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Posts posted by semidevil

  1. If the checklist is for all IV supporting docs, then yes, the AoS packet has been accepted.

    But if the checklist has specific items on it, then it might not be false.

    This is my false checklist:


    ______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________

    When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this

    letter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The bar

    code sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the

    address provided.

    PLEASE NOTE: No interview will be scheduled until ALL of the information requested has been

    returned to the National Visa Center.

    ______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________

    The National Visa Center received your DS-260 form. We are waiting for the traveling applicant’s

    supporting civil documents to be submitted to the NVC. Your online Immigrant Visa Application will be

    reviewed upon receipt of your supporting documentation.

    To view which documents the applicant must submit to the NVC, please go to our website


    so does accepted = approved, or does 'accepted' simply mean it is accepted and they will work on it soon (i,e, another 'real' checklist is possible)?

  2. thanks. that makes sense. on the instructions, it says that self-employed needs to provide the schedule c/d/e of the tax return. I have that for this year.

    For my previous years, I was also 'regularly' employed, in addition to being a landlord. since my day job makes more money, does that take precedence, or do I still need list myself as 'self-employed' and need to provide schedule c/d/e for previous years also?

  3. 2 questions:

    The CPA who did my taxes, he knows i"m unemployed and am collecting rent as my primary source of income; but on the tax return, he put 'insurance' as my occupation (my prior occupation).

    Is this what I should put on my i864?

    If not...then, am I considered "unemployed"?

    I initially put down 'landlord' as my occupation, but not sure if I'm considered 'employed' if just collect rent.

  4. I'm ready to send off my packet tomorrow (after reviewing it literally 10x) and I just have a question about how to classify my dad.

    My mom is the sponsor, so she signed the i864. dad is a hh member, so he signed the i864a. Dad quit working because he is 'retired.' But he is only 62 and he is not taking any retirement money.

    Can i still put him as 'retired,' or is he just 'unemployed?'? Will it make a difference?

  5. I thought HK authorities sent the police cert right to the Embassy? Is that right?

    Can you use a photo copy of the NOA2 to get a police cert? Or does it have to be the letter from the NVC?

    yea, that's what I'm trying to clarify.

    Per the HK gov site, HK will require some sort of document from NVC to initiate the Police cert, and they will send it to NVC directly.

    I just paid my AOS and my IV fee, so I haven't received any letter mentioning a requirement to get a police report yet. So Im trying to clarify at what point every one else got their police report. Did you get it after case complete? Or did you get a letter from NVC about PR. If so, when does that happen?

  6. Candy got her HK clearance presenting them with just the letter from NVC that they are transferring the file to USEM. Apparently all they are looking for is a govt issued document with the applicant's name, USICIS number and Consulate number. At least that is what I can infer since they accepted this fully. And it did fly because the clearance is now on file with USEM, confirmed by email.

    Yes you need fingerprints. If you are worried about the mail system in your country, I suggest DHL deliver to HK. Candy did not worry about that because she works in HK now and was local to the police station. But if you are not, do yourself a favor and spend a few bucks on DHL so you know it got there.

    They tell you 30 days but it is actually faster, more like 10 to 15 days.

    So NVC will still 'case complete' the file without a police clearance? Did you guys put anything on the cover letter to explain the lack of police clearance when you sent the IV packet?

  7. I didn't as long as you are approve and got your case number you can ask for request form to your embassy or consulate :)


    just to make sure, are you saying we can get the police clearance right away after you get the NVC case number? We just received our NVC case number and are waiting for the Fees to invoice so we can mail out the AOS and IV packet.

    So Am I able to get the police clearance now?

  8. looking through the screenshot of the ds260, one of the question is:

    "Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccination in accordance with U.S law?"

    Based on this question, is it 'ok' to say no? ('ok' as in the application will not be denied because of this question)? Is it required to answer 'yes' to this question in order to move forward? if so, what do we need to do?

  9. Really doesnt matter.

    the 864 is a machine readable only form now.

    Your date and signature is manually confirmed before anything else - everything else is read by a machine

    a lawyer who is up to date with what is going on will tell you that.

    you could of course, listen to those on here who think they're smarter.

    speaking of verifying signature, will it be a problem if the sponsor's passport is not signed? I was reviewing everything and just noticed that my mom (Joint sponsor)'s passport is not signed....Technically, it doesn't mention it and also, technically only the biota page is required (so that is just the photo page and does not include the signature page)

  10. How do you do your taxes? You would be the one to know how you file. http://www.irs.gov/publications/p527/index.html

    If it is just you and your wife, then it is a household of 2. You would put a 1 for Part 5 #1 and #2 and the 2 for the total in #8. Your parents are not listed on your I-864.

    Your mother will list your father in Part 6 #6 and check the box for #11.

    I would not use white-out or correction tape, and your parents have to sign their own forms.

    thanks. and my mom does NOT list me on my her i864, #7(non-dependent relatives living in your residence), because that is for people currently living in the same hh. Even I list their address as my domicile, I am currently abroad, so it doesn't count...right?

  11. if mom is dependent on husband's tax return than mom has to fill i-864A form and husband has to fill i-864

    even though the husband makes 0 income and the sponsoring income comes from the wife?

    on my parent's tax return, my dad's name is listed first, and my mom is listed as the 'spouse.' does that make the spouse the 'dependent'? I'm looking over their tax return and they list 2 on the exemption number but on the dependent names, there is nothing.

  12. On part 6, where we fill out: "Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size..."

    I'm a sponsor, and my mom is a sponsor. However, since she does not live with me and I did not count her in my taxes, I do not list her on my i864...right (even though she is helping me with meeting the income requirement)?

    For my mom's i864, I had my dad fill out an i864a, since they are 'married filing jointly' on their tax return. On part 6, would I put my dad's name on my mom's i864, even though he is retired and doesn't generate income? Technically, he is not sponsoring since he has 0 income, but since he is on the transcript, we had him fill out an i864a

  13. if his father is the joint sponsor then he has to fill seperate i-864 & his father's wife is dependent on their tax return then she also (u r mother i n law) has to fill i-864A !!!!

    and the house hold size COUNT would be





    If the mom is the joint sponsor, but she is the dependent on the tax return, does the mom fill out the i864 and dad fill out i864a?

  14. hi

    you have to find out if she is a USC, if she is then you are off the hook. you only add her if she is a LPR

    Thanks. I guess my question is, will immigration/nvc search and figure it out, or is it my responsibility to show it? I know she is USC, based on her Facebook posts a few years ago, but that is the only proof I have.

    It'd a bit awkward to ask the ex wife to send me a copy of her u.s passport. Lol

  15. thanks guys. I have one more question regarding the i864a and i864.

    My mom is the sponsor who will fill the i864, and my dad is hh member who will fill out the 864a. for the i864a, part 2 and 3 where we put in the signatures. the 'sponsor' signature' is my mom correct? Although I'm also a sponsor, it's not my signature because my dad's 864a is tied to my mom's i864, and not mine.

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