ever been arrested, etc. He asked me if I married Ede so he could get his GC, what our living arrangements are, and not too much else. He flipped through our photo album that we brought from when we went to Hungary, and also looked at some pics from our civil marriage and from when we went to prom together. Did not ask for any bills, joint bank account info, etc. The whole interview lasted probably 15 minutes. So while there was a bit of waiting around, it was worth it!

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Chicago IL Review #2441 on February 8, 2008:



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Review Topic: Employment Authorization

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Chicago IL Review #1644 on May 29, 2007:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The Adjudictor was very harsh to say the least! she kept saying whatever documents/pictures you have are not enough and the pictures look posed
She asked stuff like where and when did you guys meet etc and went on to say yours` is a weak case and then in the midst of all teh negativity she said youre appproved !
background pending

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Chicago IL Review #1022 on November 15, 2006:



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Review Topic: Other Experience

quick man,,,congrats......

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Chicago IL Review #970 on October 26, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hi Guys,

I went to my interview this morning and everything went just great. Just to remind you, my wife is a USC, and I over stayed my B-2 visa.

Here is what happened:

We got there 15 minutes early with our lawyer, and we had to wait almost for an hour.

1- The immigration officer was a young guy, very friendly. He swore us in and then got right into the questioning.
2- He asked me our current address and our former address.
3- He asked me and my wife our phone numbers.
4- He asked me about my wife’s parents, like their names, where they lived, where they worked and if I had visited them.
5- He asked my wife my parents names, and if she ever met them (they live in Brazil).
6- He asked my wife how we met, and what is our anniversary.
7- He asked me where my wife went to college and the nickname of the university’s sports teams! (Can you believe it?)
8- He asked to ... read complete review

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