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United Arab Emirates US Consulate Reviews

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United Arab Emirates US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.6 / 5
187 Review(s)
United Arab Emirates
Review #5813 on March 19, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Is it possible to go to the Dubai consulate instead of Abu Dhabi?

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United Arab Emirates
Review #5684 on February 13, 2010:

Rob in Cali

Rob in Cali


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview was scheduled for 10 am Dec 10th, 2009 and there were about 50 people scheduled for the same time. By the time we went through security and on to the visa office it was about 11:00. We were called in about 12:30 and all submitted all the forms and documents. All paper work was in order and nothing missing we were asked to sit and wait for her number to be called again. After about 15 min we were called for the interview. The lady office named Cheryl asked about our relationship, where we met, how long? when we got engaged and so on. She was very polite and to the point. After about 10 minutes or so she handed us a blue sheet (Administrative Processing) and told us to check website for our case number to appear before sending her passport to get the Visa. Everything was good but the AP. As long as you are organized have all docs complete you should have no trouble with the process.

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United Arab Emirates
Review #5632 on February 1, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The first day my Fiancee went to the embassy in AD, a local woman working there messed up and told her that if she interviewed and was approved that day, her daughter, who will follow to join and interview in Guangzhou, China, would not be able to get a visa. The following day my fiancee went back and was in line to get in to the embassy when they called her and apologized and said to come in ASAP and they would take care of her. They told her to leave her passport and pick it up in one week with the visa. She goes back to get her passport with the visa and she is put in AP. In AP for 6 days before we see our case number on the embassy web site, which isn't too bad! She finally picks up the visa on Dec. 1. We had an original interview date of 20 October and received the visa on 1 December.
Aside from the administrative snafus, the actual interview process was pretty easy. Asked how we met, when we met. Asked about my work. Only looked at the photos we sent in with the original petition. My Fiancee said it was a very easy experience, except for making the 5 hour round trip six times!

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United Arab Emirates
Review #5534 on January 12, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I attended my husband's interview in Abu Dhabi. Alhamduillah the interview went very well. We were expecting to be interviewed in a separate room. My husband and I stayed up most of the night double checking our documentation and preparing for potential interview questions. To our surprise we were called to a window and he was asked to produce proof of his medical exam and his passport. We were then asked to be seated. A second consular officer then called us to another window for the actual interview....standing up. My husband was asked very basic questions like, "How did you meet?, When did you meet?, What are your plans when you arrive in the USA?", and a few more questions relating to my dependents. I'm assuming the original documentation we provided initially was good enough that she didn't ask for any other documentation. We brought a laptop case full of documentation i.e. additional photos, boarding passes, chat logs, phone records, receipts, etc that we obtained since we sent in our petition was sent in. She DIDNT ASK for anything else. She just said, "Ok that's it. You are good to go. Come back next week to pick up your visa." My husband was in doubt and started asking if she was sure she didn't require anything else

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United Arab Emirates
Review #5461 on December 27, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was an OK experience my fiance was asked the regular questions about 5 times and then put on a/p for ???

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