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South Korea US Consulate Reviews

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South Korea US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
150 Review(s)
Review #33472 on December 3, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview went pretty smoothly. There was a long line before we all got in after the lunch hour but afterwards, things moved relatively quickly. The officer asked me a few basic questions: tell me about you and your fiance's relationship, have your parents met your fiance / do they like him?, what are the weddings plans. After about 4-5 easy questions, I got my approval!

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Review #33177 on May 13, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The consul was extremely kind and affectionate, always treating me with a comforting smile.

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Review #33061 on March 20, 2024:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everything went smoothly. They had few questions for us (long marriage, and we had our son along). Staff was friendly and helpful.

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Review #32492 on September 9, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We lined up at 12 for our 12:45 interview. There were quite a few other people in line as well. From start to finish it took about two hours and 45 minutes. We organized all of our paperwork in advance and submitted everything then waited, fingerprints, then had the interview. They allowed me (the petitioner) into the interview with my spouse (the applicant). The interview was brief and they asked a few questions about our marriage and my work last year. The consulate is very organized and helpful.

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Review #32234 on July 6, 2023:

Elliott & Dora


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Easily to navigate to and a subway stop is in easily walking distance.

Only one cell phone per person, no laptops, tablets or iPads
All other allowed electronics will be left at security to include key fobs

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My appointment was at 12:30 and the queue was long and if you are worried about missing your appointment don't worry it seems that they issue the same appointment time to a group of people to process. After entry you will proceed to second floor enter the double doors and proceed to a desk to your right where they will give you the letter of what order they want the application in, attach your photos to the passport, and ensure you are enrolled for return of the passports once you are approved. Immediately after you will queue again in front of three windows where an office worker will review your applications for submission for biometrics and interview. She asked me for the originals of birth certificates, marriage certifica... read complete review

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