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South Korea US Consulate Reviews

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South Korea US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
149 Review(s)
Review #6174 on June 8, 2010:

Robert and Sun


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Review Topic: General Review

Everything went amazingly fast. The moment she was asked for her preference for her interview date, (she jokingly requested the end of the week - and they said OKAY)it went off without a hitch. Just a few questions and she was out the door. Unbelievable.

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Review #6148 on May 31, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Straightforward and simple process. K-1 visa processed upstairs at US Embassy in Seoul. Went with my fiance, no problem in getting in embassy. Recommend getting there early in AM to beat waiting in line.

People at counter desk were English speaking Korean women. Spoke English very fluently, perhaps immigrated to US and returned to Korea. Checked documents for K-1 visa to make sure in proper order and that nothign was missing. Waiting for 20-30 minutes and then was asked to come up to counter desk where then asked a few simple questions by actual American as to how met, when, where, etc. No separate interview room. Was just speaking to a person at the counter desk and was not what we were expecting.

Received K-1 visa shortly thereafter, the following week via express courier mail.

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Review #5739 on February 28, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiance had her interview in Seoul on Friday.

Prior to her interview, I prepared all the documents that we could prior to her returning to Korea to get the rest of the paperwork/translations in order. She did a wonderful job and got everything that she needed in only two days! Anyway, as the interview approaches, I'm getting nervous. "Did I prepare everything that she needed and did I do it correctly? Does she have everything that she needs?"

She called me on the way to the interview and then she said she would call once she got inside. She never called back, so I'm wondering what is going on. It wasn't until about an hour later that I thought, "Ahh, they probably took her phone at the door." Anyway, I'm on pins and needles for about two hours when she finally calls and I can tell that her voice is happy and she told me that the Visa was approved!

I can't tell you how happy I was. After 9 months of paperwork, waiting, more paperwork, wait... read complete review

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Review #5710 on February 20, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Whole procedure took about 2 hours.

1) Take number
2) Submit all papers
3) Fingerprinted
4) Interview

The take-a-number machine is in the DMV looking lobby for all immigrant visas. You just go to a window and talk to official though bullet proof plastic/glass with a microphone. This window is steps 2-4 with ~30-60 min waits in-between.

The interview was about 1min. She asked the following questions:
How did you meet?
Did you visit each other in the last 2 years?
How many brothers and sisters does he have?
When did you two decide you wanted to get married?

They did not accept extra papers into the file. Even papers requested they rejected (they asked for divorce, marriage, and adoption papers in the package). But since she was single (never married) and not-adopted (from family cert) they just refused those documents.

I counted what looked like 4 other K1/K3 applic... read complete review

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Review #5456 on December 24, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Not sure why, but they decided to send to AR pending some more checking with the paperwork. They didn't give us a date for the second interview as well. It seemed that everyone received blue slips that day from what I could tell. We are still waiting for contact from the embassy for the second interview date.

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