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no more

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Posts posted by no more

  1. So, our process is almost finished. I submitted the DS230 about 2 weeks ago. Now, I am severely depressed every time I talk to my husband because I want him to be here so badly and it feels like this process will never end. I know we are at the end of the process but, this is the hardest time I have had through all of it. I don't know how to get out of this funk. He keeps telling me it will be okay because he will be here within the next 2 months. But I feel like time is dragging and it will never happen. Has anyone felt this way? I am trying to remain optimistic. However, it is so hard.

    I totally Understand your feelings.....When we got our interview date it was 2 1/2 months after we learned about the date. I felt the same about the time moving so slow...I had to get my anxiety under control ...I am a photographer and so what i did was take a photo of each sunset everyday. Counting down my last sunsets without him. It kept me from overthinking it. Just line things up for him to come and do. It can be an exciting time! you have the largest wait time behind you and sometimes its hard to believe the waiting is almost done! You can do this!!!! What small city is he from?

  2. Hi fellow orlando area couple! Ok here is the skinny on disney/ universal/seaworld. You have to get in with them, they rarely hire for a high up position from the outside. But if he gets in with disney(ex) he will be exposed to the internal job boards and that is where he can get a better job. He will have to do some entry level stuff , its not a easy market. Also online job hunting is hard, they get,soooooo many resumes that most arent ever looked at. I personally believe that going into every business, insist on speaking to manager just to hand resume directly to them , so they can have a face with a name! This is a good way to stand out!

  3. He was hesitant and rebellious. He woudl tell me that he was reluctant to give up his life in his country because he has everything there and nothing here. And no matter how much I tried to reassure him, he was not convinced. He first started to talk to me horribly and go out all the time. Then, in October, before the interview in November he completely changed. He was home all the time and making arrangents to sell his car and finalze things there so he could come here. I thought everything was getting better and it was nerves or normal doubt. Occassionally he would have these mood swings of happiness to anger and I was worried....but people told me I was over reacting so I blew it off. In the back of my mind I knew something wasn't right though...but not enough to think he'd do this. The big thing that struck me as odd was that we had waited almost 3 months for his visa to be issued and delivered and I he told me that as soon as it arrived he'd leave immediately because he was dying to see me. Then it arrived, and weeks passed....with very poor excuses as to why he wasnt coming. I was in the dark...no idea what to think. It was a confusing time. There were many signs, looking back, but I didn't see them because I wanted him here, I loved him, I love him.....so I played blind. And now I'm paying for it.

    Very Sorry to hear you are going through this. We all give our loved ones the benefit of the doubt...we all know when we go through this process its very stressful sometimes brings the crazy in us out so we accept these actions. You did nothing wrong you were being supportive of him. I hope you can find peace soon. I am sending you positive thoughts....

  4. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for the respose. You mention that no one asked what you meant with that comment, however if you will review the initial post made by Mari to which I commented on today, she directly asked what the intent or meaning was behind the statement you made. Michelle, you state that no one asked you, then you just stated here you are amazed that you were attacked with questions Which is it? Were you not asked or were you attacked with questions? Furthermore, in no way did I "attack" you, in fact, I stated that possibly you were having a bad day or something to the like. I in no way made any reference to you being a bad person and as you so clearly stated, in that I don't know you, this was the reason I implied benefit of doubt in relation to your initial comment. Additionally, I appreciate that you confered with your husband regarding what you refer to as a common saying however other individuals, my husband, myself and also I'm sure other Ameri-Turks took offense especially considering that you were asked for clarification to your comment to which we received a defensive attitude from you as opposed to an answer. Again, I was not responding to Mari's post to entice an apology from you, rather simply to express my feelings and opinion regarding the comment made. However, like I said, it appears that you were under and continue to be under a great deal of stress same as the rest of us, that the comment was made in haste and I appreciate the apology and it is forgiven.

    Also, would you please clarify what you mean in reference to, "but really if you want to be seen as a unit," which unit are you referencing please?

    THe comment was not made in haste it was made as all other people on here write their bad days and their good days...ALso I did write that it was not directed at anyone. ANd that it had to do with me. So me explaining in full personal detail as to why was not something I had to do. matter of fact that I even wrote an email to Mari after she attacked me on my personal page and then to air it in the forum was not called for. I did not say the attack came from you but from Mari. But the furthering the "problem" by putting it out here when the moderator even sees it as unnecessary. THat saying had nothing to do with anyone coming to the country as Mari likes to believe and it was FAR FETCHED! The apology is not for the status it was for you being made feel uncomfortable. As I am finished with this subject. My life is not the AMERI TURKS..this is a group ..my life is my husband and my daughter and our extended family. I hope everything turns out as you want in your life...asfor me...I will be not commenting or participating in this group. I havent attacked anyone in here and we will just go on what the moderator said..it was uncalled for.

  5. Hi Mari

    I agree I took great offense to seeing these words, honestly it saddens me. All of us are dealing with varying degrees of struggle through this process and this process is hard enough and disheartening as it is ! This forum has always been, in my opinion like a safe haven, a place to come to gather support from other Ameri-Turks. It is unfortunate to see people speaking like this, unable to realize the forturne that they have been blessed with to have their significant others here with them. Hopefully, she was just having a bad day and hopefully more careful consideration will be given to word choice by HER in regards to her association with the Ameri-Turk family and take into consideration that anything any of us say in these types of public forums are a direct representation of all of us. It is unfortunate that it has now been posted publically words such as those. Anyway, Mari thanks for posting your thoughts on this subject and for bringing this to our attention. Hopefully from this she will learn a little bit of sensitivity and how to be politically correct and observant and respectful of others religious beliefs, associations and cultural diversities.

    Hugs and Thanks

    First off I am sorry TUana you took offense. THis is a common saying here and had NOTHING TO DO with anything the Muslim faith. Since no one has asked me what it meant...Here it is....I am working my self into the ground and taking a 3rd a job that will make sure that my family is ok till Bahadir can work. So in my life this is something i never thought i would have to do...Hence the When Pigs fly...Because they never will. But i came back with start flapping..meaning I have to get all the energy i have to make this all happen. But to get such a idea that i am meaning against anyone and not even being asked what i meant is what is offensive. Since the AMERI TURKS are suppose to be encouraging i find it amazing i was attacked with question. ANd Yes Bahadir and I are lucky and we push every day and I am thankful. But This is a common saying and after speaking to my husband who is turkish about my saying this he said the same. It is a saying. I am assured by my husband this word is not against anyone saying. SO I am sorry you were offended...but really if you want to be seen as a unit I would definitely keep the attack down to a minimum....and if you actually knew me you would know how off base this has been blown up. AGAIN I apologize. ANd anyone on here who actually has interaction with me would know this is so offbase!

  6. inappropriate comment that appears to be designed to start an argument has been removed.

    My Status was not directed at someone. It was a common saying....and the saying was not even discussed it was outright assumed it was about someone. Reaction was on my page and in forum. All she had to do was ask me what it meant and i would have said...but to be attacked at someones assumptions is more of a high school reaction then a normal reaction to a saying we all have said.....wasntmeant to dig at anyone and sorry it was taken wayyyyyyyy out of context.

  7. Michelle?

    aka: "The Gulers"

    What did you mean when you said on your profile page, "When Pigs Fly..." and then added, ".... Start Flying" ??

    Did you mean that when a foreigner, or Yabanci, immigrates to the United States, for the USC's to run???

    Seriously, it was degrading to others and I sincerely hope you did not mean that for ANY of the AmeriTurks, or the Muslim Community!


    WHERE IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU GET YOUR STATEMENT FROM MY STATUS????????? That doesnt even make sense.....Really you should PM someone and find out reason before you assume something so far fetched.....unreal

  8. No one can say with certainty how an adjudicating officer will act. With a joint sponsor there may be less scrutiny of the petitioner's I-864. USCIS won't share information with the IRS.

    The biggest potential problem in this scenario is at an interview if the OP is asked about their spouse's work. If their answer does not match the information provided (and the interviewing officer is really paying attention to the information presented in the petitioner's affidavit of support) it is a possible problem.

    Not being truthful (lying) at the interview can have significant consequences. Worst case scenario: material misrepresentations (lying) can result in a ban.


  9. I take it you have been through the AOS process yourself?

    I am startingit.....and exactly why are you singling me out...Otherpeople on this thread are saying this is a problem. Either way NOT filing your taxes will come back on them. And asothers have stated that this can be a problem. SHe is worried because she has cause to be worried. Whether with USCIS or IRS....take your pick.....

  10. Who will he have a hard time explaining to? If you are referring to the IRS then I agree, but they are not involved here the USCIS is.

    The USCIS will simply be looking to see if they have a qualified sponsor and ultimately an approvable I-485. They will not be making judgement calls about someone's tax filing compliance or non compliance, it is not there job.

    Yes but he has to turn in his Tax returns as well even if they get a sponsor and USCIS will not do anything tohim, but can cause them not to be believed. This is about them getting through AOS. And he will have to submit his information too. BUt with no information...that can cause aproblem.

  11. I am guessing you came here and you guys got married ....then doing AOS. But he willhave a hardtime explaining why he has a job and not filing taxes. we all have to file individually...he would get a 1099 and file if he is a contractor and they pay him without taking taxes. Him getting letters from his employers may raise questions as to why he doesnt file taxes. I would get ajoint sponsor....if i was you!

  12. Yes here is space for the native alphabet. Just a heads up when he arrives here his last name will not include any Umlat or other marks as government offices will not include on any document. We just went through that here. So just write both. As for the job situation. Just show both jobs,there is no issue with overlapping of jobs. Bahadir had more then 2 jobs and usually at the same time. We had no issues and he is here now in America! You are doing great...if you need anything letmeknow.....We are on AOS stage so I know how you are feeling rightnow!

  13. Hi, I came to the UK to marrie my wife.

    Aug, will be 2 years that i been here

    and now i am wanting to go back home to the states.

    I know i will need A joint sponsor for her and the 2 girls.

    We will be going back to my mom's and dad's

    would my mom beable to be the joint sponsor.

    please help.

    YOu can use anyone. The income level must be for 3(wife and 2 girls) plus co sponsor. Good luck!!!

  14. Any emotional or physical connection with another human that is not your mate is cheating. Emotional sometimes can be worse because you are not sharing this with your partner. Its better to talk to each other and solve. ANY Cheating will lead me to not be with someone. I know a case where the man is not saying he is cheating but is. He will not succeed. Infidelity always comes out. And only way to make through these situations is to be HONEST...and put the other person first! Once someone cheats on you...they will do again.

  15. Here in florida they show that they need a social....But they will take your Passport. Its all they need!!!!! Just go to the office! Also Bahadir and I went to SS office 2nd day he was here and the lady at office said he will get in few weeks....You dont have to wait. Make sure you take your I94 to social security office!

  16. POE WAS INSANE!!!! He landed at 5:05 and I was there. Waited for 4 and half hours and i was last person in airport. They were closing the shuttle from terminals and i called the immigration office and they said, Everyone is gone. No one is here. I started crying. I had no idea what to do! So i went down to the delta desk because they are linked to airfrance. And the lady says why are you crying. I told her My fiance was suppose to be on airfrance flight. he would have gone through immigration. She said we arent suppose to do this but we are going to see where he is. So she called big boss and he gotinto airfrance records. And said yes he got on flight. He must be here. I was like where?? NO one is in main room . She says relax go walk around. ANd we will call him. Well i had him paged 3 times before no luck. So I walked over to the starbucks because i told him if i miss you somehow go to the starbucks do not leave. We had been checking there all night. We get to the starbucks. I was crying. He was no where. I turned around, and i see him far away from me and he opens his arms. I started crying in relief he was here. I ran to him. He was in immigration when i called. and he had JUST got out. It was insane really!!!

    Bahadir and I are really doing great! We have found a great groove at home! We laugh and smile all the time! We are getting married in 1 week~~~wooooooooohoooooooooooooooo

  17. Hi!

    My fiancee's visa has been approved, we're just waiting to get the passport with the visa. But we don't know if we should get her a one way ticket or a round trip one for her to come into the US, because round trips are (obviously) almost twice as expensive as the one way ones and we are very short on money. I would think she could use a one way because the idea of a fiancee visa is to get married and apply for residency, but since it is a "nonimmigrant" visa, there might be a problem when she gets to customs, right?

    Can anyone help me out?

    Thanks, and good luck to you all

    Actually every flight we found 1 way was at least 200 more then the round trip. Go figure! We did a round trip and will cancel second leg once he arrives. If you can find a cheap 1 way jump on it. But in the last week we could not find one! THere are great sites out there. DO your comparison shopping and also go directly to the airlines! GOod luck on finding a good price! ANd good luck on her POE!!! Congrats!

  18. BahaChell:

    Wondering if you got a good price on the flights being he's leaving so close to the interview (Airline last minute deal maybe?) If so, please let us know which airline you both found to be best as there are a few of us headed back over! I tend to find better deals if they flight is a min of 2 weeks out from the day I book. At any rate, if you didn't get a good deal (aka: expensive lol), then probably a good thing you got 2 jobs sistah! LOL!! Hope his flight is very enjoyable and relaxing because I think he's in for a wild ride when he sees you miss meowie! :whistle::devil:

    LMAO!!! We found deals! $845 for last minute! Onetravel.com he could have come tomorrow for 800 ....Its not bad right now. But check airfrance, KLM...these were to 2 we found deals with too! Luckily I have a man who pulls his weight! I hope he is able to sleep on the flight here:) We got lucky to and found a flight directly into Orlando so that is his POE . Very happy about that. When you heading back??

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