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Posts posted by RK_and_Inday

  1. NOA1 Date added for RK_AND_INDAY (VSC)

    California Service Center (18 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved






    MAR AND ESP...........03/05/15......03/09/15......04/14/15......--/--/--




    DEARARIZONA...........03/14/15......03/16/15......04/15/15......--/--/--(Early Bio 4/14)









    Vermont Service Center (18 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved






    KHAL_DROGO............03/04/15......03/16/15.......--N/A--......--/--/--(OS MILITARY)


    PHUNKYVIDA ...........03/09/15......03/19/15......04/16/15......--/--/--




    NEOFLASHER.... .......03/17/15......03/27/15......04/16/15......--/--/--






    CARAMEL SWIRL.........03/30/15......04/01/15......--/--/15......--/--/--


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    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application.

    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter.

    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment.

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    • Inday's birth certificate was badly blurred. Did take step of going to NSO and requesting clearest copies. These were blurred just as much. Went to embassy interview with blurred BC all documents required. At interview, when required documents were screened, person there did ask Inday about blurred BC. She explained about going to NSO and asking for clearest copy and pointed out notation on documentation that these were best NSO copies available. No other question was asked about this and the result was a successful interview.


  2. Thank you for the discussion and the posts I (US passport holder) was wanting to ask the very same question as OP for same reason, same situation. As always, first did a search for releveant posts and found this one. Thank you VJ members for your continuing help, knowledge and experience. OP: hope you have safe travels to Philippines. All: safe and "speedy" travels wished to you on each of your own visa journeys...


  3. All,

    Sorry for delay in response--was attending to some major health issues in family which have happily been resloved. Most importantly, thank you for all the replies which is extremely appreciated. J_d_Petitioner, Hank, and everyone, yes we (RK and Inday) had looked at these official sites to which you've referred but struggled with 100% clearly understanding some of the wording. Wanted the experience of VJ members to help verify if we were reading correctly. Hank, your thoroughness, helpfulness--and humor is appreciated--regarding both reply to our query here and in other of your posts we have seen. Thank you, J_d_Petitioner for interpretation of wordings on official site which is apprecated and sharing your personal experience which is incredibly helpful. Thank you to all for the good advice, knowledge, information and helpfulness. Your responses are appreciated more than we can adequately convey.

    --RK and Inday

  4. So, summarily: thus far, the majority recommendation is to match the name on airline ticket to the (maiden) name on the passport. Also noted is to bring the marriage certificate as explanatory document regarding passport name being different from green card name. Also, Greenbaum, thank you for additional info re: ROM.

    Question: as mentioned, previous VJ posts also gave discrepant answers. To help us (RK and Inday) understand better--and also to help future members who may be searching for the answer to this same question--can any of the respondents to our post explain from where the information you provided us here was obtained? (Experience? Government web site? Or....????)

    Thank you to all those responding to our question. As always, we appreciate all the help from our fellow VJ members!

    --RK and Inday

  5. We, Inday, Filipina, and RK, U.S. citizen, are considering a trip to Philippines soon, visiting family for several weeks. We have a question about what is appropriate name to have on Inday’s airline ticket. Currently, Inday’s passport is still in her maiden name (firstname maiden-middlename maiden-surname-as-last-name). However, the two-year permanent resident card (“green card”) shows married name (firstname maiden-surname-as-middlename husband-surname-as-last-name).

    Which of these two name forms is to be used on the airline ticket? To match passport or green card? (We ask because we know Philippine passport is need for visit to Philippines, but the Permanent Resident Card is needed to enter the U.S. but know name on ticket must match ID).

    Thank you akk very much for your continuing and always welcome help.

    RK and Inday

    P.S. Yes, we did use “advanced search” feature but found discrepant answers, and in older posts, so were hoping to find what is the current and correct answer.

  6. Hank and Greenbaum - Thank you for the follow-up posts, information, and continuing discussion.

    Caryh - After going back over more old(er) posts, we also noticed that ROM and passport renewals were done at same time by certain individuasl. Also, some posts showed individuals doing passport renewals at embassy which was not their jurisdiction. Plus, we recently had friend who went to embassy that was not their jurisdiction and there, did ROM and passport renewal at same time. So we were wondering if we could go to any embassy (either in our case) and to ROM and passport renewal at same time in order to expedite the process. Caryh, we too are wondering if different consulate workers provide different answers (opinions) -- a common thread we have noticed during much of this whole visa process. In contrasting respect, VJ has been a Godsend to us over the years, with so many helpful persons here having "blazed the trail"; hard to beat the word of experience! Thank you all.

    RK and Inday

    P.S. We emailed the Chicago embassy directly, described our situation, and asked if could to boht ROM and passport renewal at same time at Chicago (or SF). Until now have received no response.

  7. Caryh, Hank, Greenbaum, Cakes--

    Thank you all for the replies and the information. Summarizing: OK, ROM at SF by mail; wait for return of ROM before apply passport. Then, renew passport in Chicago in person. Chicago embassy published passport processing time 6 to 8 weeks, although Hank's wife received in 4 weeks after attending outreach event. BTW, Hank, we think we may have seen previous post by you that you did ROM at outreach event also. That is one reason we wondered if we could do ROM and passport at same time at same consulate. Thank you much for the responses.

    RK and Inday

  8. Dear Fellow VJ members,

    We (Inday and RK) have read over past ROM (Report of Marriage) and passport renewal posts (plus requirements listed on embassy sites) for both ROM and passport renewal so we understand the general idea as well as are aware of details of submissions. We are just seeking some clarifications for our particular situation.

    Here is our situation: In February of 2012, married in a U.S. state for which SF embassy has jurisdiction. Since December 2011 until now, living in a U.S. state for which Chicago embassy has jursidiction. Didn't fill out ROM previously--did nto find out about this form until a little while ago. Inday's Philippine passport still in maiden name but would like to renew with chosen married name (Inday maiden-as-middle husband-surname-as-last). Inday's passport not up for renewal for another year or two, however, thinking to renew prior to a hoped for visit to Philippines in beginning of July of this year. We understand ROM must be done prior to passport renewal in order to get passport with chosen married name. There are no outreach programs near or anyway close to our current residence that we know of so looks like a trip to Chicago and/or SF will be required.


    1. Do we have to send ROM to SF and do passport renewal in Chicago? Or can both be done, say, at Chicago?

    2. Whatever the case, do we have time to get renewed passport before July?

    3. Is/are there any other considerations which we should be aware of in our case of which any of you may be aware?

    Thank you much--you all have been very helpful to and informative for us over the years and all is appreciated.

    Most Sincerely,

    Inday and RK

  9. Looky: preparation, persistence---and a whole lot of patience. I have decided that is the mantra for this visa journey for those of us that are on this road. Hmmmm, a good phrase to remember for life in general. You and your fiance are certainly living proof of the value of these approaches. I seem to remember awhile back you were considering getting marriend and not having to deal with the K1. Your point about the K1 interview being a little "iffy" is a very good point. I hadn't thought about that. Although I feel badly for your fiance's memory loss I am very glad that she found it in herself to trust you and you both have chosen to walk onwards in unslefish love (agape). Which brings up another acronym that you two exemplify: ACCT = Agape, Commitment, Communication, Trust which I have come to believe and understand is the foundation for any valuable and lasting relationship. Looking forward to hearing a happy and exciting chapter in both your lives this year and thereafter. I am here, rooting you on!!!!! --RK

  10. Looky - Hello once again. It has been awhile since got on to VJ due to family medical issues, work, computer access issues, much more, life in gneral. All OK now. I agree with you, it is far better to look ahead and not dwell on the past (much/most of our stories are on this thread, anyway, for those who have time to follow the sagas!). So, looking ahead: Yes, cruise ship sounds like good idea. Time to visit with each other, too! To bring you up-to-date as far as Inday and myself: another many months away from Inday last summer and into the fall on work associated trip. While I was on trip, Inday got her driver's license; Yeah!!! On my return from work trip, I was hired into non-travel position within my office. Means much less pay but means no more long periods of separation for Inday and I. Immigration associated paperwork continued until about June of last year. Enjoying a little break from it all, although within the next half year have to start seriously preparing paperwork for ROC (removal of conditions). So, that's the latest for us in a nutshell. Glad to hear your fiance doing better and continuing to send best wishes and continuing prayers for happy chapters to add to your own story. I admire your "stick-to-it-ivness" but I agree [paraphrasing] doing so can only stregthen your relationship. Best wishes, my friend. --RK

  11. Hank - as Greizy mentions, municipal office must originate endorsement letter. In short, currently in process of doing that in anticipation of needing clear copies in U.S. but (the short story:)--encoutnering delays and now difficult to communticate with from U.S. If in Philippines, could go to office in person and "prod" the process/person(s) along. Thank you for ecensus link!

  12. Greizy -- wishing you the best and hoping it turns out better for you than Inday. Inday went to her municipal office, multiple trips to NSO and ended up being provided by NSO with extra but same blurry copies. Attempted to both hire lawyer and get help at municipal office; in the former case, "help" was promised if Inday would provide (under the table) exorbitant payment amount; in the latter case, more delays no help. Outcome: Inday brought blurry copies of her BC to her interview in Manila. At her interview, she was asked about her blurry BC but she explained to interviewer that she had procured them from NSO and pointed out the printed statement on her NSO BC that this was "clearest copy available." Interviewer accepted explanation. I guess lesson here is to be persistent and honest. Good luck to you and all with similar situations! --RK

  13. Lookie, Andie - How are things going/ progressing for you? Thank you for kind words.

    Recently Inday overcame AOS hurdle; Inday received (conditional) permanent resident card in April. have a little bit of paperwork break until Removal of Conditons petition preparation about Autumn of 2014. Still working on other things (SS# for Inday--we've had hassles, delays; getting Inday's driver's learner's permit and teaching her to drive--very interesting for learner and teacher when learner has had absolutely zero pervious driving experience; Philippines paperwork items; more. It never ends.)

    Thoughts and prayers continuing for you both.


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