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Derek & Rita

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Posts posted by Derek & Rita

  1. Good evening all,

    So my Fiancee and I will be going to Warsaw in the month of March to do her interview. (I may or may-not make it there, depends on work.) Anyhow, I've been reading all over today and my eyes are bleeding now; so I figure that I'd just ask a few burning questions.

    In essence, for those of you who did their interview in Warsaw from Belarus... I have the I-134 form and am in the process of completing it. I've heard each location is different with requirements and such... therefore I'd love to know. What did the embassy ask for proof with the I-134? For me I can easily print out copies of the past 3 years of my W2s. It's not easy to get the entire tax returns printed though.

    Just curious what all you guys had to bring as proof that you're not going to leave your other half in the food-stamp line? Also, is there an actual requirement or magic number they look for in terms of income? Say if I make $40k a year...is this enough? And what about assets? If I make say $80k a year for the past i dunno...let's say the last 4 years... should I include assets that are less than $10k in value? (Just an example, of course. Wish I made $80k)

    Let's see, other questions that are cooking my noodle... I have all of my original documents that I received NOA1 and NOA2, letter from the NVC saying that they have our file, and things like that. Should all of this go to my woman in Belarus before the interview? or are scanned copies sufficient?

    Anyhow, I'm just acting nervous about this because I am! :) It's huge to be so close and yet so far. Would love to hear stories about your experiences in Warsaw, especially if your Fiancee is from Belarus.

    Ok, going to go close my eyes for a bit. All this reading made me feel like I was back in school again.

    Cheers all!



    You have to make above the federal poverty level. If it's just your woman, look at line 2. If she has a child, line 3...

    Not sure about whether they will accept scanned copies vs originals.

  2. So I want to DCF in Moscow, and can't quite find the answers I need on the embassy site.

    1. How soon after we're married can we apply?

    2. What US documents do I need? I mean, besides the obvious ones, does the Moscow embassy have any specific requirements?

    3. Can I get a co-sponsor? I'm a student, and have some money, but still below the poverty guidelines.

    4. Apparently, my SO's cash doesn't matter. Can I include proof of at all somewhere in the documents? He has a lot of savings, enough to not have to work in the States for over a year. We wouldn't need a co-sponsor if this was possible.

    5. How long can I expect it to take? If all goes well I need to be back in the States by August.

    6. How can I get the apostille stamp in Moscow?


    1. The day you have all your marriage paperwork done.

    2. No idea.

    3. For the I-134, yes they will allow a co-sponsor.

    4. It probably won't matter. You can submit the documents. That I-134 is for ten years support at twice the current poverty level.

    5. August is very possible.

    6. I believe the place is called MID. Ministry of International Documents or something like that. USA doesn't require apostilled marriage certificates.

  3. Hello friends.

    filed I130 June 29/2011 in Us California Office

    Approved Dec 06/2011

    Papers send to NVC Moscow


    I Called, and mentioned that Wife is Preagnant (18 weeks at that time)

    Have got interview Jan 17/2012 (Moscow)

    Did not received Police form., asked to bring it to US Embassy North entarance.

    Paid $400+ for Visa on the 17 January., passport and paperwork kept by US Embassy

    Delivered Police report (translated and Notorized) to US Embassy North Gate January 28/2012

    Now wife is 25 weeks preagnant.

    It has been almost 3 weeks , not a call, letter or anything from US Embassy or NVC.

    I emailed and asked to expedite., answere (via email ) : Unfortunately, the case is still under review

    Question: Is there anything that I can do!? Time is ticking, and would like to take wife to see a qualified doctor in US.

    Thanks in advance!

    Well, hopefully it all goes through quickly, but if it takes so long she can't fly with the baby, she'll be stuck there until after the baby is born, then you're looking at a lot of paperwork. And though it is not a "requirement" to have a DNA paternity test, they won't do a CRBA without it. Plan on getting that done ASAP. I spent 8 hours waiting in their waiting room for them to just give me a piece of paper saying "there is not sufficient evidence". If you have that DNA test done already, you'll save yourself a lot of time.

  4. Honestly, while she may be a decent singer, I thought the performance was overdone and the outfit and song choice were in poor taste. I'd much prefer a singer that doesn't feel she needs to shout and wear a feather boa.

    Here you go...

    I much prefer this version of the song compared to the kid's cartoon channel one. Although she's not from RUB - she's from Latvia.

  5. In a way you are right, but a 4 year old cannot get a passport in Ukraine, they are added to their parents passport, which means he does have a passport, just not his OWN passport.

    A child can be added to his mothers passport without permission of the father. You WILL need permission of the father for the child to receive a visa (see another thread running here right now) IF the father is listed on the birth certificate so you need to be preparing for that also. If no father is listed on the birth certificate, she can get a "Certificate of No Father" from ZAGS.

    Actually, I checked and according to Russian law, it seems that as of 2011, children have to get their own passports. Not sure about Ukraine.

  6. Seems like there is more to the story than first perceived....


    Bagwell grew close with the couple last year as he taught the woman at Bay Area Optical Schools in Union City, said Daniel Ross, the school's owner.

    "They would hang out, and Dennis did repair work at their house," Ross said. "When Iryna took her boards in late November, Dennis, Robert and I had breakfast together."

    But Bagwell began to act "erratically," and Robert Suplik told him to leave his wife alone, according to court records. Bagwell is being held without bail at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin. Prosecutors added two enhancements to each charge for using a gun and causing great bodily injury.

    Bagwell, who has no prior criminal history, also was property manager of an apartment complex on Linda Avenue in Oakland, on the Piedmont border. Jaclyn Schratz, who moved into the complex a few weeks ago, said Bagwell struck her as "a busy, productive man." "He was really nice, helpful, into his job," she said. "He was pretty attentive as a manager. ... He was a very nice guy, as far as I know."

    When Schratz met with Bagwell to view her apartment a few weeks ago, she said,
    a woman in her 30s with a Russian accent was in his apartment with him.

    What a revolting development...

    Yea, I'd have to say that it's looking a lot like she might be involved in this hit.

  7. I will scan it and send it to you. My fiance says that her divorce was settled through a civil authority and was not handled by a judge or the court since there was no dispute and the one child was not a minor. The document we are working with sounds like the one you have described as your wife's. What is ZAGS?

    You should still have to get the documents filed with the court where the court can issue a decree of divorce. If it's been at least a few months, she should be able to bring it to the courthouse and get that done.


    Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, I attached an English translation and the translator provided the translator's certification of translation. The USCIS request made reference to a "divorce nisi" being inadequate to satisfying the divorce document requirement. I checked -- a divorce nisis is a preliminary divorce certificate, not final. But what we sent was the final document. Do you have experience in Ukraine? Do you know how we would get a "final divorce decree" in Ukraine? Is it likely to be any different from what we already have? Thanks again.

    I haven't had experience in Ukraine, but in Russia you get your first divorce paper showing you separated, and then a few months later you have to go to court and get the final declaration which is printed on a different color paper than the marriage certificate. If it is just a nisi - then the divorce may have proceeded after the document was filed, but that nisi isn't the divorce declaration.


  9. I thought it was good. The guy was paranoid when he virst arrived, and I was also, but mostly from the horrendous jetlag. They weren't understanding the humor of the show, and were screwing it up during rehearsals. The fashion designer lady was trying to start her own clothing company and thought that by making a big show she could do that, so she disagreed with the way people dressed. She even made those stupid outfits for her dogs. I wouldn't say it was an american or russian thing, since people like that are everywhere. And the writers couldn't be blamed for being lazy or rewriting the shows. The 'fruit of the month club' thing just wouldn't have worked there, and they needed to rewrite it. I thought that after going there, it was an interesting show, and a lot of americans are afraid of russia, so it was good to put a human face on it for once. It was funny mainly because the guy was so paranoid and afraid of everything. It's true there are a lot of places in Moscow where the buildings are run down and old, go to any american city, you'll see clean buildings and clean streets, for the most part. In Moscow, that snow just covers everything and makes everything dirty, it can't be helped. In the summer though, that's when the city really comes alive.

    I laughed at the movie. The guy didn't know anything and he made a fool of himself, and for that reason it was funny. The 'modern art' thing was just a single person's impression of art, and I wouldn't take it as gospel. However, the characters were well done, and you definitely get a feel for how different things are there, and how they are still the same.

  10. It's all about, "Is it packed in liquid?" I mean really, is any caviar not packed in liquid. If so, it must be powered caviar. :angry:

    You're thinking about bottarga. My ex wife from Sardinia brought some along as well as some sausages and stuff, she was treated like a terrorist at the airport, they went through her bags, made her throw away all the meats and bottarga. Well, they found most of the bottarga, but they didn't get it all!

  11. There's no need to shoot back when someone shoots you with a .22 revolver. You simply shrug it off and call 9-1-1 while you hold them at (real) gun point.

    And on the "near obsession" thing, I'd be lying if I said I've never told someone it would be good for their health and safety if they'd leave my wife alone.

    I know. What kind of scum goes creeping on another dude's wife? And why was she calling him and replying to his texts?

  12. No offense intended, but are you even sure it's your kid?

    If you were there for the five day sex party (aka the required meeting before filing papers) it's possible you're going to end up on Maury Povich.

    Like I said, no offense intended, just saying these type of scams can - and do - happen. Sometimes the girl's not even pregnant or it's someone else's kid they borrowed to hold up in front of the camera when you skype.

    Just went back and noticed you did CR-1/IR-1 so you're already married too. Can I assume you spent several months over there and a bunch of time together?

    If so, disregard what I'm saying. (I thought you did K-1.)

    "are you even sure" ? Yes, I am sure it's my kid.

    "five day sex party" ? I've been there so many times i'm running out of pages in my passport.

    "sometimes the girl's not even pregnant" ? She was pregnant, I was there and felt the baby kicking in her belly. It's her baby.

    "can i assume"? You can assume whatever you want that makes you happy. I understand that my story is different from most.

    "disregard what I'm saying". Good advice, I think I will.

  13. I'd like to hear from those of you who have experience - what's the most inexpensive way to send money to russia from usa? I have been looking into various ways... so far, MoneyGram works good - sberbank is just about everywhere. I am just getting tired of their fees. I was thinking about using Bitcoin, but I'm not sure if it would be any easier, and they (the exchanges which happen to work in russia) would charge fees for withdraws which would make MoneyGram cheaper.

    What's everyone else do? I was thinking of maybe getting a bank card for her with my bank. I don't know that it would be possible to do that without her showing up here to add herself to the account though. Bitcoin seems promising, but she has to go through the process of opening a bank account, and then opening an account on an exchange like paxum which requires two forms of photo id... and sometimes those transfers can take a few days to complete. Paxum has a MasterCard, though I have no idea if they will send one to Russia, and even then they charge $2 per withdraw, which isn't bad - but then the ATM itself will charge a fee (even though most say they don't for foreign banks - they do). If she lived in SPB or Novosibirsk, there is a BTC exchange there, but that's quite a ways to travel.

    So, any ideas?

    Yes, I know - dont transfer money to people you dont know, yada yada yada... She's my wife and I have a two month old child with her, been there many times. For better or worse, we are together.

  14. vkontakte is not a dating website, it's a social network, so there shouldn't be any scammers at all. SPAMmers only :lol:

    On the other hand, a lot of girls would get mad if you try to talk to them on vkontakte. Again - it's not a dating website, so it's annoying when men, who you don't know, keep trying to talk to you.

    True, same as facebook, but they have 'groups' and 'forums' where you can chat up a girl who is interested in dating, or perhaps make friends. In any case, it's much safer and cheaper than using one of those 'find me a russian wife' websites.

  15. I just wanted to comment that if you are looking for a lady from FSR, vkontakte is good, mail.ru also - but you have to know russian for mail.ru or just use google chrome and its auto-translating goodness. Still, it helps to learn russian. And the good thing about vkontakte is they have a ton of movies even in english. I haven't seen a lot of scammers there, I guess they don't want to prey on russians.

    I met my wife on mail.ru.

  16. Yeah, someday someone is going to have to explain to me the dynamics of a woman that is borderline OC about cleaning yet gets a dog AND a cat and not ANY dog or cat but a long haired Pekinese and a long haired Persian that are both shedding constantly. I mean, what, she couldn't get a beagle and a tabby cat?

    I am beginning to think it is a "cover" for being OC about cleaning "I have to...look at all this animal hair!!" :wacko:

    Thank God she never wanted to be a fireman.

    Well, the perfect kind of dog for a 'clean' house is a poodle, since they don't shed. As for a cat, you'll need a Sphynx.

  17. Nice!

    And dude, you fit in way better over there than I do. You could pass for Russian.

    They all seemed to agree that I looked "German". There's no German blood in me though, just Dutch / Irish with a little Native American.

    Congrats! How long did she stay in the hospital before they gave her the boot? I know thats it's a day or 2 over here before the hospital gives you the discharge.

    It was a few days. I think two or three. She was in the roddom.

  18. My wife believes the toilet seat should be down but that the lid should be up (and ready for business). I was taught that both should be down. We've never had a disagreement about it though. Honestly, I'm not sure if I leave it up or down. It's force of habit one way or the other.

    Lid down when you flush, so it doesn't spew ####### water everywhere in the bathroom... that's my opinion anyway.

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