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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1800 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #32518 on September 20, 2023:




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London, United Kingdom
Review #32513 on September 17, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The interview was a bit of an anticlimax after going through the whole petition and application process...
I was able to reschedule my interview as I was traveling on my original interview date (see posts about that experience)
At the embassy, I got through security quickly and you can skip the line at the reception even though it wasn't that long when I was there. I was called to the desk rather quickly to hand over all my documents. When I got called again some 10min later, I thought it was just to return the originals of my documents. But then he asked me to swear the truth and the interview had started! I think he only asked two questions, how did I meet my wife and when we were planning on moving. It only took a few minutes, and then he congratulated me and told me they'd approve the visa! He gave me back my original documents and that was it.
My interview was on a Friday, and on Thursday I was able to pick up my passport with visa in it at the courier center ... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #32509 on September 13, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I turned up a little early at the Embassy and got through an initial security queue quickly. They asked to see my passport and interview appointment print out, and to open any app on my phone (not sure why!).

The second queue inside the Embassy was also quick, and they directed me to the first floor, to go left and left again.

I went up a lift, went left, turned left at the corner and saw a queue - so I joined it. After a minute I realised it might not be the right queue, so I went past it to a room with seats and screens, and booths where people were being interviewed. On the screens ticket numbers were being matched with booth numbers so then it made sense that this was where everyone waited before queuing - no one told me that though! Could have been a little clearer.

I waited ten minutes and then my ticket number came up. I went and gave an impassive man some documents (passport, police certificate, birth and marriage certificates) and g... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #32474 on September 1, 2023:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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London, United Kingdom
Review #32471 on August 31, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

This will be super long but I know how reassuring I found it to read detailed accounts of these! My interview was at 8:30am and I wanted to get there a little early just to account for not being able to find it etc. I arrived at 8am and they ended up letting me straight in even though I was half an hour early.

I was staying over the bridge from the embassy. It was an easy walk and pedestrian friendly, ending on a river walk towards the embassy. I found getting there extremely easy, and since I'd checked street view before getting there it was an easy building to spot and aim towards (with the aid of Google maps of course).

Once I got there it was easy to find the entrance, with signs pointing where to go for visas/interviews. When I got to the line there was a lady walking up and down, and following advice on here I spoke to her and mentioned I was waiting for an immigrant visa, she told me to cut to the front. They checked my DS260 and passport a... read complete review

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