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Posts posted by jimmysmitts

  1. Once again, Jack NAILS it on the head.

    Yes, men of means and not pikers or brokety broke beer bums are more attractive to the lovely ladies of the Philippines, but ALL relationships are exploitative in nature. We seek what we want from others. So if a 45 year old American gets tired of the Old Nag Hag Bag Americana types, he goes over seas and is INSTANTLY treated as if he was Brad Pitt to the young, nubile and beautiful Filipinas. It is up to the man how far he opens his wallet. If he gets what he wants from her, then she has the right to get what she wants from him, and BOTH are satisfied. Then things worked out fine and they are in love.

    Drama Kings here just don't get how the world works. :whistle:

    >ALL relationships are exploitative in nature

    All relationships are exploitative but somethings you get from the relationship are considered taboo in our culture. Like money (e.g gold digger). No one would care if what you were getting from the relationship was affection, intelligent conversation, etc.

  2. I see the wanting help family as a positive and a sign of good character in my fiancée. I think the problem I have is when that goes overboard to the point it hurts our own family trying to help someone else, then compounds that by the fact they are ungrateful and expect / require it bothers me.

  3. Two, help your fiancee educate her parents/family. It is a common misconception among Filipinos that most Americans/Westerners are rich. Help them understand where you're coming from and what you have. Sometimes, they're just concerned you might not be able to support or give their daughter a good life. They just don't know how to express their thoughts. Like the previous posters said, we Filipinos are very relational and family-oriented. We test/measure/equate intentions with material things or external gestures. Gifts or support (money) could mean to your future in-laws a better life, a responsible or generous husband for their daughter.

    Exactly! Well said.

  4. I am dealing with a somewhat disturbing issue and hope that some of you may advise me. I met and am engaged to a wonderfu girl from the Philippines. We have files a K1 visa and are in the early stages. All seems good between us. BUT, according to the fiance', her parents think that I am 'rich' and have been continually pressuring my fiance for money for support, new appliances etc. Mind you, they haven't had the courtesy to wait until we are married.

    The fiance', her brothers, and sister (who is married and here) are all apparently supporting the parents to some extent. I don't mind sending some xmas gifts, birthday, etc, but I really object to taking on "another monthly payment."

    The whole support discussion almost caused me to leave the Philippines early when I visited and tell the whole family to "take a hike". I am coming off of a divorce in which my ex basically almost bankrupted us several times, so money is a real touchy issue.

    I really don't know how to deal with this! The whole Philippine, support thing is totally backwards in my opinion. It seems the parents want their kids cut short their education and get to work and send money. In our culture, the parents want a better life for the children, and are happey when the daughter marries someone that can provide for them. Here it seems thay just want a handout -- very repugnant!

    Let me say that I do have a stable job (25 years) and am able to save, but I WILL NOT be made to feel that any prosperity that we may have in our marriage must be sent "back home."

    I feel that I must deal with this up front in order to be able to trust my new wife. I would hate to give her a debit card and realize that she had sent several hundred to the family w/o my knowlege.


    I have some of the same issues. The best thing I can suggest is setting clear expectations in a harsh manner. I say harsh because I have noticed Filipinos will bend you over and take you for all you are worth if you are nice (they will do this with a smile on their face). How? Her family charged beer and household supplies to my hotel account with out my knowledge. I paid it and told them nicely to never do it again. They did.. Then I turned harsh I refused to pay the tab and sat there for 4 hours in the lobby until they paid the tab. Told them if they ever did it again I would inform the hotel staff and have them removed.

    I have chosen to give her mother who is a widow a small amount of money for food and groceries to help out. The brother then stopped giving any money to her and told her she would have to get money from me. I called his bluff and stopped sending money and when he asked I told him she is his mother and she can starve for all I care. He started giving her money again.

    I am lucky that for the most part I can trust my fiancée with money around her family although she has fallen into the guilt trap with them and I always keep one eye on my bank account (to quote Reagen "trust but verify"). You will need to trust her at some point (you are marrying her) be honest with her about your concerns chances are if she is anything like my fiancée she is ashamed of it and feels stuck.

    I also send them information on my finances so that they do not think I am a filthy rich american and I am just being an a-hole. If you do have an abundance of money and her family is not lazy but is struggling and you choose not to help them but instead buy a BMW then you are an a-hole. I love my fiancée and she loves her family seeing her upset over them struggling makes me upset and want to help. Her family members are extremely hard workers and I helped them move rice in the family store and some are school teachers so it is not just a matter of them laying around not working and drinking beer.

    Just think of it like this if you do not let them know how much money you have imagine you had a rich uncle that you thought had 100 million dollars and you were working 10 hours a day struggling to support a family on 30k a year. The uncle never gave you money or gifts but knew you were struggling, what would you think of him? Now if you knew your uncle really only had 100k and had monthly expenses of 99k lived modestly and worked 10 hours a day to support his own family you might not think any less of him. (sorry i think a rambled a little on this point)

    I also financed a new store for them so they could do more than just rely on me for money but actually have a new revenue stream. I have visited them twice and checked on the store, I also require receipts just to make sure they are following through.

    TLDR; You marry a filipina you marry the whole family.. if you are not ok with this leave now.

  5. That's exactly what I was looking for. Seeing it directly from Delta assures me that's what I need to do. Thanks for the link.


    Just another note someone clued me in that PAL has first time immigrant pricing that you can get through local travel agents. She was quoted $690 with a valid k-visa with cash. That would be a flight from Davao to SFO, :thumbs:

    Also it would seem like PAL charges more from the website when you are ordering from USA when checking prices from the Philippines it showed it in PHP and the same flight number was a couple hundred dollars cheaper.


  6. I expedited for medical conditions. The government is there to serve the people and for no other reason. Furthermore we pay them directly for the service so it most definitely not a privilege. :huh:

    Basically I submitted the expedite by calling the USCIS number and then sent my support evidence from the doctor. Heard nothing for 31 days, emailed them to follow up on the status since it has been 30 days. No response to the emails. If I don't get a response I am suppose to email the central office and wait another 21 days. If I still do not get a response they have an additional email for me to send and wait 21 days. :bonk:

  7. It is really frustrating to me that you can't talk to anyone VSC and emails just go ignored. :angry:

    I am almost two month into an expedite and I have still not been denied or accepted. Every step in the process they just wait out the time limit and pass it on to someone else who does the same.

    The worst part is we are paying for this service. :bonk:

  8. "USCIS Service Centers

    If you contacted the National Customer Service Center with a case-related inquiry and more than 30 days have passed and you have not received a response, you may email the appropriate USCIS Service Center with your inquiry:

    * California Service Center: csc-ncsc-followup@dhs.gov

    * Vermont Service Center: vsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov

    * Nebraska Service Center: ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov

    * Texas Service Center: tsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov

    If you do not receive a response within 21 days of contacting the Service Center, you may contact the USCIS Headquarters Office of Service Center Operations by email at SCOPSSCATA@dhs.gov.

    See the Customer Tools box to the left for additional resources available online."


    just a bit of googling, folks

    That is what I was looking for thanks much. I did google it but I must not have fed google the right thing. :thumbs:

  9. So I submitted an expedite request for medical reasons and it has been over a month and no response. Is there a way to expedite the expedite? :bonk:

    Is there a way to check on the expedite? I called USCIS and got nothing but scripted answers and was told not to call back. VSC is the one actually processing it but there is no customer service for them?

    I mailed the documents requested to:


    75 Lower Welden Street

    Saint Albans VT 05479-0001

    I have a referral ID but the status check on the USCIS website doesn't take it.

  10. I am sorry about your mother's illness (F)

    You can try to send the expedite based on humanitarian reasons with the doctor's letter as proof. At least you can try, though I doubt that they would expedite your case... Best wishes!

    Ok, thank you for all your quick advise, I will try faxing an expedite request based on humanitarian reasons. If it would not hurt the process I see no reason not to request it even if there is a high likelihood that it will be denied.

  11. Not sure if this is the correct location it is not a normal visa question.

    My mother is dying from cancer and has maybe 3-5 months left. My fiance is one month into the process of getting her k1 visa. I am afraid she will never be able to meet my mother before she dies.

    My question is if I have a written notice from a doctor stating my mothers condition is there any way to get her here faster? or would they be more likely to grant a tourist visa if we show proof of my mothers illness?


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