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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews

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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
665 Review(s)
Dominican Republic
Review #32866 on January 8, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé had his medical appointment on 12/21/2023 at Servicios Médicos Consulares. It was a mess and they were very unorganized. They had him going from window to window to do different portions of the exam. He wasn’t required by the physician to do a psychological exam but the facility makes them go through each portion anyway. When it was his turn to see the psychologist, she said she was leaving for the day and she’d call him the next day. She never did. The doctor also told him he could pick up his results the following Friday. We traveled all the way to Santo Domingo just for them to tell us they wouldn’t be ready until Tuesday. We went back and all they gave us was his official vaccination form. This was a problem when we got to our interview.

**INTERVIEW 1/5/2024**

We had our appointment at 7 am. We stayed at a hotel overnight that was a 3 minute walk to the embassy. It was called dormitorio mi casona. The owners were amazing and treated u... read complete review

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Dominican Republic
Review #32756 on December 2, 2023:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Dominican Republic
Review #32755 on December 2, 2023:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

If you had previous marriages be ready for some extra questioning into those marriages. Consulate officer was digging hard and I did get somewhat upset at some of his questions which I am sure he noticed. I wasn't worried because I and Fiance were straightforward and our case had tons of relationship proof. Trips together, lots of pics with family, I entered country monthly to see her.

One of his questions was how is it I am able to travel so frequently which I deemed a little off but responded with, I have 25 years employed with same employer, 5 weeks vacation plus holidays that convert to vacation days and spend them all with her.
he asked to see my passport to verify all the times entered and then said visa approved.

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Dominican Republic
Review #32657 on October 27, 2023:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went smooth!! Less than 15 minutes ? the consular officer was very friendly?

Questions they asked us.

To me (beneficiary)
Where did we meet and when?
What do you work?
When do you finish studying?
What will you do after you finish studying?

To petitioner
What do you work?
When was the last time you came to visit?
How many times have you visited since start of the relationship?
What are the weeding plans?

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Dominican Republic
Review #32611 on October 19, 2023:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived at the embassy around 5:20am. Fiance (beneficiary) and I stood in the line till a little before 7am. Started moving in. Walking through metal detectors similar to the airport. After moving in, first window went pretty quickly. Everyone we encountered after passing the metal detectors were very kind and helpful.

Then we sat at the waiting room and waited for our number to be called. Waited for maybe 20-30 minutes before we were called to our window. Once we were called up, interview was over in less than 10 minutes.

Fiance was asked basic questions like has he ever been to the states, has he ever applied for another visa, and if he has ever been in trouble with the law.

Then we were asked:

How we met?
What do I do for work?
Has he met my family? Have I met his?
What are our plans after arriving into the states?

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