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Status Replies posted by melissa_endrie

  1. Due to inclement Weather the NVC is closed today =( ... Lets hope for it next week!

  2. nvc is close due to inclement weather ......

  3. still waiting for interview schedule please god help us please....

  4. SIF.. OH YEAH!!!

  5. Flight is booked for Feburary 11th departure - arriving 2 days later... Woo Hoo!!! I'm finally going to see my wife...

  6. Hubby is out of town for 1week, he is in middle of woods+bad signal=I miss him!!!

  7. still waiting for interview schedule please god help us please....

  8. yah , i got case complete today

  9. OMG!!!!! S I F.....S I F.....S I F on my 13th day..... (i hope no problem on our papers)))

  10. Hoping and Praying for an Interview Schedule this week!!!!

  11. Ohh!! Please... Interview Schedule... Where are you??? I need you!!!! NVC please!!!!

  12. Ohh!! Please... Interview Schedule... Where are you??? I need you!!!! NVC please!!!!

  13. Hoping and Praying for an Interview Schedule this week!!!!

  14. Interview is Feb. 4 @ 8:30 am. Thank you lord !!!!!

  15. Interview Date February 4TH!!! YES - THANK YOU JESUS!!! YES - THANK YOU JESUS!!! YES - THANK YOU JESUS!!!

  16. Purchased plane ticket back to the philippines, Good bye usa for a while. Now you can take years if you like USCIS , it won't matter at least I can be with my wife in her country.

  17. Checklist response sent on 01.18.2010. Expected delivery on Friday. Thanks to my brother for being so supportive and understanding. Lord, I'm asking for your help once again. Hope there's no more discrepancy this time.

  18. just called he nvc today,they told me to call back 2nd week of feb,why they told me to call back today,if they will tell me to call back on 2nd week of february..

  19. Soooo sad... No Interview Date Yet and they're not workin' on Monday 'coz of Holiday!... uuuggghhh!!! I'm getting restless just for waiting!

  20. Bakit kaya ganun? the more I see my hubby on cam, and the more I look at his pics, the more I get frustrated and missing him like crazy! Sometimes I dont wanna look at his pic =( it will just made me cry!! I miss him. Period!!!

  21. Bakit kaya ganun? the more I see my hubby on cam, and the more I look at his pics, the more I get frustrated and missing him like crazy! Sometimes I dont wanna look at his pic =( it will just made me cry!! I miss him. Period!!!

  22. Bakit kaya ganun? the more I see my hubby on cam, and the more I look at his pics, the more I get frustrated and missing him like crazy! Sometimes I dont wanna look at his pic =( it will just made me cry!! I miss him. Period!!!

  23. How you know if u got RFE?..

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