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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1800 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #206 on October 13, 2005:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Generally very polite and helpful, and with clear explanations of what was going on/needing to be done.
The queue outside is a bit alarming - be prepared with brolly/coat for bad weather, there's no shelter! The queue supervisors seem pretty together, and keep checking on people's interview times. Inside, quite organised. Consul very polite when twice other staff came to ask him questions and he had to go away (not that I was going to argue when he said 'Do you mind...?" !!!) When it came to them revealing that everything was fine EXCEPT the fact that my medical report hadn't been signed so they couldn't actually issue the visa, they were sympathetic, and did their best to resolve the situation (sending report back to Birmingham, getting it signed, then processing at once and handing me the visa in person).

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London, United Kingdom
Review #205 on October 13, 2005:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our interview was October 7, 2005. We arrived 30 minutes early and because I was a bit scattered brained and nervous, the guard picked up on it and decided to have some laughs. He did make me smile and made me feel relaxed. We went in through security and the lovely guard flashed a smile and whispered "good luck" to us as we went through and he passed us our bags. So, we march around the building. We get in and I had to unload my laptop. We go into the visa section... and then panic and fear start to set in!!! There was LOADS of people in that room. It was massive. As an American, I had this "rose colored" view of what I thought it might look like. Obviously, I was fantasizing.

We pull our number... and its the number #13!
Now, I'm really nervous.

Shortly after we sit down, we are asked to go to window #1. We are greeted by a lovely lady of Asian - American (Japanese / Chinese) descent. She made small talked with us and really was so nice.... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #201 on October 8, 2005:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance's experience with the London Embassy was painless. We believe the key is to have all your 'ducks' in a row with the intitial paperwork (the I-129F). If you've submitted everything there, they oftentimes don't even ask for the truckload of documentation we've all taken with us to the Embassy. They tell you to bring originals of everything that was in your I-129F packet. We did and everyone does and you should. One never knows when they might ask for it but from ALL the interviews I've read unless there were special circumstances, they didn't even ask for it. They asked Steve for his Passport, 2 US size passport photos, VISA bank payment receipt, his sealed medical results envelope (NO XRay needed), his police certificate, his marriage and divorce certificates, the Affidavit of Support from me and just gave a cursory look at all the backup documentation I provided for that, .. didn't need ANY of our 'proof of relationship' or any of the original marriage divorce stuff I sent .... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #167 on September 8, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

very easy embassy to interview (K1) with if your case is relatively straightforward and you have all the required documentation. they did not ask for supporting financial information nor did they request any proof of an ongoing relationship.

the wait is not long and you can actually arrive up to an hour in advance of your scheduled appt time!!

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London, United Kingdom
Review #128 on September 2, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

OK here we go .. with my London Interview experience.
I travelled down the day before and stayed at a hotel just yards from the US Embassy; this meant that I only had to roll out of bed at 10am for the 11.30 appointment. A quick trip down one of the other side streets near to the Embassy brought me to Goulds Pharmacy and a chance to get the real US Visa style photographs. Not cheap at £7.50 for 4 but the real deal never the less.

So to the big day and after the exhausting 50 yard walk I came to the Embassy, a look up and down for the “ZZ Top” man with the clipboard alas he was nowhere to be found, just a young girl with mirror shades who was hopeless and thats being kind . People often ignored her and strode straight up to the guy checking names off a list and this caused not only delay but a fair amount of discontent in those actually queuing. Eventually I made it to the guy checking names …. He was as useless as the girl, and so slow that I thought we ma... read complete review

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