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Posts posted by jasoncerri

  1. Nice to know that you are taking a kid too. please don't forget to write a review :)

    I called the medical clinic and they said it takes 3 days, this is, you go to the medical early Monday, for instance, and you get it Wednesday pm. I asked 'what if I go early Friday?' She said 'then you come Monday pm and you can have you interview Tuesday. Call the clinic to ask, but it's not 4 days. We called twice, to make sure

    Are you taking a notarized letter signed by the father?

    Hi Sarah&Michael,

    My next step was to call the clinics, but it looks like you beat me to it! I think I will call them as well and I will let you know if they tell me anything different. Thanks for the good info, as I was actually thinking of doing the same thing on a Friday, so I can use two less days of vacation and save them for later.

    Looking at your timeline, I am looking to schedule the appointment around the same time. I'm probably going to schedule it tonight or tomorrow at the very latest.

    My fiance did get a notarized letter signed by the father that allows her daughter to leave the country and immigrate to the US. At first he didn't want to sign it...but long story short, he eventually did it.

  2. Hi all,

    We are getting ready to schedule our interview, ASC, etc but I had a question. My fiances daughter is coming as well and she needs to do her medical. She is 9 years old. Under the instructions listed on the Juarez consulate website, it states that we should give 4 working days in order for medical results to be processed for children under 14 years old.

    We were thinking of going the week of 4th of July, but I'm not sure if the medical clinics are open. Does anyone know?

    I guess my round-about question is has anyone been through the k-2 medical process and when are the results typically available? If we do the exam on a Monday, would we be okay to do the interview on Thursday, or better to be safe and wait to do it on Friday?

    Thanks all for your input.

  3. u received ur package 2 months after NOA2??? u know why did it take so long?? wow, that's killing my hopes that I am going to get it before july :(

    anyways.... I think once u receive ur package and fill out the forms online and everything u can see the availavility on that same website, have u tried looking that up?

    It's funny because my package 3 just arrived a few days ago, but it is dated May 12. So, it took 3.5 weeks to get from El Paso, TX to SF, CA. Maybe they are using Pony Express! :lol:

    However, if I remember correctly, you can schedule the appointment before receiving the packet, but you want to do it far enough in advance to ensure that the "packet" (it's one page) arrives. I'm not sure if others have tried this, so I don't know if it's recommended to do this or not.

    I haven't gone on the website yet because my fiance is still waiting on her passport, so I just wanted to make sure we had EVERYTHING in hand before going online to do all the scheduling. Since the passport should arrive Friday, (assuming she gets it then) I'll probably just wait until this weekend to go on the website and check it out.

  4. Hi all,

    Just wondering about how soon can you get a k1 appointment at CDJ? We just received packet 3 in the mail, but my fiance is still waiting on her passport. They told her that she could pick it up in person on Friday the 10th, so we expect to have it in 2 days. I do not want to make the appointment without the passport however, just in case there is further delays. We have everything else prepared and ready. So, once we call, how long will we have to wait for an appointment? I heard it was about 2 weeks right now, but that seems awfully fast (but I won't complain if that's the case). Thanks for your help!

  5. Hi, sorry to be a bother again, but if anyone has any info for me, that would be great.

    My fiance had her divorce (in Mexico, divorced from a Mexican citizen) in 2003. She sent me a copy of the Defenitive Sentence from the Lower Municipal court so I sent that with our 129f package. However, she later found that she needed the Final Decree from the Civil Registry so she just recently sent me that instead. We received NOA 2, and are at NVC still.

    The form is kind of confusing, but clearly it states "Fecha de la Resolucion" as July 2003. Does anyone know which we will be required to provide at CDJ? WE can get both, but I am worried that since I have provided the Lower Court copy when I should have provided the Civil Registry copy that it could be a problem, or an RFE, or worse.

    Does anyone have any experience with Mexican divorce documents requirements at CDJ? Thanks everyone.

  6. Does anyone know exactly what documents are required for the interview in CDJ in regards to divorce decrees? I am hearing conflicting info. We are waiting for a form from the Civil Registry, but my fiance has a form from the lower court and I'm not sure what is required by the consulate at CDJ? Thanks if anyone can provide info on this.

  7. hi all,

    my fiance is in the process of getting everything together in anticipation of packet 3 from CD Juarez in a few months. But, I have a question regarding her daughter. I understand that she would need a notarized letter signed by her ex-husband allowing for her daughter to immigrate to the US. My question is how long would that letter be valid?

    He is in her town now, but she fears he may take off soon and she might not get a chance to get him to sign anything. If she gets the letter signed and notarized now, would that still be valid when we have our appointment (presumably this summer - july or august)? Is there an expiration in other words?

    I know this can vary per consulate so if anyone has specific CDJ info, that would be appreciated. Thanks all!

    Also, I should add that I wouldn't mind contacting the consulate directly, but not sure if anyone can guide me on the best way to contact them? I didn't see an email for General inquiries, but I saw contact info for a lot of other requests. Maybe I missed it. I just prefer to email rather than call since it's hard for me to get away from my desk while at work. Thanks.

  8. hi all,

    my fiance is in the process of getting everything together in anticipation of packet 3 from CD Juarez in a few months. But, I have a question regarding her daughter. I understand that she would need a notarized letter signed by her ex-husband allowing for her daughter to immigrate to the US. My question is how long would that letter be valid?

    He is in her town now, but she fears he may take off soon and she might not get a chance to get him to sign anything. If she gets the letter signed and notarized now, would that still be valid when we have our appointment (presumably this summer - july or august)? Is there an expiration in other words?

    I know this can vary per consulate so if anyone has specific CDJ info, that would be appreciated. Thanks all!

  9. Hi moleary,

    I don't know if this will help, but I'll try. I work in HR and this does happen sometimes. First, if you did indeed hand in the form to your HR on Nov 15 as you state, then your HR messed up big time since they did not submit it in a timely fashion to your insurance carrier. That's a big boo-boo on their part. If that is the case, then you need to walk into your HR office and create a fuss because that is unacceptable.

    When we have problems with insurance carriers, we go straight to them and demand that it be fixed. We are a mid-sized company (250 +/- employees) and we have threatened to take our business elsewhere before. Your HR could take that route, it's harsh but it can work. Also, it's an "off the record" type of thing, but usually if you're a decent sized, consistent customer, the insurance carrier will give your company one "exception" per year. Meaning that your HR can mess up one time per year and the insurance company may accept the change as an exception to the rule.

    Also, if you can print something from the mexican.gov website that states the law that extends coverage for 8 weeks in addition to proof of her last day at work in Mexico, then that may suffice as well.

    Basically, if you handed in the form on 11/15, then your HR fouled up big time and they need to be the ones to fix this and initiate conversation with the insurance. If they are incompetent or not helpful, then take it up the ladder in your company as that may light a fire in HR to get this resolved. If you handed in the form on time, you shouldn't be bearing all the work. Your HR needs to contact their people at the insurance company and go up the management chain until they get this resolved. good luck and let me know how it goes.

  10. I concur with Jay-Jay,

    My fiancee will need to travel to Mexico City for that same reason. Do get copies apostilled and then translated afterwords. As always save your trip reciepts for future proof of an ongoing relationship ( both yours & hers bus boarding passes, hotel stays, etc). If you haven't done so, update her copy of the I-129F you sent with the additional NAO1 you received, that way it is updated. I can not think of anything else, but be careful and enjoy your time together!!! Jalisco is a beautiful state and Guadalajara has a lot to offer!

    My best to you!



    Thanks eff, sounds like it's best to get more than one copy just to be safe. I guess she'll need in Juarez and later here in USA, so we'll get a few copies. Lucky for me, that will require travel to Puerto Vallarta. lol, could be a lot worse places to go.

  11. Birth cert not needed when you file the I-129F, it is needed for visa interview, and later in the USA.


    Moving to regional forum.

    Sorry YuAndDan, I should have been clearer, we already filed and I'm trying to start getting things together for the visa interview. She has to travel for this, so I'd like to get the BC now so she doesn't travel alone in certain parts of mexico. Thanks.

  12. In the meantime you can fill out the forms that you will need to bring to the interview.


    It's not at all necessary to do them in advance but if you are looking to put everything in place to be able to go to the interview as soon as your invitation arrives in the packet 3 it's a good idea. Then your fiance can literally receive the invitation letter and jump on a bus/plane to Juarez the same day (which is what we hope to do).

    We continue to collect proof of relationship evidence to bring as well in case they ask for it. Also we got the "carta de antecedentes no penales" or the police clearance report from everywhere my fiance lived for 6 months or more since age 18. He had a few cities to go to and as you probably know they do not conduct this business over the phone or through the mail so we made a fun road trip of it when I was visiting. (The police department tour,haha!)

    And if your fiance doesn't yet have a passport that is a definate priority.

    Besides that, since we love being overly informed, my fiance and I have been reading consolate reviews, looking at maps of Ciudad Jarez and videos on YouTube of the interview process...

    But if you have precious little time to be with your fiance in person forget all this paperwork nonsense for a while and enjoy your time together!!! All of the paperwork can be done online. I even had my fiance go to an internet cafe in Mexico and we were able to use the skype application that allows you to see eachother's screens and talk at the same time while we helped eachother through each form.

    As for the typo on your NOA1 calling them sounds like a good idea but I don't know for sure what the procedure is. Maybe someone else who's dealt with this can be more helpful.

    We are still between NOA2's as well (hopefully only for a few more days...) but that's what we've done to prepare. Hope this helps! Have a great time in Mexico :)

    Thank you C_Maria. I have gone to the Juarez consulate website and checked out the forms and we will just take a look at them together to make sure she can get all the required info without much problems (hopefully). I know we need to get a certified copy of her birth certificate, she lives in Guerrero but was born in Jalisco, so it looks like we will be road-tripping!!! Luckily, she has lived within the same town in Mexico since she was 18 so at least that will be easy.

    I just remember visiting her in October and I didn't have her sign the G-325 a and it took us a while to go back and forth with the form. I don't want to make the same error again! Thanks for your help. I need to post my timeline and get more organized but I got my NOA 1 on 01/04/2011, so I got a ways to wait. Just gotta be patient I guess. Thanks again.

  13. You need to get copies of your birth certificate in Mexico from the office where it was originally registered when you were born, otherwise they won't be true certified copies. My husband had to track down the correct office where his was registered. So yes, I think you will need to make a trip with her to Jalisco. Just go ahead and get a few copies while you are already there. Good luck.

    Thanks Jay-Kay. Anything else I should be thinking about while I'm down there? This will be the last visit until our appt in Juarez. Anticipating/hoping for NOA 2 in early June, so just want to accomplish anything that will help us be as prepared as possible when the date comes. Thanks.

  14. hi all,

    I'm going to see my fiance next month in Mexico. I had a question regarding her birth certificate. I have read through the Mexico portal that the beneficiary needs a birth certificate that is aposlted. Is that correct? I'm a bit confused. She was born in a different state so if she needs to get that, then I may go with her since long distance bus travel isn't always safe for a woman by herself. She was born in Jalisco state, now living in Guerrero. Thanks if anyone can clear that up.

  15. Hi all,

    just random questions. I have received NOA1 and will be traveling next month to visit my fiance. Is there anything I should be working on or getting prepared while I'll be there? I'm just trying to get ahead and be as prepared as possible, but I know much of the tasks ahead require waiting for NOA2, which won't be here any time soon.

    Also, on the NOA1, under "Country of Birth", it says Unknown. I reviewed all paperwork and I did indeed put Mexico in all proper boxes, no abbreviations. What to do there? Just call the Customer Service number and inquire with them? Thanks everyone for your help.

  16. Great, thanks for all the info. Well...almost there and a few more questions.

    What do you reccomend for previous employment portion? Some of the addresses don't fit in the box provided so not sure if I should use some abbreviations or put the complete info on an attached sheet. If I do that, should I just write "See Attachment #3" or whatever?

    Lastly (I think) for the USC 325a, what do I put towards the bottom where it asks "This form is submitted in connection with an application for: ?"

    Do I feel anything out on the USC form? I know on the immigrant, I mark Other, then write I 129 f, but not sure if I just leave the USC form blank?

    Thanks a lot everyone. Really appreciate it.

  17. Hi all. I'm sorry to bring this up again as I have seen several threads on it and seems like the answer depends.

    So, question is G 325a, signed or unsigned by foreign fiance? Specifically, we'll be going through Mexico, if that makes a difference.

    I have seen both yes and no answers on this, so almost ready to send the packet and nervously triple checking all things.

    I have been thinking to be safe on this one, scan it to her, she prints and signs then sends back to me via DHL since she needs to send me her passport photos anyways. Not sure if this is a good idea or unnecessary? Thanks for any advice on this.

  18. Hi all,

    I'm new here and so far have found the site extremely helpful. I have some general questions and not sure the answers. Any help or reference is greatly appreciated.

    1) In filling out the G-325a. Where I live now (present address) is not where I want the corresponding info sent. I am in an apartment and moving soon, but my parents' house is nearby and would much rather have all info sent to their house (a more permanent address). How do I make that clear to them. Also, in the same area, in the address section on the 129F, in Part A, would I fill out my present address or use my parent's address?

    2) The passport photos I need to send with the packet. Do those need to be the same photo that is currently in my US passport? Or do I just go get the photos taken soon and use those?

    3) Lastly, on 325a, where they ask about employment for the last 5 years. Should we put in any gaps in employment? I have about an 11 month gap in employment. At this time I was traveling abroad and actually met my fiance as luck would have it. :D Do I need to put anything to explain the gap, or just go on to the next job?

    Okay, I think that's it for now. Thank you for any help you can give.

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