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Posts posted by Rose32

  1. Oh my, :crying: in the most wonderful time of the year this just happend to you - makes me so sad :(

    My prayers will be with you.

    For now.. all what I can say, is for u to enjoy the time with your family! Believe in Got, pray, fasting.. everything happend with a reason! Be strong and patience now in this proces - find an activity... to make the time go faster...cause' it will take some time :(

    HI! Thanks, i will need all prayers i can get right now. Yes, i found out that i maybe have to wait 10 years to get back in, but he is going to apply today and we are talking every day on msn,phone and that, and hes telling me that he will be here and visit me for a month, and then go back,and try to talk to lawyers. but the worst part of this , is that we really wanted a kid together and im 32 now. I will be 42 years old when i can live there with him. i never stopped crying since i talked to the people in here and they told me i am banned for 10 years or maybe life time. but we love each other and we would wait for 10 years, god will make a way....

  2. How did you work for 3 years? What did you do when they asked you for an ID or driver's licence? Did you really think that it is enough to just get married and you become legal automatically?

    Honestly I find it hard to believe.

    well, you dont have to believe, we know and god knows. i didnt work there, he did. and i never drove a car, and i just lived my ife with him, i never thought about these things, and maybe u dont believe me or someone else, but i know what is the truth and god knows i dont lie, but thanks for your opinion. If i knew all this then when i was there with him, ooooh i would apply , i would do anything, but now im here, without him, and it hurts, and i cant eat,sleep, i want to hear his voice all day n night,im blaming my self for this,but hes telling me that we didnt know,but if i only just looked into it for just 5 min, when i was there for 3 years, i would know and i wouldnt be here and cry and write in here like a stupid foreign. :(

  3. Please keep the judgemental comments to yourself. This is devastating enough for the OP. Thank you.

    Rose, you have a couple of good links give to you by Canadian_Wife and Boiler. Here is the link to VJ's waiver forum: Link

    I am going to move your thread from the K-3 Process forum to the General Immigration Discussion as it appears you need advice on quite a number of issues. Good luck, and I wish you all the best. (F)

    Alright, move me there, and thank you. I wil check out these links, cuz i cant sleep anyways :) im happy i found this forum and im happy there is forums like this.


  4. I'm not the most gentle, but also not the most brutal messenger, and since I have family roots in Sweden, lived there for 2 years, I'm partial to the Swedish people. Hence I'm shocked that you find yourself in such an awkward situation, especially since all you had to do is file for adjustment of status, or at least check if it's okay to leave the US with a visa that expired 3 years earlier.

    You don't understand. There is no possibility that you have triggered the 10-year bar; it's a fact.

    Boiler gave excellent advice on how to proceed from here, by having your husband file the I-130 and, once adjudicated, file for a CR-1 (spousal) visa in Sweden at the US Embassy or Consulate. This visa application WILL be denied because of your overstay. It's not in their discretion to make an exception. Even if they liked you like their own daughter, there's nothing they can do to help you. What you would need to get back into the US before the year 2020 is an I-601 waiver. Contrary to Boiler, however, I'm rather pessimistic about you getting one, but nothing is unimpossible, I always claim.

    If you are serious about the waiver thing, I suggest for your husband to contact Laurel Scott in Texas. Laurel is an immigration attorney who specializes in waivers, nothing but waivers. Waivers every day of the week, every week of the year. Your husband can call her and get an initial consultation on the phone. Laurel will tell him straight out what your chances are to get this pulled of. I can't recommend her highly enough.

    Here's her information:


    Good luck!


    Thank you for the information, i appreciate any kind of answer right now, even if it hurts. I will tell him to contact Laurel Scott then. Lets see what happens, im feel like its hopeless right now, but I believe in god and god will make a way for us, cuz everything is possible, even if it seems inpossible right now. Iam trying to be strong right now.

    anyways, thanks


  5. Come on Amy, give this poor girl a break! How many people know anything about the paperwork and processes involved in any of this in any country, unless they or a family member goes through it. Her story is heartbreaking. I, for one, hope very much that she will qualify for one of those scarce waivers. Her husband needs to be getting his congress-man and senators working on this for him also. Hang in there Rose, rules must sometimes have exceptions and I think you deserve such consideration!


    thank you for saying these kind words to me. I needed to hear that right now. I just talked to my husband for 1 hour over the phone, crying, but then, what the sense to cry,crying is not gonna take us anywhere, so he said he will go on monday, talking to lawyers or anything,and if its not gonna work, he will be here, at least we can be with each other. I made the biggest mistake to not find out anything while i was there,and came back here not knowing i will be banned for 10 years, yes i blame myself, I was just so happy with him, that was my best 3 years in my life, and I love him from my heart, and I told him today that if i have to wait for 10 years, so be it. anyways, thanks for replying, at least i have someone to talk to right now, im so sad


  6. I am so sorry for your situation.

    You broke the law because you did not do any research before you stayed in the US for 3 years. Now you are very emotional, understandably so, but you need to begin planning for your future. Your husband needs to file the I-130 NOW, failing to do so means more time apart. Read the guides for the Cr-1 visa and get the petition in the mail - don't wait for him to get to Sweden


    The US embassy cannot help you and are under no obligation to help you - there is no right for a US citizen to bring his wife to the US.

    At the very least, contact Laural Scott who offers free immigration chats on Wednesdays at scottimmigration.net and begin your waiver. This can take a large amount of time to complete so best to be prepared.

    Oh, and research, research, research

    Hi! thanks for replying. yes im very emotional right now and cant stop crying. ok , i will tell him to go and file that I-130 on monday already, he got an appointment there. and i will look more into what to do, i wont give up, i just feel weak right now cuz when i heard about the 10 year ban, u know, i died inside. and i will contact the american embassy here and ask for a meeting and to file that Cr-1 visa something, even if they cant help me , i will try anyways, i have nothing to loose anyways,right. and my husband will be here just to see me, but if they want him to file and all that stuff , then i will tell him to stay there and do that. and i will go and chat with that woman Laura Scott, thank you for your answer

    god bless you

    Good luck

  7. I hope others that know can tell you what your husband can do. I do not know anything about the legality of how this is done.

    All I can say is that if I were your husband my first step would be to find and talk to a very good immigration lawyer. That would be step one for me.

    Second, I would start writing letters and emails to every congressman in my state explaining the situation as briefly as possible and asking them for guidance on who to talk to

    or where to direct your questions. Even people in the town where you lived, pastors, doctors, public officials, teachers, make a list of them, you might need their input to validate your relationship and your character.

    I would put together a history of your life with your husband, something that tells what you did while you were there. Be careful with this, you don't want to tell them you have broken other laws like working and stuff, but if you volunteered or helped the community in some way.

    The world can be a brutal place when everyone goes by the "book and the rules". You and your husband have to seek out that person or those people that might be able to bend those rules in your favor.

    Above all do not lose hope! You have been hit very hard right now and it's probably hard to breathe, but breathe you must, get focused and stay focused. Stand up and fight!

    Hi! Thank you for replying, i was just outside, I live in Sweden by the way, and I didnt feel the cold at all, he called me, and we cried, I told him the news, and we cant live without each other, I could take 1 year even, right now not even a second wthout him, but 10 years, god forgive me, but i want to die, i cant stop crying, i accuse myself, why did i leave, why. he said hes gonna be here soon,but i cant ask him to leave the states, but we will die for sure without each other. i have people there that can state that i voluntered in a church, but i didnt work there. he worked and i stood home. my home is there , in us, not here, if someone told me right now, that i could go back, i will run to the airport and leave and i will hug everyone on the airport in us, but this is a nightmare for me right now and i talk to a lawyer here and he will do that too over there, but what i just heard in here, its kinda impossible anyways, and we didnt even get a kid with each other, and im 32 now, so to wait 10 years, i will never have a kid, and yes , i wouuld wait 10 years for him, and that day im leaving, i will neveeer come back here again.


  8. How long did you overstay your previous visa...if you did. That is very important. If you overstayed your visa by 181-365 days, you will incur a 3 year ban from entry to the US. If you overstayed by over one year, you will incur a 10 year ban. It is possible to get a waiver for the overstay, but as justbob said above, your odds of getting the 601 waiver are very slim based on your situation. I hope for your sake that you didn't overstay your previous visa. Please inform us so we can give ACCURATE advice.


    I overstood 3 years. Never applied for nothing. I just lived with him over there. Now when I read all this, you guys telling me its a 10 year ban. now I will surely die, cuz i cant live without him. i am so stupid, why did i leave the us. i cant read all this right now, i have to go out and get air. i be back little later. thank you guys for answering.


  9. I wish I had an answer for you. Your story is so sad. People will criticize you for how you did things, criticism is always easy. Ignore them.

    This is your first step, you have started the process, hopefully others more knowledgeable then I can direct you.

    Let your love and desire to be with your husband empower you and drive you forward, write letters, send emails, seek those that can help and guide you.

    I wish you the best, may God bless you.

    Hi! thanks for replying. I just read that I could be banned for 10 years, i want to cry now, only thing that can bring me up is that my husband will be here soon for a visit cuz he miss me to much and my trust in god. i wish so much that i never left usa, when the love of my life is there and he is crying and i cant come back.. i cant give up, i will go to the amerian embassy and beg them to help me, and he have to do things from usa too,right?


    God bless you too

  10. My advice would be to speak with an Immigration lawyer. I'm betting you'll probably have to start the process of a Spouse visa, but yes, that can take months. A long 5 months or so... just for the first part of the approval! (K3 visa) Find an Immigration Lawyer because they would know more about your options.

    Even if you end up having to wait months just to come back... just remember, it's for him, so it's worth it! I hope for the best for you!

    Hi!! thank you for your reply. I am so sad about this, but as u said, if it takes months, i swear, i will be so happy, i just want to go home!

    My husband want to come here, we miss each other so much, and maybe he can help me from here too.. I was thinking to call the american embassy on monday and schedule an appointment.

    But thank you for answering me. Months is ok, but not years, I wil surely die.


  11. Hi! I need help with this. If someone can help me, I will be very happy. Ok, its like this..I went to Usa, to visiting friends year 2007. Me and a guy just fell in love , and we got married after 3 months. I stood with him for 3 years, without applying for visas or anything. I didnt know that I had to apply for something there, I thought we were married and thats it! This year 2010, I went back to my country, to visit my family, but now I cant go back to my husband. I looked it up from here, I have to apply for a visa/green card and that can take months or even years,what I read online. Me and my husband is crying over the phone and internet, and I really regret I went back here just to visit my family, big mistake. I miss him so much. Please anyone, help , what can I do, to make it faster. I know you people think I was stupid not to apply from there, but I really didnt know, until I went here and now is too late too think about it.


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