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Posts posted by Zava

  1. Hi,

    I, Francesca, (petitioner) sent in Lobo's (beneficiary) K-1 visa petition this summer, and received the NOA 1 on July 12th 2010. Anyone else still waiting from July 2010..??? It will be 5 months Dec. 12th. Isn't this a little long?? My service center is California and Lobo's country is Brazil....do these have anything to do with the wait time?? Also, we did not use a lawyer, I did everything myself.

    Thanks for any advice, guidance, and comments....


    My NOA1 was July 17th.

  2. I should also mention I noticed the common Grandparents when I was 6 years old at Thanksgiving dinner. "Hey...my COUSIN calls the same people Grandma and Grandpa that I do! Holy Moley!"

    Talking about the past. My fiance and I are former classmates and best friends. Ages later we met again and We are in love now and can't wait to marry. Could our past be an issue for the consul during the interview?

  3. trying to stay positive here in "sunny" scotland but struggling!! currently snowed in which is just immense!!NOT!! Rachel called uscis twice last week.. first time she spoke to some ignorant jobsworth who gave her nothing.. second time she spoke to a lovely lady who understood our frustrations but just gave her the 5 months speech.. Our 5 months is up in a couple of weeks and I really hope they have an answer for us. Personally I think the whole process is completely wrong. I know a lot of people on this site give it the old "they do say 5 months so hold on" etc but Im getting thoroughly p****d off at seeing people who petitioned after us getting approved. Can I add that Im delighted for these people.. im just annoyed at the lack of communication and consistency in this whole process. We all put our faith in this and decided to do it the "right" way rather than just moving to the states and applying there. I feel like Im being punnished for doing the right thing!! Maybe I should have added this to YGR's brill vent thread .. Im usually really upbeat but its getting to me now. I miss my beautiful fiance, I worry about her and want to look after her. Thats my job and im frustrated that im not being allowed to do that.. thanks for listening peeps.. id be lost without VJ.. promise ill try to be more positive..

    PS Guy walks into a store and asks for fly spray,

    Shop assistant hands him a can

    Guy asks "Is it good for wasps"

    Shop assistant says "no, it kills em" :thumbs:

    Thanks for your post! Strangely but I feel the same way: I feel like Im being punnished for doing the right thing!!

  4. Nope, nothing to see here folks. We shouldn't profile people because that's 'racist.' :whistle:

    I was picking up my kid from work right there at that time. A lot of my friend were DT with families.

    There were soooooooooo many people! Thank you all whom didn't let it happened!



    PORTLAND, Ore. -- Federal agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van he believed was loaded with explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, authorities said.

    The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.

    Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Friday just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would set off the blast but instead brought federal agents and police swooping down on him.

    Yelling "Allahu Akbar!" -- Arabic for "God is great!" -- Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

    "The threat was very real," said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. "Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale."

    The FBI affidavit that outlined the investigation alleges that Mohamud planned the attack for months, at one point mailing bomb components to FBI operatives, whom he believed were assembling the device.

    It said Mohamud was warned several times about the seriousness of his plan, that women and children could be killed, and that he could back out, but he told agents: "Since I was 15 I thought about all this;" and "It's gonna be a fireworks show ... a spectacular show."

    Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen living in Corvallis, was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. A court appearance was set for Monday. Few details were available about him late Friday.

    Authorities allowed the plot to proceed in order to build up enough evidence to charge the suspect with attempt.

    Officials didn't say if the suspect had any ties to other Americans recently accused of trying to carry out attacks on U.S. soil, including alleged efforts in May by a Pakistan-born man to set off a car bomb near Times Square or another Pakistan-born Virginia resident accused last month in a bomb plot to kill commuters.

    U.S. Attorney Dwight Holton released federal court documents to The Associated Press and the Oregonian newspaper that show the sting operation began in June after an undercover agent learned that Mohamud had been in regular e-mail contact with an "unindicted associate" in Pakistan's northwest, a frontier region where al-Qaida and Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents are strong.

    The two used coded language in which the FBI believes Mohamud discussed traveling to Pakistan to prepare for "violent jihad," the documents said.

    In June an FBI agent contacted Mohamud "under the guise of being affiliated with" the suspected terrorist. But the documents did not say how federal officials first became aware of Mohamud.

    An undercover agent met with him a month later in Portland, where they "discussed violent jihad," according to the court documents.

    As a trial run, Mohamud and agents detonated a bomb in Oregon's backcounry earlier this month.

    "This defendant's chilling determination is a stark reminder that there are people -- even here in Oregon -- who are determined to kill Americans," Holton said.

    Friday, an agent and Mohamud drove to downtown Portland in a white van that carried six 55-gallon drums with detonation cords and plastic caps, but all of them were inert, the complaint states.

    They left the van near the downtown ceremony site and went to a train station where Mohamud was given a cell phone that he thought would blow up the vehicle, according to the complaint. There was no detonation when he dialed, and when he tried again federal agents and police made their move.

    Omar Jamal, first secretary to the Somali mission to the United Nations, condemned the plot and urged Somalis to cooperate with police and the FBI.

    "Talk to them and tell them what you know so we can all be safe," Jamal said.

    Somalia Foreign Minister Mohamed Abullahi Omaar said his government is "ready and willing" to offer the U.S. any assistance it may need to prevent similar attempts. He said the attempt in Portland was a tragedy for Mohamud's family and the "people he tried to harm."

    "Mohamud's attempt is neither representative nor an example of Somalis. Somalis are peace loving people," said Omaar, whose government is holed up in a few blocks of the capital, Mogadishu, while much of the country's southern and central regions are ruled by Islamist insurgents.

    Tens of thousands of Somalis have resettled in the United States since their country plunged into lawlessness in 1991.

    U.S. authorities have been struggling against a recent spate of terror plans by U.S. citizens or residents.

    In the Times Square plot, Faisal Shazhad allegedly tried to set off a car bomb at a bustling street corner. U.S. authorities had no intelligence about Shahzad's plot until the smoking car turned up in Manhattan.

    Late last month, Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Virginia was arrested and accused of casing Washington-area subway stations in what he thought was an al-Qaida plot to bomb and kill commuters. Similar to the Portland sting, the bombing plot was a ruse conducted over the past six months by federal officials.

    And a year ago in another federal sting, 19-year-old Jordanian Hosam Smadi was arrested on charges he intended to bomb a downtown Dallas skyscraper. Federal officials said he placed what he believed was a car bomb outside the building but was instead a decoy device given him by an undercover FBI agent.

  5. I am genuinely sick and tired of waiting.It's been nearly 148 days and still nothing,no touches,no updates,no noa2,and to think this is just the first part of the whole thing and that our embassy is completely booked till march just makes it worse.How is it fair that some people go through the entire process in five months,when some have to wait five months to get their noa 2?I am really about to lose my cool and I think I have earned the right to over the past five months.

    I understand your feelings. Have been going banana myself while waiting for the NOA2. I even vent to visit my love to the Ukraine in the end of October for the weekend. Yes, I left the States on Thursday, arrived to his country late Friday evening and was back home on Tuesday afternoon. To tell you the truth, that trip didn't make things better for both of us. It's soooooooooooooooooooooo hard to say goodbye to your love, ones again not knowing when you would meet.

    I am back home for a month and it was the darkest period of my life. Thanks god I found this site! Some hove i started to see the light again and i got my hope back. There are so many of us in love! Do you feel the energy? We could do it and we will!

    PS. Think about how many people fly through their lives without experiencing a second of loving and being loved. Love worth the fight is in it?

  6. hello! i am on k1 visa too and still waiting for our noa2.My fiance has a job but it does not meet the required income needed for a household of three.I was so worried that i will not be granted a visa during the interview in Manila because of this matter.But 2 of my friends who are now in US assured me that it is not a problem since i can get a cosponsor.My 1st friend's fiance was working in the phils so he did not file taxes in US, so he couldnt provide a tax return which is a requirement in form 134.So he asked his mom as cosponsor and the form she filled up was the one showed during the interview.And there wasnt a problem.She was granted a visa and as i said she is now in US.My 2nd friend was also petition thru k1 with a cosponsor.His fiance lost a job and so he asked his mom as co sponsor.

    So i wonder where u read that post that says cosponsor is not allowed in Phil.Immigration..

    From what I had learned for the K1 visa you have to do the 134 form by your self regardless what your income is and another 134form from your mom, friend or...Form 134 does not allow you to have a cosponsor (simply doesn't have space on the paper for it). I did 2 for myself and a letter from my mom stating that her and my father (because they do taxes together) are going to be my fiance's sponsors. Form 184 is different and it's later down the road.

  7. I agree. I would have gladly paid more money to expedite our case. Like you said, people will "throw money" at making the process move faster. The USCIS is juggling fees to make a dollar. All they need to do is offer more premium processing and if people can afford it, they will jump at the chance. Heck, maybe the fees earned from it would allow them to hire more workers.

    And we just paid extra because starting November 23 2010 the I-129F is gone down in price by $100.00 or so.

  8. Hi there! yeah, we have the same schedule, i just hope they approve it at the end of this month, i think they have processed and approved those NOA1 received as of July 12, 2010, hope ours is next in line. They won't really work on it until it's been 5 mos sitting on the shelf. Oh God, i'm running out of patience. Goodluck!

    Good luck to you too. I am just tired of feeling like i had cried all day long.

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