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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews

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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
42 Review(s)
Czech Republic
Review #8468 on October 6, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

my interview was pretty smooth. after a very short waiting I geve them my file (just the forms, no additional proofs of continuing relationship, which i had on me though). they went through and called me back to the window after about 15 minutes. they took my fingerprints first, then i took an oath. the consul then asked me a few questions about my fiancee, the family and us (how we met, where the family lives etc). the questions were short and the responses too. it all took less then 10 minutes. then the consul told me i can come pick up the passport the next day and what are the next steps for us. there was no intimidating question, all made perfect sense and they were legitimate to ask.

the visa was ready the day after as promissed. they handed me a big envelope with all of our submitted documents (well, i think they are all in, but i cant verify as i cant open it and have to bring it with me to the POE )

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Czech Republic
Review #5510 on January 7, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very easy. Once we got our interview date from NVC, we emailed the consulate requesting an early interview date. once they got our paperwork they we were able to expediate our petition and received an interview date 2 weeks earlier. Upon arriving we had to wait cca 30 min for our interview. there was one person in front of us. basicaly they only asked how we met. Then said we were approved and could come and pick up our visa the next day. Easy enough!

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Czech Republic
Review #5252 on November 18, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very easy. Once we got our interview date from NVC, we emailed the consulate requesting an early interview date. They said they had not received our petition yet and they would contact us later. 2 weeks later we were able to expediate our petition and received an interview date 2 weeks earlier. Upon arriving we had to wait 2 hours for our interview, but they asked only a few questions. Where did you meet, how did you meet, when were you married, where were you married? Then said we were approved and could come and pick up our visa the next day. Easy enough!

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Czech Republic
Review #4969 on September 15, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was fairly easy. They responded to emails quickly and made everything comfortable for Maria. The interview was painless, but thorough.

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Czech Republic
Review #3702 on December 10, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Getting the K1 visa in Prague was no problem. I spoke to the woman on email a few times, and she managed to get me an appointment in just under a week. Its very hard to get hold of someone on the phone, but if you email they always answer, usually a day later.
On the day of the "interview", they just checked my bag, sent me upstairs and I was the only person there. All they did was ask me for my papers, had a look through and told me to come back the next day for my passport. They didn't ask me a single question on how Kyle and I met, how long we knew each other etc. The service was excellent and the staff very helpful and friendly.
This morning I went back and collected my passport. They gave me the brown envelope to hand in at POE, wished me a happy wedding and that was it.

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