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Hong Kong US Consulate Reviews

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Hong Kong US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
86 Review(s)
Hong Kong, China
Review #2503 on February 22, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee had a morning interview. She was interviewed separately by two people, first by a young Chinese woman in Cantonese, then a middle aged American woman in English. The Chinese interviewer asked about the entire history of our relationship. We ran into a hurdle when it came to "proof of relationship," as apparently we didn't bring enough photos. We had brought about 6 new select photos from our travels all over the world representing our "continuing" relationship, but didn't bring the previous photos from the US half of the application. My fiancee was pretty nervous at this point, since the Chinese interviewer said we might not have enough proof.

During her Chinese interview, the topic came up of how much my fiancee's family supported our relationship. While we did not plan on discussing it due to the possibility it could complicate matters with a K1 visa, my fiancee and I already had an "unofficial" Hong Kong wedding banquet with all her friends and family... read complete review

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Hong Kong, China
Review #2309 on January 4, 2008:

Ben loves Yuki


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview on the 3rd January 08. I came there at 8.25am, and there were a lot of applicants there for visitor visas, and then the guard saw my appointment letter and told me to line up in front of the door.
After 15 minutes, they let me in and I went to the immigrant visa unit room at about 8.45am, there were like 10 people there. I handed in all the documents to a local officer and he asked me for a third passport picture ( the letter only says 2! ) anyway I gave him one more and then he told me to have a seat and wait.
After almost an hour, I had my fingers print.
And then after 30 minutes, I was first interviewed by a local lady. She asked me who applied the petition for me, how I meet my fiance, what does he do, why I want to marry him, what our marriage plan is, what common interests we have, what I worked and studyed before.. actually she asked me about our ages mostly, because she said "do you think it is too early for you two to get married?" I ... read complete review

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Hong Kong, China
Review #2222 on December 2, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I went to Hong Kong to go to the interview with my fiancée. The appointment was at 8:30am. We got there around 7:45 and saw nobody waiting outside the embassy. So we went to a coffee shop across the street to have a cup of coffee. We went to the embassy at 8:15 and saw that there was an entrance further up the street for visa applicant. We had to go through security check and no liquid was allowed. I remember K1 visa is processed by the immigrant visa unit so I told the guard we were there for immigrant visa. There was the correct move. There were already five persons in line. We were let in around 8:30. We were handed a checklist and told to assemble the documents in the same order. We had our documents in a three-ring binder and envelops. So we had to pull them all out. One of the items on the checklist was tax return. That was the first time I saw that tax return was explicitly required. Also required on the checklist were two photos. But the staff asked my fiancée for a third pho... read complete review

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Hong Kong, China
Review #2181 on November 14, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello fello VJ's!

I had my interview done on Nov. 8 '07 at 8:30am. I arrived 30 minutes early and didnt really have to wait for the line as we were lead straight to the doors to check in. There were a lot of chinese families and I was the only one who was going to be interviewed for K1. When the booth windows opened.. we were asked to submit all our forms and documents in order from the paper handed out to us at the Security Gate. About half an hour later I was called to sign my Interview Preliminary Form and other DS Forms. Finally it was my turn for interview... A nice middle aged chinese lady (she had bangs) called me and asked a few questions like..
Where/When and did you meet your fiance?
When do you intend to marry?
How did you get to Hong Kong?
But basically and to make this short.. Questions were more on your fiance. It was a piece of cake All it is, is a waiting process and you shouldnt be worried as lon... read complete review

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Hong Kong, China
Review #1804 on July 17, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Interview was scheduled for 1:30pm and the officer collected all the document needed. (They need tax return but it never mentions in packet 3 or 4 ! anyway I brought 3-year tax return of my fiance to the interview, so I gave them the latest one ie 2006)

I was first interviewed by a local officer and we talked in our native language (Chinese). She asked a lot of questions, basically from when we met up to present, and she also asked how my fiance migrated to the US etc. I guess it's just a test and see how well I know about my fiance.

After that, I was interviewed by the Consular Officer (a super nice lady !!) and she repeated some of the questions the local officer had asked. The Consular Officer said that I came well prepared and the document was perfect. Then, she said she would grant me the visa and my tourist visa was canceled right away.

The Consulate is quite efficient and I walked out the Consulate at 3 pm !

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