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Status Updates posted by Eli&Miguel

  1. Danilu como estas??? Ya tuvimos otra nina en Noviembre!!!

  2. EAD recieved... woot!

  3. EAD Approved 9/30.

  4. ASC Done! Wow...

    1. MyR


      Yay! Congrats! We are just starting!

  5. How is everything going? I haven't heard from you in a while!

  6. Sorry it has been a while. We got married on June 4th :). Daddy couldn't be happier with his twins.

  7. Getting married soon!!!

  8. He's got the visa and is headed for the border as we speak! Ya le dieron la visa!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. icarolina


      great news! congrats to both of you

    3. Danilu


      Qué emoción! Este sí que será un gran regalo del 5 de mayo!

    4. Sarah&Michael


      Si, que emocion, todavia nos falta un ratin pero que bueno que ya estan juntos, felicidades!!

  9. Ours took 19 days to come. Miguel just got approved today and his letter hasn't even shown up in Mexico yet. The guy at the Consulate said they could take up to a month :(

  10. We got APPROVED!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eli&Miguel


      No problem! I'll write a review as soon as he is here so I can get the full story LOL

    3. C_María


      Felicidades! Ojala que uds. son juntos!

    4. MandD


  11. ASC- DONE!... Interview Monday!!!

    1. Danilu


      Good luck for tomorrow!

    2. j.j & danny

      j.j & danny

      OMG Good luck

  12. Medical Exam- DONE!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C_María


      One step closer! Almost there!

    3. Eli&Miguel


      He was only in there for about 45 minutes and he said they pretty much herd you like cattle. In and out the door.

    4. Sarah&Michael


      And that was all done today? Or did you go to the consulate too? No, right?

  13. He's doing the medical exam next thursday, friday ASC, and then monday the interview!

  14. Interview scheduled!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eli&Miguel
    3. Sarah&Michael


      Ahhh, must feel great to be able to say that! congratz!!

    4. j.j & danny

      j.j & danny

      i scheduled my on may 4 congrats

  15. The letter is finally here! It's about time!!!

    1. Danilu


      Congratulations! You're about to reach the final part of this process!

  16. Let the frustration commence....again.

  17. PS- You guys are adorable and good luck sweetheart.

  18. Hey Crystal! We have actually been pushing for an expedite for 2 months and I'm guessing it finally went through.

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