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Status Updates posted by JoyDee

  1. Hey there Mocha,

    If you log into the USCIS website it will say "Last Updated" and then there will be a date. Being 'touched' doesn't mean much but it's a sign that they are at least looking!

  2. and congratulations on getting your husband here! =)

  3. and now we wait for the consulate! 1/2 way there time-wise only 1/4 of the way there emotionally, if that!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. marklovetina
    3. amine.elmer


      hey, congratulationsss!!!!! thats great!! im sorry though if i may ask, im just curious why you guys expedited and did you do that in the beginning or at the end of the process!? because my fiance and i are really considering that option for our current circumstance.

    4. Ms.M


      congrats... :)

  5. APPROVED!! HALLELUJAH!!! I'll write up what I know about the Haitian consulate in a review.

    1. DebWa



    2. rose26



    3. E & B

      E & B


  6. Have a joyful day on this winter solstice!

  7. hey there, how is everything going? hope all is well!

  8. Hey there. Still not quite sure.. I'll let you know what happens when I get the NVC package hopefully in a few days. Glad to hear you called for the expedite. Seems like it wasn't just all Haiti cases but we had to call for it. I had to call twice, so if you don't hear within a week call again! Good Luck!

  9. I am thankful for the tiny handful of vocal bright people here at VJ.

  10. I know about the expiry. The consular officer has the power to extend the date, so even though it would be nice to assume that they have to be in by June I don't think its necessary =/ in any case! wishful thinking!

  11. INTERVIEW TODAY!!! on my knees.. please please please!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoyDee


      he was approved!!!! hooray! =)

    3. pglovesmc


      :) im happy. did you go with him?
    4. fabionicole



  12. It's almost interview time!! Don't forget to practice A LOT the next two days.

  13. no worries Ced, seems like everybody around here is a little tense. All we can do is wait together.. Speedy process for you!

  14. once you are in country they should have taken the "envelope" and we were left with only the ds 3025 and the xray. made a copy of 3025 and sent with aos in lieu of physical.. no problems!

  15. praying for folks in Japan, LIbya, and all around the world. Glad to have my love, its a small thing to wait a bit longer.

  16. Rejoice! Rejoice! Stay hopeful and blessed!

  17. Sandy, What is in the Packet 3? Will I need to have my fiance sign any forms to return here? I'm going to Haiti and I want to make sure he signs everything while I'm there because there is no way to ship or send anything. Still waiting for NOA2 and it could be awhile. Thanks!

  18. Seven days til I get to see my lovely!

  19. talking to a friend. she says: so then after your fiance gets here he can apply for citizenship? LOL

    1. Aztec&Taino


      People in generall really have NO IDEA about the process...

  20. This forum is inhospitable. I sincerely hope everyone a speedy process but get over youselves. Never seen a ruder bunch, really.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhLove


      I apologize if anything I said came across wrong. Most of us on this site really do mean well and are very supportive of each other. I think alot of people are just frustrated at this point. Dont let it get to you too much! Really hope you are able to get more positive than negative out of the VJ experience! :)

    3. Mochamich


      I do hope you continue to visit VJ you've been really involved. Hate to lose a positive force in the VJ community.

    4. JoyDee


      Thank you friends! I was just grumpy pants that day! I do appreciate all the support of kind people like you!

  21. twiddling thumbs

  22. waiting some more

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JoyDee


      Don't worry Ali-- P-A-P is also a long wait time! It would probably be the same, or longer b.c of the transfer of the case. I know someone who waited for two months just to schedule the interview and now the interview is still three months away! We will get there!! just have to have patience.. my case is still at NVC because PAP only accepts cases if they can schedule an interview.. right now they are scheduling interviews for NOA2s approved in early December, and thos...

    3. JoyDee


      , and those interviews are set for April!!

    4. Ali-n-Edo


      Wow, I didnt know PAP had a backlog. Ours made it to DR. We will just wait to find out interview date. Yeah, I guess I should just be thankful for the fast approval and get ready for interview in DR. Maybe we can make a quick trip to Haiti to meet Edouardos family before we head home.

  23. what's the word? did you get an interview date yet?? fingers crossed!

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