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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews

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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
42 Review(s)
Czech Republic
Review #1707 on June 13, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview for K1 visa went smoothly, the only problem was that I was not on the list of people having interview on my interview date, but everything was ok after a call to the immigration department of the embassy. Even though we had a sponsor, I was asked only two conversation questions (how did we meet and when we met personally for the first time). The passport with visa was returned the next day, what made me miss my flight to USA.. So _always_ make sure you have a day or two after the interview before you book your flight.

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Czech Republic
Review #370 on January 20, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Prague has been very difficult in the sense they do not respond to emails, nor do they even answer the phone if you call. The communications is very poor. Ever Czech I have met has complained on how poorly they have been treated when they have gone to apply for a tourist visa. Even my senators office admited Prague was the most difficult embassy they have dealt with in the past 5 years.

here is my wifes account:

I'm sure you are eager to hear about yeasterday.
I got there on time(before 9).they didn't let my brother in with me(which we expected so he waited outside).He went to a caffe for an hour and than waited outside thinking I must be ready by then.I couldn;t call him since the first think they do is to take your mobile away.
But he had to wait for another two hours which the guard didn't like.and as my brother was passing he told him he should leave the street that they are watching him on the camera adn he is making them nervous. So he replied that he has no problem them watching him and that he is waiting for me (which the guard new).The guard was horrible but he told him that he is on a czech pavement not at the doors of the embassy so he has the right to be there.And that was it. He was frozen (it was minus 2 deg C). I think it was just a stupid guard who wanted to be important.

When I got there they opened withein a few minutes and asked me to come first to the window. It was a young american speaking excellent czech.He said he knew me and wrote to me a few times.He even told his calleagues that it was me and they all came to look. I saw one of them later looking at me and saying that I seem nice.
He asked me a few questions and said to wait a little.After 10 min of waiting came a girl and told me off for blocking the window,that I should sit down.I was happy to sit,just didn't know I was allowed to and no one told me it will take 45 min when they talk to me again. After that timehe asked another few questions and left again.Only at 11.15 he told me he might be able to give me the visa there was just one more thing to check andhe asked me a few questionsagain. than appaered at 11.55 and gave me the visa.Except for one girl they were ok, not nice but not horrible.

What was interesting was that a lady from Slovakia came and they wanted to chuck her for not having an appointement and guess what she said? She said that she called and called and no one was answering and wrote e-mails and no one wrote back so she decided to come.So they took her.Isat with her and we chatted.She had her daughter in Illinois and went to se her and her grandchildren. she also told me the first time she applied she didn't get the visa and they didn't tell her why.

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