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Status Updates posted by keysjangle

  1. Hello! :) Just found out my husband used the wrong account number the first time, haha. He's re-paid, and now we wait. Enjoy the weather tomorrow!

  2. Not yet, takes around a week.

  3. No word on a NOA2 yet, unfortunately. We're over the 160 day mark now. All we can do is wait.

  4. He's waiting for his leave approval then he's coming here for three weeks :D Just in time for Christmas, our first wedding anniversary and new years. Going to be a wild time! haha. How are you doing?

  5. Everything is going well, thankfully. Officially a "junior dog walker" now, haha. No word on my NOA2 yet. Mid December will be the 5 month mark! How are you doing?

  6. The interview went well. Going for a test run with a "senior walker" on Friday before I get the final yay or nay. I'm very excited though. Also applied to work at Medieval Times, haha, mostly so I can tell people I work there... the money is good too though.

  7. Congratulations :D Patience is paying off! Things are going well, busy at school and desperately looking for a job haha. Interview with a high-end dog walking group tomorrow :P How are things with you? You might be over the moon.

  8. damn thing cut me off. Yeah, if you've had a chest x-ray before 30 you can opt for an MRI. That's good for me since my medical will give me that chest x-ray so I can hopefully bypass as many mammograms as possible. It's a new policy in Ontario my mom's GP told her about, not sure about QC or the U.S. D: There's also an alternative method, thermography. My mom did this.

  9. haha, didn't mean to put a damper on things lol. I guess not many women know about it or have it although I was told it's pretty common. Makes me wonder what non-lumpies feel like hahaha! Don't get unnecessary mammograms unless you have a reason too. Pumping radiation into already sensitive tissue is risky :S Some places allow you to opt for an MRI if you've had a chest x-ray

  10. Lumpy breasts are no joke!! lol, they can lead to calcification which can increase risk of breast cancer : So it's something I need to keep an eye on. My GP actually suggested I go for a mammogram at 21 :S Anyway! :P I'm used to being apart, and hopefully he'll be here for Christmas/our first wedding anniversary :D You reminded me I need job. Poopoo to that -_-

  11. Everything is good :) I got back to Toronto on Monday, back to real life haha. Still waiting for my NOA2 on the I-130, but it's looking like I'll get it around November. Some people that filed in July are getting them way faster :o

    Nervous for your interview? :P

  12. Thankfully you were prepared for that RFE haha. Yeah, I started seeing it a couple days ago. I can finally fully obsess over it haha.

  13. One day at a time :) Watch, it'll be for something dumb like pen ink colour haha.

  14. What a pain!! What did you get it for?? I'm in the same shoes as you. He wouldn't move because he's in the military - great benefits and security, plus Americans love to hire ex-military. He'd be starting from scratch here. C'est la vie! Good luck on dealing with that RFE quickly :)

  15. Hmm, I made one a couple days ago and it still won't find my case when I put in my receipt number. Strange. I guess I can call them up on Monday and look into it.

  16. haha, that's actually pretty handy. can you see your case on uscis' website yet??

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