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South Africa US Consulate Reviews

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South Africa US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
136 Review(s)
South Africa
Review #28811 on November 20, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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South Africa
Review #28600 on September 23, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Visa interview scheduled for 9:15
At 9:00, everyone began queuing outside of the consulate, the guard will show you where to wait. At 9;15 they began checking that everyone had the correct photographs. Then they checked that everyone was on the list, I was not on the list but after showing them my visa interview invitation they added me onto the system. We waited outside the consulate until called, this took over an hour.

Families with children went first, and then they went according to where you were in the queue. Once entering the consulate you have to hand the guards your phone, they will put it into a lockbox and will give you a number to collect your phone when you are leaving. After that I was led into the visa interview area, and waited until called.

When I was called to the first desk I had to hand over all evidence and civil documents (make sure that your birth certificate and marriage certificate are unabridged). After this I was told t... read complete review

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South Africa
Review #28503 on September 1, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Best and smooth interview ever! The Johannesburg consulate general has the best Consular officers!

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South Africa
Review #28148 on March 5, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived at our appointment 15 min before. From the get go everyone was friendly and very helpful. We all received a number. They started exactly on time. They called us one by one, first you go to the application counter where they take all the required documents. The lady made small talk with me while she was taking my paperwork. But enough smalltalk to also be questions about Our relationship. I handed her every document she asked for and she laughed she said when she saw my folder she knew I was prepared and that everything will be in order. She told me to go sit and wait for the next person to call me.

About 10 min later I was called and he made me take an oath and my daughter also wanted to and he giggled. He told me she can go play while we’re busy. He went through my docs and checked and stamped it all. He then asked me my first question - what does my fiancé do for a living? And where is she working?
He then asked me do I understand my rights... read complete review

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South Africa
Review #27004 on September 7, 2019:

Innocent B


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived at 12:55pm for my 13:00pm interview.

Processed through security and given card number.

Was called via intercom to the first window where I dealt with a South African lady who was really sweet and conversational. She asked for a few documents and asked some questions. When last did I see my fiancé? When are we getting married? The rest was just casual discussion about immigrating.

Submitted the following paperwork at the first window;

Police Clearance
Unabridged Birth Certificate
Affidavit of Support (Tax forms)
Evidence (Continuation of relationship)
Passport photo’s X2
Proof of Payment and Appointment Booking

After submitting the above documents went to the interview queue.

After 15 minutes I was called to the interview window. Swore to tell the truth etc. and the interview began. She asked easy questions, how we met? Whe... read complete review

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