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South Korea US Consulate Reviews

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South Korea US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
149 Review(s)
Review #2996 on June 12, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The guy was very nice and helpful. Questions were very easy. Just asked about us, our jobs, family. Appointment was at 830 and done by 1000. We are very pleased with the process.

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Review #2806 on April 29, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Very easy interview. We were lucky because I was able to be there with my fiance. The interviewer mostly asked me questions and asked her a couple questions about me.

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Review #2664 on March 30, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I would say the interview took about 3 mins at most. Including the oath and the fingerprinting. Overall time at the embassy was maybe ~90 mins...just waiting for our number to get called. We had a pretty open and shut case though, so I'm sure that's why we didn't get many questions.

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Review #1767 on July 7, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Well, the visa process went smooth, apply, wait for CSC forever and a day, NVC super fast and then the extremely efficient Seoul embassy. Well, to say the least it was an experience. Arrive at 8am, when the embassy opens, pick a number and wait until you are called to preview your paper work. Then take a seat. They call you up after that. Well, they called us up, then told me to go take a seat while they asked her questions for about 20 minutes, a very uneasy time...but she performed like a champ...must have been everyline on the 129f and bio form...then to my surprise they called me up and well they quized me on her...wow...that is all I have to say...not only did they do it to us, but they did it to the other 3 K-1 applicants that day. I answered them all and she was approved...however, there was one couple that did the interview but recieved a blue do to a physical, which they can bring back next Wed. at 8am, then one couple was approved like us, then another that was denied, not sure why but my SO told me(bathroom break). Overall, they were extremely professional and quite efficient compared to the other agencies that I dealt with. Everything is electronic with them, all the forms. They respond via email within 24 hours and are helpful...good experience...

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Review #1230 on January 27, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance interviewed on 5 Jan and got denied. the interviewer was very tough on her, asking her way too many questions and making her nervous, wanting to know every minutia. He finally told her that he couldn't approve the visa, gave her a piece of paper with the information he needed and sent her on her merry way.

3 weeks later we gathered what they asked for and the same person approved us with hardly looking at the documentation.

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