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Costa Rica US Consulate Reviews

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Costa Rica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
98 Review(s)
Costa Rica
Review #17287 on July 10, 2015:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance and I had a very pleasant experience for our K1 visa interview. We scheduled our interview online and arrived about 15 minutes early. They were very behind - we waited about an hour for our interview, but from there it moved quickly. I was allowed to accompany my fiance during the interview which was great - we both answered questions. We first interviewed with one officer, who was very friendly. We had all of our documents prepared and ready which was appreciated and made things go smoothly. After asking basic questions and getting all of the documents, he had us go sit back down and about 10 minutes later we met with a second officer, who asked us a few more questions before letting us know we were APPROVED!

USCIS was having problems printing visas so we didn't get our package until the following week, but that worked out fine as we booked our tickets for two weeks after the interview and you could track the visa package and its arrival.... read complete review

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Costa Rica
Review #17283 on July 10, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Just have your documents organized and it will work fine. Everything was like I read on the reviews here. Whole process took about 1hr, waiting time included.

(updated on July 11, 2015)

(updated on July 11, 2015)

(updated on July 15, 2015)

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Costa Rica
Review #17009 on June 8, 2015:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was a really easy process. Everybody in the embassy were so nice to me

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Costa Rica
Review #15711 on December 3, 2014:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I woke at 3am because I couldnt sleep. We took the 5am bus from Tilaran to San Jose. We got into san jose around 915 and we had to go to the Poder Judicial (Note only the one in San Jose gives international hojas de delicuencia). Anyways the Poder judicial is on the East side of San jose so we had to walk about 2.5 km to get there from the bus station. We got there around 10am and we were told that we need to buy timbres and then take the police report to the OIJ for a signature (across the street) Unfortunately here is where we started to run into problems. There is only 1 person (yes in the whole country) that signs these reports and She was in the Supreme court until 3pm. AHHHHH I started getting so stressed and I was crying because we have our interview at 12pm. Finally the lady tells me maybe maybe* she can try to get our police report signed when there is a break in the court, but she cant make any promises. Im stressed because I dont want to be late for the interview but al... read complete review

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Costa Rica
Review #15736 on December 2, 2014:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had our interview on 12/1 for our K1 Visa. The day started with us arriving and being told that they do not offer K1 interviews at the hour we had originally been given...after having us wait about 10 to 15 minutes, the guards reviewed their list of appointments for the afternoon and saw that we were on the list and let us enter. Once inside, everyone we interacted with was incredibly friendly and helpful. We went inside, waited a few, then they let us into another room that looked sort of like the lobby of a bank. We met with a sweet lady for about 20-30 minutes where she reviewed all of our papers and documents...and also asked us a number of questions including how many times we had met, how we met, and a bunch of things like that. Pretty easy questions, mostly just about our relationship. After she went through all of the papers, we were told to sit down and wait for the cashier. Once the cashier arrived, we paid the $265 and were told to go to another booth (like the teller at the... read complete review

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