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Posts posted by Gocka


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    I-129F: September 2010 Applicants



    USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox


    UserName...............Sent.......Check Cashed.......NOA1.......Last Touched.......RFE..........RFE Reply........NOA2..



    Goce and Ivana.......09/03/10.......09/09/10.......09/08/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--


    Ella & Octav.........09/07/10.......09/10/10.......09/10/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--



    Caribbean Lady.......09/09/10.......09/16/10.......09/15/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......04/04/11


    Andy and Kayla.......09/13/10.......09/20/10.......09/17/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--

    J & K................09/13/10.......09/20/10.......09/20/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--



    Anna and Ali.........09/16/10.......09/20/10.......09/22/10.......10/03/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--


    Nikki + Tomislav.....09/21/10.......--/--/--.......09/24/10.......10/04/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--

    *Yankee Love*........09/28/10.......--/--/--.......10/06/10.......10/11/10.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--


  2. I don't understand why I have seen so many approved petitions of October and some of December filers. What happened to September filers? It's been 196days of waiting our NOA2 since that day we received the NOA1. I don't understand anymore. It's very frustrating. Could someone give me some positive thoughts. :angry::crying:

    The same exact thing is happening to me and I am so confused and agnered!! I have a NOA1 from September 08, 2011, Here I am 214 days later, and still no NOA2 and I see people form October getting theres and im just saying to myself, how the hell do things things constanly happen to me!! I have no RFE, my last touch was back on 10/03/2011, about a monnth after I got my NOA1, since then nothing. I called a week ago and got a service request, and a week later still nothing, yet people who have waited a month and a half less then me are now getting theres. I dont know what to make of it either, im just sitting here pissed off and confused.

  3. Congrads on getting your NOA2!

    Im a little confused though, How are non expidited Octoboer filers getting NOA2's when there are a huge bunch of us from september who have not heard anything yet, anyone have any insight on this? My Noa1 is from Sept 8 and i even put in a service request a week ago, and still havnt heard anyhting. Im at like 213 days now with nothing. On top of that when I called USCIS to put in my service request on Mar 31, they told me they were only on sept 11 fillers, yet they seem to be well into October.

  4. Haha thats funny because i was thinking the same thing about myself. I was the kid who could never wait untill christmas to open a present or who always wanted everything today not tomorow. This process has knocked me on my butt a little and made me wait and wait and wait and wait. Its too much though this is not healthy for a person. BTW thats cute what you do with your fiance, we should do something similar you know, make a joke out of a seeminly really depressing topic.

    It is the most frustrating process I have ever experienced. I am NOT a naturally patient person, but this process helped me develop more patience than I ever thought possible for me. It is not easy at all. But... it's worth it.

    My fiance and I have this thing we say, and we tend to say it almost every night because we miss each other so much:

    Him: "Tell me you love me."

    Me: "I love you."

    Him: "How much?"

    Me: "Enough to deal with USCIS for you."

    Him: " :D "

  5. Ive noticed the same things as many of you, the fights start to mount from NOTHING, you get on eachtoher for NOTHING, this process has made us both ugly people at times which we are really not.

    Its not the wait honestly, its what it does to your relationship that is most frustrating. We are human, we have emotions needs, this process makes you cold, you have to be cold or else you will go crazy if you let your emotions out, and honestly emotions arent meant to be kept in, becasue that usually leads to a big explosion.

    I dont know, there are some things in this country and system I will never understand I guess. There are so many things that can be done overnight or even in the span of 2 seconds but something that is seemingly very important to our human side takes what a year to finish?

    They seemed to be pretty quick about cashing a check though. Thats how everything in the country works, they can charge a card in 2 seconds but good luck getting w/e it is they charged you for, but when you owe money to someone they are right on your door step. What if everyone had the same time frame as USCIS? What if I pay my mortgage 40% later then expexted? Ill get a bunch of fees and phone calls and threats. Its ok when the goverment or a corporation does it but regular people we have to be a 100% on point or else we get punished. Why cant I charge USCIS a late fee?

  6. I hear you. We are considering giving up on living in the U.S. altogether. Sometimes I think it's not worth it. Good luck to you. Thank goodness for Skype, at least, right?

    Funny thing ive been thinking the same exact thing, I can move to Macedonia when ever I want, its my homeland anyway. THis whole process has exposed some things about the US that I really dislike and has made me think twice about living here. Without skype I dont think our relationship would make it through this, im almost positive of that.

  7. I hear you.. my application just turned seven months. I was only allowed to make an SR yesterday to see where my file is. I believe another 2 weeks for the SR to go through... quite an agony. I feel like most of my energy and thoughts are focused on this. Know what, we just have to stay positive that everything's going to turn out fine. I enjoy reading all the success stories here and I feel happy for everyone whose journey is over and I also say to myself, I'll be reading my own success story pretty soon. We will! Keep the faith :)

    Thank you for some of the uplifting words and im sorry to see that you are having the same problem.

    It is a very difficult and long and frustrating process. I feel your pain. We were unable to get expedition, and then my husband deployed right around the time my interview finally got scheduled, so now I am actually requesting that they delay issuing my visa so that I can stay in my home country until he comes back in a year or so, as he was hte only reason I was moving to the US in the first place. I don't want to go there and live alone!

    Anyways, if you want my advice it would be to try and live in the moment and focus on what you DO have (love and health at least I hope). Focus on the end/eyes on the prize. You will be together forever... after this little speed bump.

    Wishing you patience, peace, and luck!


    I am so sorry, that sounds terrible :( that you waited all that time and basically have to wait all over again. Its really not fair, especially since he puts his life on the line for this country, you think they could at least help him out in this way.

    I hear you. After a 5 month wait for my NOA2, I'm stuck with over a 4 month wait for an interview. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

    It'll all be over one day, and you'll forget about this silly process. :)

    Ugh its like they want people to suffer.

    what can you do tho?at first i got so pissed when people told me this,but lets face it,the government only cares about peoples opinion when they panic or get really angry.the truth is NO ONE who is not going through this process cares about immigration system.to an average ignorant american every mexican is coming to steal their job,every middle eastern is a terrorist trying to set foot on american soil and blow a national building up,every young pinay who gets engaged to an older man is a sex slave and every african is looking for a meal ticket.its harsh,its sad,but its the truth.the ignorant majority rules over the aware and open minded minority.

    you havent given up,you cant give up when there is nothing you can do

    You are right and I agree 100% I am white and so is my fiance but my parents also imigrated here and ive seen what your talking about my whole life, the whole country is ignorant to this issue except people who are going through it. People are so racist or at the least stereotypical.

    Youre kinda right, you cant give up on somehting that youve had no control over from the start. :/

    This is much like a grieving process. #1 Denial, we can't believe that this is really happening like it is. #2 Anger, mad as :devil: at the length of time away from our loved ones. #3-Bargaining, making a deal with ourselves or a higher power if the situation can just be changed. #4 Depression, mmmm that is where I am headed now. So much for "keep your chin up" or "think forward to happier times".... I miss my baby and I want my heart/best friend by my side.........

    I feel like ive went through all the stages and its coming back around in a circle and im having the feelings all over again. At one point i was at peace with the whole situation but its taking so dam long and i know even after my Noa2 i still have 2 -3 months to wait anyway. I mean really 1 year to get this done? hhhhhh at a loss for words

    Have you called the USCIS to tell them you are beyond processing time? I hope so you should hear something soon. Mine took 7.5 months, but I had an RFE that took an extra couple of weeks. It's been a year in February I am still stuck in the NVC. My attorney screwed up delayed me about 3 months. He did not OPTIN for electronic processing cuz he mailed them 2x the forms which they say they never got. What a joke he is. Anyhow he didn't email them until January 31, 2011. I told him to do that last November. Talk about frustration. ARG UGH My wife and I are going crazy!

    Ive been thinking of calling but last time i called they were so unhelpfull and I got sooooooooooooo mad that i dont want to go through the stress of calling again, At VSC they are on my month (september) im on the 8, they already have about a third of sept done but I still havent gotten anything and im toward the beggining of the month. Im going to wait another week or 2 and then I guess I will have to call.

  8. Lets be honest folks, how many others are throwing thier hands up almost in disgust at the situation? I mean raelly? Im heading towarrd 7 months now from the date of my NOA1. There were calls of patience way back when, but now its pretty much all a joke to me. I feel almost as if ive given up, or as if this process has taken the pleasure out of the whole point of all this. This is really bad on a relationship to say the least, and extremly cruel.

  9. Well gee that very ethical. I would even be tenpted to use the word cowardly. Ugh if these forums are any indicator of the people that live here I think I might go apply for a visa to her country lol.

    Everything if said youve ignored, twisted, taken out of context, all to prove some baseless theories.

    The really ironic thing about it is when companies screw up, the government rakes them over the coals for it, yet when that very same government screws up, that's just fine.

    I have always liked the Democrats better. When I was in politics, I had to publicly support the Republicans because they were the ones buttering my bread, but I still voted Democratic. And I was sad that so many Democrats were voted out last November.

    But not any more. Now that I am experiencing, first hand, the out of control liberalism of Obama and his cronies, I am getting really sick of it and wish that even more Democrats were sent to the unemployment office.

  10. Why are you using the fee that we paid for the petition to compare to a lawyers hourly billable rate? There is no correlation in that comparisson they are just two numbers. Does a lawter go through a few hundred cases in a day? does a law firm hire several hundred employees? Your comparing apples and oranges. For one its not wall street because theres no profit involved. Secondly you forget that people who make 200k a year dont usually have some stupid health care plan provided by thier firm, they usually buy thier own. 100's of employees to provide healthcare and pensions to. Its the benefits that really mkaes these goverment employees so expensive, why do you think many people who dont not have advanced degrees look for some type of government job? Because even if they pay isnt huge the benefits outweight the loss in salary many times over.

    I agree with you on some levels but I think your frustration is getting the better of you and your not thinking clearly about some things. Trust me I know the feeling, I am extremly frustrated too. Im officialy at 5 months and 5 days so im already over and dont think ill be getting an NOA2 until 6 months. I agree that they should be able to put better use of the money they get but just like any goverment agency they work slow and dont really care that much. Sadly only profit drives people in this country and thats why nothing functions right.

    I know how much overhead goes into running a business. I approve the disbursements here every month and sign the checks.

    Of course USCIS has overhead. But Wall Street law firms have much more simply because all of these things cost much more in NYC than in Vermont.

    Yet on less than half of USCIS's hourly billing rate, these firms pay New York City overhead, pay their attorneys very handsome salaries, and still make tons of profit.

    So how do they do it?

    P.S. The money is not an issue with me. The issue is that when I pay Wall Street money, I expect Wall Street service. But with USCIS, I don't even get back alley service.

  11. It's not $455. And it's not like the payment goes into the adjudicator's pocket. You seem to be kidding yourself.

    haha exactly I dont get the logic? Besides when I filled it was $455, they recently lowered it the $300 something.

    Besides Al what about the buildings they work out of? Electricity, water, heatm cooling, maintenece, cleanup, directors, supervisors, security, healthcare, pensions. I find it hard to believe your a VP of a company and you dont know how many expenses go into an operation other then direct labor? The adjucator doesnt even see $20 out of $450.

  12. If the USCSI has a problem, Its NOT $$$ I still don't understand what the 450 bucks for. Its not for the visa, I know that. Is it for processing the petition that takes forever?

    I'am more interested in getting a refund. Forget about giving them more $$$.

    What do you mean you dont know what the money is for haha? They have employees, bills, you know stuff to pay to keep running. Like I said if you want them to have more staff then you need to pay bigger fees so they can higher more staff or pay more taxes, which no one wants to do (not even me). But where does the money go, to everything. Think about 1 adjucator there, probably makes about 30-40k a year, divded by $450 = 67 to 89 applicants, for 1 employee. Can they do better with the money they already have oh yeah, they definily can. I have no doubt that 3-4 months can be achieved with its current staff and funding. Haha but thier goverment employees you know how it is. Think.... DMV..

  13. I too would glady pay as much as i have to speed it up as much as possible but the fact remains that its about money, thats what its always about in this country MONEY. ALso its not about competition, USCIS does not make a profit haha, how many governemnt funded institutions make a profit on anyhting? So in the end if you either need to pay alot more taxes or get charged alot more for services. I do agree how ever that it can probably be run better then it is. All governemnt institutions run like slob of jello. Alot of this process can be autimated, computers can sift through most of these petitions and only ones that pick up red flags should be reviewed by people.

    I truly feel that no one is to blame but the people in this country, we have become a country of entitled, half asz working, lazy, arogent, fools. All americans think they deserve everyhing because they are americans and our soil just must be better then others peoples. We half asz everyhing as a country. We have a little bit of everyhing but nothing perfect. People dont want to work hard anymore. We refuse to look around the world for things people are doing better then us because "we are always the best" right? Not to mention we are totally ripped apart as a nation by a political system that is turning everyone agianst eachother.

    Look at this thread, i starts off as a common problem, how we want our petitions approuved faster. Then before you know it we are not on common ground anymore and we are arguing behind party lines and no longer have the ame goal even though we started with it. Those in places of hire power have figured it out, just like when the romans figured out the power of the colloseum. All you have to do is get people pissed off enoigh at eachother and entertained enough to not pay attention to those really accountable and then you can do what ever you want. The country is being raped an pilleged by both sides while the people crusify eacother. Thier is nothing sadder then 2 people who are both poor as dirt arguing to death about thier opppisite parties (whom are both loaded) and in the end hate eachtoher and blame eachtoher rahter then those who matter.

    Would I pay $4500.00 instead of $450.00 to get my NOA2 in 30 days instead of the intolerable 7 to 8 months they are shoving down my throat? Hell ya, and in a heartbeat and without doubt or hesitation of any kind!

    This is not a vacation or a big screen TV or new living room furniture we are talking about. This is my life, and more importantly, the life of my beloved fiance, both of which are being seriously screwed up right now by an uncaring,. unfeeling, and totally incompetent bureaucracy. I already have over $12,000.00 invested in this relationship, and I am looking at another $6,000.00 before it is all said and done. Against that backdrop, another $4.000.00 to get it done right instead of the totally aborted way it is being done now would be money well spent.

    As Vice President of my company, I am constantly bidding on jobs in a highly competitive environment, and I can see that the lowest bidder does not always get the job. Customers have other considerations, many of which are more important than the lowest price. They want high quality, compliance with specifications, timely delivery, and intelligent responses to their inquiries. Many customers who went elsewhere in search of the lowest price learned the hard way that price is not everything and came back to us when they realized that a higher price packaged with better service is actually cheaper in the long run.

    Of course, USCIS has no competition and therefore does not have to worry about losing business despite their despicable service, and I use the term "service" loosely. But our government is not supposed to need competition to deliver the quality service we are entitled to, as the government of Egypt is now finding out the hard way. Obama's wake up call should have come this last November when his party got pummeled into the ground, but to use his own words from his 2008 campaign, "John McCain doesn't get it. You get it. i get it. But John McCain doesn't get it". Remember those words? Who doesn't get it now, Mr. President?

  14. Thank you for that historical perspective you saved me alot of time haha ;)

    Even with out a bunch of proof its common sense people do you really think of all the pressing issues going on in the world everyday that the presidents worry about how long it takes for our K1 visas to get approuved? I dont consider myself nor my situation that important that I expect the president to "make things better" because I have much bigger problems in my life that id like the goverment to work on first, problems that arent getting solved. This problem is just matter of waiting a little longer.

    Why do people seem to thing that presidents micromanage the country? I dont support Obama at all but I am also not an idiot and I know he cant just lift a pen and change what ever he wants nor can any other president or member of congress. The slow downs are just a matter of a large work load and not enough funding because the same people who hate Obama and want USCIS to pump these out in 2 months are the same people who want to pay little to no tax but want everything done for free. Nothing in life is free people, and none of us are entitled to anyhing. You want it in 2 months? Lets pay $4500 instead of $450 and they can hire a 10x bigger staff and everyhting is fine and dandy then.

    I do however agree about the TPS things, but only if the volume it produced is significant, which I am skeptical that it was. Plus ITS OVER NOW.

    One off topic post that added nothing to the discussion has been removed. Further disruptive posts may result in a thread ban.


    Moderator hat off . .

    To add another perspective to the 2004 year for filing for K-1 . .the year before in 2003, we filed for a K-1 and it took over 6 months to get the NO2. We were eventually approved after 194 days. Those who filed 2 months before I did seemed to get approved in about 2 to 3 months. Some who filed after I did waited even longer than I did. This too was under Mr. Bush's presidency.

    There is an ebb and flow in the processing of paperwork. It has been longer in the past as well as shorter. It has nothing to do with who is in the Presidential office and everything to do with the USCIS workloads at that particular time of year. Things traditionally seem to start going faster about now with the K-1 visas.

    My anticipated processing time when I filed was listed at 90 days. Then, the estimated processing time changed to 120 days, and when we reached 120 days, it changed to 180 days. I noticed the following year they even stopped providing an estimated processing time. Generally, I think you can expect an NOA 2 sometime between 2 months to 7 months - and that is all considered to be within normal processing times - depending on the time of year.

  15. I am by no means an Obama suporter but I dont understand why the president get 90% of the blame for 90% of the things he has no contorl over. I wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt even know about USCIS. When will americans learn that thier presidents are more scapegoats then decision makers. We have a boat load of congress people and senators who affect our daily lives way more yet somehow the president is first to take flack, whether obama or bush or whoever. Do you really think Bush had some plan for USCIS that was better then the current? Or that Obama has a plan that is crappier then the last? Come on its not up to them. These institutions have thier own directors and managment.

    Its more of a smaller budget then anyhting else, taxes keep going down but people want all these thigns to function better well they wont if we underfund everything. I dont blame USCIS or the President or Congress I blame the people who live in this country and pretend to be Americans and pretend to care what happens when all they really care about is themselves. People elect mayors, senators, reps, presidents, everyone of these people who dont do thier job we allow them to not do thier jobs. America is just a country full of hypocrites, just read through this thread and youll find a few.

    Now that it seems clear that we are only getting 2 approvals on this day, I realized that as much as I hated the Bush man in the oval office, one thing I have to give him credit for is how well he had USCIS running.

    In 2004, the first time I did this, I got my NOA2 in one month, and the lady had her Moscow interview date 2 months after that. And they were issuing visas 2 to 4 days after the interviews.

    That was a well run office, the way it should be run now. But like most of Obamination's other undertakings, he attempts vast things with half vast (say it quickly) ideas.

    And look at the result: What result? I don't know. I'm still waiting for mine. Under Bush, she would have had her visa in her pocket over a month ago. Now under Obamination, we are not even close to completing the first step.

    How much longer will this go on, Mr. President who already has his wife with him every night while mine is exiled in Russia because of him?

    Can I change my vote to McCain?

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