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C Med

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Posts posted by C Med

  1. umm, yes.. cannot staple or glue anything to an electronic form :lol: i don't know about Ireland but here in the Philippines, you fill out the forms online, and print it out after :) then you can staple or glue your pic on the printed form :thumbs:

    Hi, thanks for the reply. The DS 156 is submitted to the embassy online before the embassy even issues the interview date. This is mandatory for all K1 visas as far as I know. I just don't know if we have to attach a photo electronically along with the form.

  2. The DS-156 is the form that must be filled out and sent to the embassy electronically. On this form, on the right hand side of the page, is a note that reads, "Please staple or glue photo here". Now, of course, we can't staple or glue anything to an electronic form ( :P ) but I was wondering, do we have to submit a photo electronically along with the form? I don't see anything in the instructions on the packet 3 that indicates that a photo must be submitted, however, my fiance had to submit a photo electronically when submitting a similar form at the time he applied for his B2 visa. What do you guys think?

  3. Yeah a week is past the normal time it takes for receiving mail, especially if he's in Dublin. But An Post is probably to blame, and/ or one of the many bank holidays. Give it a few more days and it will probably show up. If it doesn't have him call his nearest An Post.

    We got our explanation today. The packet was sent to the US attorney at the EIIC that assisted us in filing for the K1. I guess because he's the attorney on record, they sent packet 3 to him instead of to my fiance. Strange, but at least it has been received. :dance:

  4. ; Oh my gosh, my fingers are shaking while typing this topic!!!


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: *********

    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On May 31, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.



    After sooooo much stress, frustration and insecurity, Aaron and I have finally -after over 7 months- received our NOA2 :dance:

    Seriously, I am crying my eye balls out right now :crying: , happy tears though!!

    The past 2 months were hell, and it was sooo hard to see other people got approved (though I was happy for you all), but it made me feel jealous and losing hope.

    But as of today, I am joining the NOA2 CLUB!! :dancing:

    And you all were so right, now we have received our NOA2, 7 months of waiting doesn't even pop up on my mind anymore.. It seems these 7 months were nothing but a bad dream :blush:, although 7 months of waiting is too long :clock:

    I also want to thank you all for your support, and I really mean that. You all have no idea how much that meant to me. Because of you, VJ Family, I kept my head up -sometimes it was very hard0-. But you all pushed me through this emotional roller coaster.. I will always be soooo thankful for that!!

    To my dearest VJ friends (Monyfer, Michele), and others who are also waiting over 7 months, now don't lose hope at all. I really didn't have much hope left, and now I know everything is possible!! (F) And you know that!!!!!

    I don't know what to do right now!!! I can't wait for Aaron to come back from work and celebrate our NOA2!! :goofy:

    xoxoxox Channah

    I KNEW IT!!!!!! I didn't get a chance to sign on last night and I just signed on this morning thinking, "I wonder if Channah got her NOA2 yesterday...and look at that!!!! I am SOOOOO happy for you! I told you that you'd get it! Only God knows why it took so long but the waiting is OVER!!! I am going to see my fiance today and will be with him for the next week ( (L) ) so I won't get to log on until the end of next week so I'll talk to you then. Oh, and...

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

  5. Nightnurse, Monica, and Channah.....I know how disheartened you must feel, but you can't give up hope. Plenty of people have hits snags at this point in the process and then suddenly....they are approved! Delays suck, and they are painful, but they don't always precede a denial! I know it's hard to see the light at the end of this long, dark tunnel right now....but the end of this will come. Take each day one at a time. Do your best to take your mind off of the NOA2 (easier said than done, I know). Plan a couple of days packed with things to do to keep you completely distracted and take a breather. This can't drag on forever.

    I have gone over 15 months in the past without seeing my fiance. It was torture. There were times when I thought we would never get to see each other again. I cried, I was depressed, I was hollow and empty at times. At other times, I was optimistic and hopeful. Sure enough, we were finally able to make arrangements for him to visit, and we were together for 3 glorious months before he had to go back home again. It has been a long journey, and it isn't even close to over...but I'd rather go on a long journey with him, then take a short walk alone. :thumbs:

    I know the three of you feel the same. Hang in there. **hugs**

  6. I am so happy right now. I just received text and email stating this below.


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: EACxxxxxxxxxx

    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On May 26, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

    If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results

    listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current

    processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

    *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov under Check Processing Times.

    *** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

    Finally after all most 5 months. My question is what happens now. Can anyone offer any insight on the next steps involved? I have read it goes to the NVC for processing then off to the embassy. So what is packet 3 and packet 4 that I have seen people talk about. Will those be mailed out either to me or my fiancee?

    Congratulations!! :thumbs:

  7. Thank you everyone! Given that Monday is a holiday here, I think I'll call on Wednesday...or Tuesday if I'm over-anxious (which I probably will be :yes:) My understanding is that in regard to K1 visas, the app doesn't stay at NVC for long before being forwarded on to the embassy. Is that right? :luv:

  8. Awww, that's so sweet of you!! :innocent: You rock!!

    I just noticed you received your NOA2 yesterday!! Oh wooow, congrats!! I am really happy for you and wish you all the luck with the interview, but ofcourse you will get approved :whistle: and receive your visa in hand!! :dance:

    Well, we haven't heard from our Senator, and I e-mailed our Ombudsman a little while ago. You said that others also received a 60 day notice gave me a little bit of hope..

    And I am with Aaron right now for almost 3 months. And a lot of people might think; oh she's with her fiance in the US, so it must not be hard, because she is with him at the moment after all.. That is so not true!! After 7 months of waiting, it is hard, no matter where you are or who you are, even I'm with my fiance, I'm getting more insecure by the day!! :unsure: and he is too.. I'm on my B2 visa right now, and if we get denied, we need to chose an other route -if possible.

    I have no idea why it's taking so long. Aaron and I both have clean police records, he makes above the required poverty level.

    Though, my access has been denied May, last year because I couldn't prove strong ties with my home country. Never had a problem coming, but in Philadelphia, they gave me a hard time and told me to get a B2 Visa. I past my interview and flew to the US a couple of times after.

    No fraud has been presented, so I'm good to go, and people told me that it shouldn't infect our case.

    I seriously have no idea.. :whistle:

    It doesn't make any sense to me. :( I just hope it comes soon.

  9. I always imagined the day that I would be able to write this...WE ARE APPROVED!! Well, NOA2 that is...after only a little over 3 months. It's incredible. (We've already been apart 11 months). Thanks to Congressman Peter Roskam of Illinois, who petitioned on our behalf to "cut through the red tape." It worked!!

    So here we are...our application spent less than 24 hours at the NVC and is, as of yesterday, on its way to the embassy in Naples, Italy. My mind is in a whirlwind...we were so used to waiting in agony, thinking the day would never come! Now the pace has quickened, and we are finding ourselves scrambling to get everything together in time. We have everything we need, thanks to my uber-type-A personality and extremely obsessive organizational skills....:)

    Hopefully in another 1-2 months...he'll finally be here next to me.......living a normal life!....

    This is wonderful! Congratulations!! :dance:

  10. ; Aaron and I are waiting for 7 months on our NOA2 at the moment.

    We called USCIS yesterday because our 30 days Service Request came to an end. And this person we spoke to when we put in the Service Request on April 27th, told us that we have to call back 30 days later if a decision hasn't been made.

    All month we were nervous, and every time a day has past by without any kind of notice, we were bummed.

    However, we called yesterday and immediately asked if we could talk to a TIER2 person. We got transferred. The person we talked to, was Indian, hard to hear what she was saying, but we got it figured everything out. She said, that USCIS reveived a response from Vermont stating that Vermont has extended our waiting period to 60 days!! Aaron and I looked at each other and we were like; is she kidding us? We wished she was.

    She also said that they received this response on May 5th, and I told her that I didn't appreciate the fact that USCIS didn't let us know that Vermont needs more time than 30 days.

    So, she said that in between now and JULY freakin' 4th, a decision should be made. I asked her, what if we don't hear anything, do we have to call back?

    She replied, ummm, yeah!! you have to call back, and you might receive a new waiting period. I noticed someone was getting arrogant "you have to wait, til they are ready to make a decision!".

    Aaron and I hung up, and I was, ofcourse, very frustrated!! My poor baby has to deal with my frustrating behaviour, lol. But seriously, when you are waiting for 7 months, patience is running out.

    Again, I sent an E-mail to our Ombudsman. Though, I feel alone!!!

    :( Hope and Faith started to fade away slowely

    Oh, Channah, I am so upset for you. :crying: I have been thinking about you every day in the last two weeks, just hoping you would get your NOA2. Is there any special circumstances in your case that you would think might be holding this up? At this point, all you can do is contact your congressman and continue to ask for assistance. I know you haven't had much luck before, but you have to try. I completely understand why you would be losing faith, but try to remain strong. Maybe you should plan a trip to see Aaron, if you can, to take some of the pressure off of this situation. Seeing him again might bring you some much needed reassurance. Or maybe he can come see you. It's taking much longer than expected, but it will come, and it will be worth the wait. Sometimes people are told to wait 60 days, and they receive their NOA2 in a few days. I really wish you the very best of luck. Maybe today is the day!! You never know. Hang in there. We're here for you. (F):(

  11. Thanks everyone! We were so fortunate to receive our NOA2 in just four months, and we are both extremely grateful for it. I wish that all of you who are still waiting will receive your NOA2s any day...especially those who filed long before we did. I look forward to sharing the rest of our journey with all of you. You are so supportive and it is greatly appreciated.


  12. Ok, I shouldn't of said the whole : "Fast lane" stuff before, it just bit me from behind. UGH!!!

    I called the embassy, and they did get my package today, but the lady said: "Since we get such little amount of fiance visa aplications here, we book them just ONE DAY A MONTH, so yours is probably good for august. Call again the first week of july to make sure you still fit in august" I dropped dead when I heard this. I haven't been able to see Chris since december due to his new job, and now this???? It doesn't make sense, since they barely get them, they schedule things once a month and go into months and months of waiting, because they barely get them. UGH!!!!!!!

    Stupidity to it's core becomes bureaucracy. That's how I see it.

    Anyhow, that's me venting... sorry. :(

    Ugh, that is awful. You have to wait three months?! Search for other VJers who have had to go through the same embassy and compare your experience with theirs. Send messages to some of them and see if they were told the same. And why would you have to wait until July to schedule for August? Why not just schedule you now?

  13. ; Anyone?? :crying:

    I am sooo sorry that you are still waiting! You must have him contact USCIS and ask for an expedite request since you are out of normal processing time. Don't wait until the 27th. Call now! Remember, VSC is closed on weekends, and Monday is a holiday here in the US. I pray that you get your NOA2 really soon! Don't give up hope. Try to remain positive. Many people have had extended delays, and then have received their NOA2 without even an RFE. It's coming. Keep us posted! :thumbs:

  14. After what seemed like an eternity - 6 months and 6 days - we finally got an answer...

    I feel guilty that I am so happy today as one of my friends disappeared 2 days ago while scuba diving and they found him today...Rest in peace, Sean, I know you're looking at me right now and you're smiling, like you always used to...

    I am so sorry for your loss :( Your friend would want you to be happy, and who knows...maybe he had a hand in your good fortune today. :) Best of luck on the rest of your journey, and I will keep your friend Sean in my prayers. *hugs*

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