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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews

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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
42 Review(s)
Czech Republic
Review #18912 on February 10, 2016:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My experience was very pleasant even though it didnt start that well - i scheduled the interview via phone but for some reason they didnt have me on their list of applicants for the day. I was thinking Great start!
But then I was let in, took a number, waited for 10-15min. I was first called to a Czech lady who took all my documents (including IRS transcripts which were not originally on the instructions list!!).
Then I sat down again and after another 15min I was called to the consul's window. Young guy, very pleasant (and handsome). I showed him my huge packet with everything I might possibly need, he was impressed (but didnt request anything additional). He took my fingerprints, I swore I would tell the truth, then he asked me for "the short version of our story", what are my plans, when I plan to leave. That was basically it.
Then I was told to wait for cca a week to be contacted by email or phone in order to pick up my passport.
Easy p... read complete review

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Czech Republic
Review #17472 on August 4, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I had my interview at the US Embassy in Prague. A week prior I had had my medical, which was extremely quick and easy (and cheap, at least compared to London).

After waiting in line outside for a few minutes, I was brought in through the quick security check and then sent upstairs. I took a ticket from the machine and sat down and waited around 10 minutes to be called up to the counter by a Czech lady.

I handed in my documents, photos, sealed medical report and passport and was told I'd be called back up by name soon. After a few more minutes, the same lady called be back briefly to ask me which of my photos I'd prefer to have on my Green Card (the photos I sent off with the original package were different to the ones I'd brought with me to the interview). Obviously I felt like this was a good sign!

I then sat down again to wait to be called by name to one of the counters. I found this slightly stressful as I couldn't always hear the names b... read complete review

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Czech Republic
Review #17028 on June 10, 2015:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Czech Republic
Review #17004 on June 8, 2015:

Radka & Keith


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Review Topic: K1 Visa


so I managed to go through interview process in Prague. I have to say, that it was just really easy, consul was pleasant and friendly and I should not have been worry at all. If you are serious with your relationship and you love your partner, they can recognize and they will approve your visa status without any problem.
I had my interview last week on Thursday and they call me today to come for my passport with visa.
What was kind of bad, was waiting time, I was waiting there 2.5 hours. But the fact is that is is just before holidays and many CZ students will be travelling to the USA to get some job.
Also, consul told me that K1 visa is much faster than K3 visa.

So good luck to all of you lovers.

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Review #15936 on January 9, 2015:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Wow!! The process finally seems to be reaching an end... We are so happy to be past this!

First: Though the wait was long, this website and community of people made it bearable. The information found on VisaJourney is spot on. The wikis and spreadsheets are so thorough that I hardly felt I needed to call USCIS or NVC. I can't thank Saylin and her contributors enough.

Brief Consulate Interview Review: My wife is actually the beneficiary so this review is second hand. Her interview was originally scheduled for January 13th, but with a brief email we were able to get it changed to January 6th. FYI, they seem to answer emails much better than the phone in Prague.
Once arriving at the US Consulate, she had to go through security. They took every electronic including her cell phone and headphones. She mentioned that all security guards were polite.
Once arriving at the window, she was asked for her passport and medical packet. They also reviewed he... read complete review

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