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Posts posted by akdiver

  1. Ahhh, finally someone like me who didn't marry through a time machine. :D
    No kidding. I married a woman, not a child. Probably explains the lack of huge age difference between us (:

    Although....I will say - if I had a time machine, I would use it to go back and check out babes through the ages (:

  2. Did you teach them yourselves?

    My wife was a "non-driver" before she came here.

    a). She got the manual from the DMV and studied it for a week.

    B). Went back to the DMV, she took test and got learner's permit.

    c). Practiced for a two weeks or so, under my instruction.

    d). Went back to DMV, she took road test and got license.

    She had her driver's license after being here just under a month, and before we got married.

    Pretty brainless overall - nothing to worry about.

    One thing to keep in mind. For the first time driver, and for those of us who have 20-something brides, insurance rates are gonna be sky high.
    I disagree entirely. It didn't cost me anything to add her to my policy. As it stands now, the rate for her and "her car" is about half of what it is for me and "my" Jeep.
  3. My wife renewed her passport last year by mail through the Russian embassy in DC. Wasn't difficult or expensive as I remember, but took a while.
    Mine did mine through the mail, through the consulate in Seattle. They changed the name on her passport and renewed it for a new 5 year period. Was very easy to do.

    My understanding though is that they have changed the requirements and you have to drop off and pick up in person. If that is really true, I don't see how these passport services can help you - unless the requirement does not apply to such services (which wouldn't surprise me at all - someone is getting kickbacks), in which case, they would be well worth using for many people (like us, who would have to buy 2 plane tickets to Seattle).

  4. Sorry, but at this point I've lost all patience with the stupidity of this process.
    You are in for a pretty rough "visa journey" if you have already lost patience before even getting the visa. Eventual citizenship many forms, much money and a long time away.

    They talk to hundreds of people each week. They do not have the time or patience to reschedule people for the sake of personal convenience. Show up at the appointed time (that you have waited many months for), or not. If I were you, I would just keep the Monday appointment and suck up the costs.

  5. I attended a beautiful Hawaii wedding this year. But! It's only good if you have attendees who can make the trip - for the expense, they almost have to spend a week there because it's just silly to go to Hawaii for only a weekend. If you decide on a beach wedding, you might consider a coast line nearer to you.
    Well, it helps a lot if you don't bother to invite anyone else - just you and the misses. That's what we did - worked out perfectly. Also a lot less stressful than having to deal with a bunch of other people.

    Not much point in a beach wedding here in Alaska - the cost for "attendees" flying up here isn't any less than Hawaii, and the beaches all look like gravel or mud parking lots anyway.

  6. I'm also not so sure "confidence" is the primary reason most women slog to the grocery store in Jammie bottoms and no make-up.
    I go to the store that way, I dunno why my wife shouldn't.

    I'm very glad I do not have a "fashionable" wife. That fashion ###### is expensive...and a huge waste of money IMHO.

  7. Proof of on going contact: Receipts from Western Union

    showing Cameron sent Svetlana at least $100 a month for the last 8 months, emails from each other, a call record.

    Proof of on going contact or a payment plan??? I'd leave this out if I were you.

    Then why the heck are you sending her $100 each month?
    Money can't buy you love....it can only get you a cheap imitation.....and often by the hour or even half hour.
  8. Or, possibly he is not yet married to his "spouse"

    I am married. My employer doesn't offer family plans.

    Well, there you have it.

    Assurant isn't available in my state.
    There are plenty of other such companies. Google "short term health insurance" and you'll get some stuff come up. Assurant is just one of many such companies.

    Good luck!

  9. I am not able to put my spouse on my work sponsored health insurance.

    What are the alternatives? I want her to have medical insurance. Running into all sorts of road blocks.

    Why won't they let you put her on your insurance? If it's not too personal that is.

    Not all employers offer "you and your dependents" coverage. Or, possibly he is not yet married to his "spouse" and his employer's coverage only covers married spouses and/or dependent kids.

    OP: you can get a short term policy of various kinds. When my wife changed jobs and we were without insurance through her job for the first 90 days, we used such a policy. Got it through Assurant. http://www.assuranthealth.com/corp/ah/

  10. Russian women also still believe in dressing nicely and using make-up EVERYDAY. They enjoy looking good if only just for their husband...no sloppy sweat pants or worn out jeans around the house. For me, this is one of those things that really contrasts Russian and American women in my many observations.
    Wow - what a stereotype.

    My Russian wife usually doesn't bother with makeup or fancy when she is going out, let alone around the house. She also doesn't need makeup or fancy clothes for me to consider her beautiful. I am SO THANKFUL she is confident enough in herself that she doesn't feel the need to waste her time with that stuff, and can focus her time on things that actually matter.

  11. I'm willing to bet large sums of money that the numbers will correlate well with this theory.
    And behold...

    Age at marriage for those who divorce in the United States


    Age Women Men


    Under 20 years old 27.6% 11.7%

    20 to 24 years old 36.6% 38.8%

    25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3%

    30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6%

    35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5%

  12. How many men on this forum had an American wife before moving on to a FSU fiancee or wife? Now that ought to tell us something.
    What exactly does it tell anyone, other than someone has demonstrated their failure to preserve at least one marriage?


    According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:

    The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%

    The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%

    The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

    So, if you already had an American wife, we can expect that you have a much greater chance at divorcing the second one too (relative to someone on their first marriage).

    The piece of information that is more useful is age at first marriage, along with education level. The theory is that the younger and dumber you are when you get married, the more likely you are to get divorced. I'm willing to bet large sums of money that the numbers will correlate well with this theory.

    If the wife was a teenager at first marriage, the marriage is much more likely to dissolve than if the wife was at least 20 years of age at marriage. The first marriages of brides under age 18 years are the most likely to dissolve at all marital durations, followed by the marriages of women 18-19 years of age at marriage. Marriages of women at least age 20 years at marriage are much less likely to dissolve (table 3 and figure 1). After 10 years of marriage, 48 percent of marriages of women under age 18 years at marriage have disrupted compared with 40 percent of marriages of women who were 18-19 years of age at marriage, 29 percent of marriages of women who were 20-24 years of age at marriage, and 24 percent of marriages of women at least 25 years of age at marriage (CDC).
  13. Without an EAD one can not work legally.
    Not true.

    My thought process was if you are not out in the work force, that you should be doing work at home. Just some little things, nothing major like re-painting the house.
    This is true.

    Am I unreasonable to expect some of these things to be done?

    Furthermore, she can VOLUNTEER her time. This will allow her to develop localized job skills, practice language if needed, and cultivate references for the eventual job search. My wife was here for all of a month before she came up with idea all on her own, simply to relieve boredom. It worked out well for her. Within 6 months of her arrival, she got a job making about $35K/year (with full benefits, including 50% off a masters program for BOTH of us). Within 3 years of her arrival, she completed a masters degree and got a job making $60K/year. It all started with her initial volunteering, which got her a reference for the first job.

    Good luck!

  14. Is it too late to request them to change it, and why didn't you ask them to do it right then?
    I'm with slim. You could have saved yourself a huge amount of headache simply by using the N400 name change procedure to get the name the way you want it (i.e. to match your existing documents). If I were you, I would contact them ASAP and tell them this is what you want to do. Do not delay! Otherwise, it is pretty clear that you're N400 document is going to have the "wrong" name on it, and who knows what of hassle this may cause you in the future.
  15. I would worry more about Russian customs, not American. They will require a document about legality of the money over $10k (Amex checks included).
    Unless you give them some reason to search through every piece of paper you have (yes, I know, anything is POSSIBLE), there is no worry there. My wife brought WELL over $10,000 in American Express traveler's checks with her out of Russia in a big envelop in her pocketbook and there was no problem at all.

    On the American side - there is no tax. The customs form is about money laundering and such things, not taxation. You will fill out the form (which you can get on-line and fill out in advance), make your declaration, and that will be that. Given that she is bringing a check rather than cash, they will not even think about caring.

    One thing to keep in mind is CASHING the check. If her name is on it, she will need an ID. With an amount that large, they will probably not just do it with a passport - they are likely to want a social security number, esp. since she will not have an account anywhere - and be unable to get one without an SSN. All things considered, you could probably save a lot of effort if the check is made out to you, or to you "or" her.

    Why is she bringing money that is not hers with her? If some of it belongs to her kids, she should just leave it there with her (unless I misread the OP).



  16. Yup it's me again. I have been to Kazan 3 times since I have been on here. I now have a beautiful fiancee. I am working on the forms. Kind of skipping around a little. On the I-134 form, I have a co-sponser. On my form can I put something like, I intend to provide all means of financial support needed including room and board. On co-sponser for can I use, I intend to provide anything that Cam and Svetlana can not provide for themselves.
    It's cam!!! Holy cow!! Welcome, cam!!!

    You need a timeline. If you haven't filed yet the I-134 isn't required for the initial filing.
    He doesn't need a timeline.

    You need a timeline. If you haven't filed yet the I-134 isn't required for the initial filing.

    How much is the fee to file the I-129F packet.

    Read the form instructions. They reveal a lot of useful information, such as how to fill out the form, where to mail it and how much the fee is.
  17. That's pretty cool! I lucked out, a small Eastern European corner store opened up right down the street from me that's stocked with all sorts of Russian goodies too.
    Yeah, we go there all the time. They used to be located downtown.

    Their prices are kinda high though - but that's how it goes.

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