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Status Updates posted by glockman51

  1. Thank you you too guys!!!!!

  2. 182 days and we finally got NOA2!!! I really need to jump a few times out of something moving really fast at 13000 feet tomorrow just to calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. marklovetina
    3. Nick&Elena
    4. glockman51


      Thanks guys!! I got to tell you it feels so good to wake up in the morning,no more guessing and waiting!!!:) WE GOT IT:))))))))))))

  3. Thank you we still cant belive it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been on the phone and skype for past 8 hours!!!!!!!!!

  4. Бывает хуже:) Murphys law in full affect

  5. We did not see each other In 7 months and 5-9 hour a day phonecalls don't help much :)

  6. It sucks few couples that were behinde us got approved. So we are checking the site and email every few hours. Its getting exiting:) Its all about positive outlook, yes we have not seen eachother and its driving us crazy but it will be over soon.

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