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Status Updates posted by cliff240188

  1. Good luck with the interview tomorrow!! Fingers crossed you get your approval :)

  2. I'll be in upstate new york :) flying out next thursday! I really hope you can make it for it!! the interview will be a breeze! just make sure you have everything prepared and you'll be fine. also if getting a postal order to pay get it in US dollars or just bring cash you can pay in cash with euro's or dollars just has to be the exact amount (263 in euro's) Good...

  3. Thanks for the wishes :) got approved!! I hope you get your interview soon and I know you will get your approval :)

  4. thanks!! :) good luck to you too! you'll get yours soon!

  5. Thanks for the congrats!! :)

  6. Yeah G&T they wanted a certified copy of her birth certificate, easily rectified :)

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