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New Zealand US Consulate Reviews

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New Zealand US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.7 / 5
114 Review(s)
Auckland, New Zealand
Review #2750 on April 19, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was very easy. I was there for 1 1/2 hours, mostly waiting (nervously). Both ladies that I spoke to were extremely nice & very helpful.

The first lady gathered all my paperwork together & checked my birth certificate etc...

The second lady who interviewed me was really nice, she only asked a few simple questions, & then approved my visa. & told me a few things about what would happen next once I arrived in the States

All in all, it wasn't as bad as I expected!

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Auckland, New Zealand
Review #2713 on April 10, 2008:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We arrived at the Consulate with plenty of time to spare and had a pleasant experience getting through, though the security guard wasn't terribly smiley and a little intimidating (guess that's the point though).

We were told to go to a window, which we did. We were greeted immediately by a very friendly woman who referred to us all by name. She took all our papers and discussed a few things with my sons as to what was going to happen and what it all meant, which put them at ease immediately. We had our fingerprints taken and after about 20 minutes, were told to take a seat.

This was the worst part! The area you're in isn't very wide, with a row of seats in the middle and a row of glass windows in front of you. You can hear everything that's going on with the other people at the windows and the seats aren't particularly comfy. And the wait was long, well over an hour.

Finally, we were called up to another window and were told that that was ou... read complete review

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Auckland, New Zealand
Review #2009 on September 10, 2007:

fred langva


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Seems everything had been approved and reviewed prior to appointment. They didn't ask any questions about or relationship or about vistis to NZ or US. Ange said she was in and out about 30 minutes. The Doctor's report wasn't there so she had to get over to them to have it courier over.

Overall service was great!

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Sydney, Australia
Review #1708 on June 13, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was very similar to all other reviews, I arrived at 7:30am, had no problems with security, I received ticket 2, so sat and waited my turn, the clerk reviewed my papers and told me they were great, she could see no errors, and to sit and wait to be called to the interview counter. When I was called and stepped up to the counter I noticed an approved stamp on my paperwork,so I guess the interview is to prove you are a being, and in my casual interview I was asked, who I was marrying, where and when we intended to marry, where we met, when was the last time we'd see each other, what my fiance's job was and what employment I hoped to gain, and so after swearing that all information I had supplied to my knowledge was the truth I was congratulated and told I had a visa. One small issue I had was that, when I was back at security collecting my belongings I inquired as to whether there was a queue at security at the visa collection time, (as I had elected to collect my visa the fo... read complete review

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Auckland, New Zealand
Review #1667 on June 4, 2007:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Originally my interview was scheduled to be 1 month from the time I got my pink letter in the mail. Given the fact that I'm sure not many people from New Zealand would be wanting to immigrate to the U.S, I emailed my consulate asking if it were possible for an earlier interview date as I already had all of my forms/medical results ready and compiled in order. I got a reply the next day which brought my interview forward 2 weeks! AND it was at 8:30am, which might be a problem for some people but not me. Honestly it just meant I wouldn't have to mess around for half the day sick to my stomach with nerves.

Interview was ridiculously easy! I arrived really early with a backpack stuffed full of relationship evidence and duplicates of every single form required for the entire process + the tax records of my spouse and co-sponsor and turns out I didn't need ANY of it! (I would still have taken it though ) 8:30 was the time for first block of interviews. Perfec... read complete review

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